Are you excited for Deviljho in Monster Hunter World?

Are you excited for Deviljho in Monster Hunter World?

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Can someone tell me what end game looks like in this game? I've put almost 1000 hours into MH as a whole, but I don't feel like there's anything left for me to do after tempered monsters appear except hunt for decorations. Am I wrong in this?

It's hunting decos and weapon augmentations and setting challenges for yourself.

>2 hours of content
adding in all the rotating Arena Quests permanently would get me more "excited"

grinding straight double attack power Elder Dragons for 1 to 3 stones that you use to augment your weapon with either 7 raw, 10% affinity, 1 decoration slot or the broken health restoration on attacks
then for the decorations, you're on another fixed table where you exploit save duplication and "see" into your future table to snipe the decorations you want off the lady by quest cycling. this method is far more efficient compared to straight grinding
lazy, underwhelming shit which I don't think they'll even fucking fix at G-Rank

>Are you excited for Deviljho in Monster Hunter World?
Little bit of column A, a whole lot of column B. On one hand it's a cool addition and bodes well for the future, but on the other hand all of my hunts are now going to solely consist of Deviljho and Bazelgeuse because invasive monsters are the worst fucking addition.

Invasive monsters have been a thing tho

Don't get why anyone is excited for jho, he was always boring as fuck to fight unless it was the savage version and even then I'd rather be fighting something else. Basically just a meme status monster because of 3 babbies.

dead game

stop talking about MHWorlds, it was supposed to flop

>being excited for one monster after 2 months

the state of vanilla fags

Obviously? Doesn't change the fact that Betel-juice is way too overdone in his appearance rate and doesn't work well in the new maps.
They'd be fine on their own if they were just like regular monsters, but Bazelgeuse's nigh on guaranteed appearance tied with his penchant for following you ruins most hunts in High Rank.

Haven't picked it back up since I hit tempered monsters and realized I'm min-maxing for no reason. Who cares if I can kill Nergigante faster then before?

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Nigga just toss some dung bombs. Alternatively, let him smash into your target a few times and then watch him take off on his own.

There real question is the release format they are going to pick for adding G-rank.

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Not particularly. I never played MH4U, thinking of picking that up.

Minmaxing your armor and hunting shit to dick around like every other MH

Have you collected the semi-hidden canteen ingredients from nodes which only appear during flourishing and upsurging events?

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I'm more excited for a PC release

>Playing Monster Hunter World

I'm sorry, I don't play bad games.


You're misinterpreting my posts, user. I'm not saying he's hard to deal with or a bad monster by any means, in fact I like fighting him along with his battle theme.
I'm just saying they need to tone down how frequent he his, because it actively ruins other monster's fights. Adding another invasive monster like Jho is just going to make it worse.

I will be in October

I fuckin love this guy's animations

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This boss was meh in mh4u what is there to get excited about?

I haven’t, please elaborate.

NCH has been around longer than 80% of Sup Forums's population. He knows memes.

I need to get this but just the bit with him running.

I think I need two more, one fish and one vegetable or whatever. No idea where to get them. I'll have to go out gathering again.

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End game is grinding like in every MH.

Be happy to not have the MH3U shit where you are fucked if you created your save 1 second too early and are now stuck in the shittiest charm table where you can't even get a lot of good charms, no matter how much you play.

Also the game gets constant updates over the year. If you think you are done for now, just wait for the next big update.

The end game of monster Hunter world sucks dick. I probably won't bother to turn it back on for one monster. They really could have capitalised on all that hype.

The QOL changes severely stunt the length of the game. I've been playing through MHXX on Citra and I had to kill low rank Seregios 15 times to get enough parts for 3 armor pieces and his GS. Monsters in World are loot pinatas, you kill them 3 times and you have enough parts to make the entire set plus multiple weapons.

The endgame is lackluster but the maps are so complex I still don't have my brain wrapped around all of them. Taking a no-hud naked expedition is still a good time.

You're exaggerating up your fucking ass and you know it.

>Hey guys i got lucky with RNG obviously the entire game is like this xd!!!

I think I'm gonna build a new bowgun

Is zorah's gun fun?

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Here's what I got for a normal Seregios kill, only broke wings because I was going for Wingtalons.

Compare that to any of the MHW endscreens, it's a joke.

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>d-dlc will save World!
>3 months later and still no dlc in sight
Thanks Capcom!

I want to play, hurry up with the PC version please.

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It's bad because I already tried it out for a bit on PS4 and now I've got a taste for it.

>next big update
We haven't had the first one. One monster is not a fucking "big" update. It's bullshit.

