Who was the highest level human to ever live?

Who was the highest level human to ever live?

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What were his stats?

Genghis Khan grinded pretty hard.

Lvl.100 Summoner

Attila or Genghis Khan



Siddhartha Gautama

He was broken though. Exploited glitches.

Low HP though
Beta testers don't count

George Washington. He weighed a fucking ton.

mirror this jesus

He's coming.

Alcibiades, how the fuck else did he have such amazing physical stats *and* all those points in diplomacy and bluff?

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I heard he had two sets of testicles, so divine.

Alexander the Great.

Jeanne Calment has the highest recorded level but I think Zyzz had the best stats

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Got nerfed way too soon.

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Jesus doesn't count, he was the son of mod

Solomon maybe?

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this player's exploits were greatly exaggerated, iirc.

>Low HP thought
Bullshit. He must have maximum points into con to be able to rape all those princesses every fucking day. Lesser men would have died of exhaustion long before.

Those guys that dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki are probably the top 2 people in the K/D ratio leaderboards.

the guy was a diplomat, not a warrior

Pol Pot, the most efficient killer of all time

>implying it's not Adam Smith


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genghis. he got himself the most 1ups and painted most of the map.

Literally what did this guy even do besides fuck a lot of bitches?

Highest K/D: Stalin
Highest overall score: Genghis Khan
Highest HP: Rasputin

Survived a shitton of stuff

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helped wipe out the Roamnoffs and was impossible to kill