>what are Investigations
>what are Daily Tickets
>what are Golden Prints

You have to absolutely SUCK at Monster Hunter if you complain about grinding and RNG. Literally get fucking gud faggot so your hunts don't last 10 to 15 minutes every time, retard.

Stop playing this game.
Stop coming to these threads.
Stop posting.

>mfw missed the event 'cos of KCD
I wanted noodle head.

More excited for the balance changes. Maybe the Hunting Horn won't suck now.

It'll be back in April during the Spring event

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I wanted to play 3U again but boy that charm table stuff is a big turn-off.

I wonder if I can just cheat myself custom charms in the Wii U emulator.

Can't wait to see how they fucked up his move set too.

not really, because MHWorld ran out of content for me like 7 weeks ago, another 2-3 hours of stuff to do doesn't get me hard when it feels like coming back to the game is a chore.

Does elementless work on blowguns if you're not carrying elemental ammo?

Kinda. Dunno what to expect because this is my first MH game.

Judging by the general consensus on here, I'm gonna get butt-fucked.

Deviljho's not that bad, the key is to butt-fuck him instead, as in, space yourself behind it, it favors attacking forward, and don't get near it's face when it's exhausted, it's saliva is what inflicts Defense Down.

but, if that happens, use an armor seed, any defense buff overwrites the status.

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He's not THAT bad. He's just a hungie boy looking for dindins.

Or just use three of the hundreds of defense down guard decorations everyone has.

I hate this cunt so fucking much

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what's the fucking point? in overcoming the status you give yourself a buff in the process, it's practically beneficial to not have Iron Skin.

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>Broken health restoration on attack

Tell me more. Is that Nerg set bonus?

They should call dung pods "bazel snacks" because you shoot one in his mouth after he whomps on whatever you're fighting.

Where the fuck is it?

How do I git gud at Monster Hunter? I just hit g-rank in XX and everything is kicking my fucking ass.

How does the "negate status ailments" effect on the teostra HH work? Is it a buff that prevents them or is it something I have to play to remove an ailment? And does it work for poison/para/sleep or just blights?

is it coming out tomorrow night?

People like him due to the personality and concept of the monster, fight wise Jho is honestly kind of boring. He's really fucking slow and you're going to spend most of the fight tremored and wacking away at his legs because he's too fucking tall.

How do I get more Attack gems?

I recognize those pixels!

You restart with the opposite gender and a new weapon

>got the game friday

I don't even want to know what I missed.

Kill RNGesus

Wiggler Hat, sunglasses, armor that makes you look like Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawards, a crappy bow based on Aloy's bow, and a suit that makes your Palico look like a machine from Horizon.

All the previous events are coming back in April for the Spring festival thing though.

I can already fight Deviljho, and the rest of the best monsters in the series in MHXX. Still love you guys though

How can I get the serious handler to be my partner instead of that retard?

I'll keep that in mind. His look does interest me DESU, I thought Anjanath was a bit of a disappointing dino with his wings and weird nose bone.

>mfw gonna get a way better wyversnipe on that big dumb pickle than anyone on Sup Forums

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you missed out ryu armor from SF5 too

That was an early access thing for people with SF5 saves on their system. They're bringing it back for everyone later.

yeah but you can always ask people who has it to host

Hes probably in this thread right now. Hes clearly a veteran of Sup Forums.
But ya, his videos never fail to entertain. Godspeed to him

I am hyped, but honestly I expected more out of him to mess up Bazel.

So is Deviljho just another brute wyvern type like Anjanath, but he invades as well?

But you have to agree that high rank should have had reduced amount of drops

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He's THE brute wyvern.

>Nergigante flares

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I'm excited for Funlance buffs.

I'm trying to make an artillery III charm but teostra won't drop a damn gem and I'm saving my gold print for jho stuff.

Savage Jho was actually fast and menacing

Any idea what sorts of skills will be on the deviljho armor? Does it usually have the same stuff game-to-game?

Where are Steel Wyverian Prints? I thought they come with limited bounties but none of the ones this week list them.

Handicraft, attack up, raise hunger

is Divine Blessing a crutch skill?

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As much as any defensive skill is. Probably not as much as health boost since it's random.

>he doesn't like white sharpness

Oh wait, only one piece of the Vangis set in 4U gives handicraft +3

I'd say so, I know there's that webm floating around of a guy taking scratch damage from a supernova because divine blessing kicked in

Not sure why you'd need it though, MHW is the easiest entry since P3

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>At least I wasn't using a crutch skill!

G Rank? Oh boy wait till you meet hyper monster and super deviant variant. You'll know real rape by then. Your end game weapon is like wet paper to them.

Have you solo'd hyper/supers before? Any tips?