Is it bad that I actually want Sans in Smash?

Is it bad that I actually want Sans in Smash?

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Is it bad that I actually want to Smash in Sans?

yes, go away

Is it bad that I actually want to Smash in Sans' impossibly emoting skull

No. It's not.

he's basically 100% guaranteed to be in smash now. don't worry

>not wanting to fucking gaster blast people in the face

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Is it bad I want to smash Sans

Yes, it's fucking retarded.


I find it silly that people think this. I find all of this talk of Sans being in the next Smash Bros. silly.

Reminder that Chara did LITERALLY nothing wrong!

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explain my dear user

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No, he's an okay choice.

go fuck yourself.

yes, its bad that you and the rest of the fanbase for this game dont realize that the game sucks and it will never be more than it was
there wont be a 2nd
there wont be easter eggs or references to that game from any other game, ever

No, deep down everyone wants to watch the internet burn.

Yes. Fuck off back to tumblr.

Would love it because of the butthurt it would spawn.


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I really fucking want him in it just for the shitstorm it would cause.

Yes faggot, yes it is.

Where did this meme come from anyway? Hes literally not on any Nintendo console.

How would that even work? Sans canonically only has one hp. Any regular attack would send him flying. The only reason he's so strong in the context of undertale is because he knows how to dodge, a skill that very few, if any, other monsters know how to do.

it was announced that it was gonna be on the switch go to 21:44


this is you, now fuck off.

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yes now stop posting your gay fantasy love wish on Sup Forums you autistic fuck

no bump for you faggot

>le one hp meme
What the fuck are you talking about? When Frisk attacked sans it showed as doing 9999999 damage you fuck

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>there are people out there who unironically thought he'd be announced as a newcomer today

It's like Ridleyfags all over


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Sans doesn’t have 1 hp though

no, two cancerous fanbases would at least fight one another

Please explain to someone who hasn't played the game

hey at least you don't see nintendo fans having shitty au's where they have kids and shit

If it was going to happen it would've been today during the faggy direct

How do you know?

And fish fuckers? I'd like to know your opinion of them.

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>here's your Sans bro

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Yes but you're a faggot for entirely unrelated reasons

I want Sans to be in Smash just to see Sup Forums turn into a dumpster fire

Chara and Frisk are the better choice

Chara= Patron Saint of Best Children

His description says something like "The weakest enemy, dies in only one hit"

What the fuck... did they seriously reference sans in a nintendo game?

I didn't even play the game and that's clearly overkill damage

Hey guys, Is Sans actually Ness from the beloved rpg, Earthbound?



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As someone who played it, overkill damage is possible and is what happens with all bosses in Genocide run, if I remember correctly.

No I mean the whole "he only has 1 HP" thing that people keep saying in every thread. How is he considered a hard boss if he only has 1 HP?

he's gonna be in it

I want to see every Jew in America swinging on lampposts by their necks but it's not gonna happen.

no he's jackie chan from the popular devil may cry book series

>wanting this Steven Universe bullshit in Smash

He dodges and has attacks that nearly fill the screen. Not the hardest thing of all time, but he can be difficult to a lot of people.

Because he dodges all your attacks.

Because he dodges every attack except for the single time necessary to progress the story where he dies instantly.

>Get to hear Megalovania while playing Smash
>Bunch of faggots on Sup Forums would have a rage-induced heart attack

Win-win, baby!

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no he is jesus's form when he is in hiding

which tbf has a great buildup and is the hardest attack he throws at you

Undyne is better in every way. She even likes anime.

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She is also Joel's waifu. There is porn of them somewhere.

No, plenty of people are autistic.

Wonderful taste, user

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Who is Joel? The youtuber?

Probably, because odds are you don't actually want him, you just want people to be angry about him.

Vargskeletor Joel. He streamed Undertale, and he said that he would fuck Undyne.

I actually really want him in to see the aftermath.

There would be a civil war on Sup Forums. Just kidding, it would be a peaceful riot (not a protest riot, if you get what I mean) with some guy trying to punch some of the attendees.

He has one defense and your character has infinity damage at that point, although his weakness is most likely a meme from the creator.

I can't wait until sans is not confirmed so I can shit on undermeme fags every chance


Don't care if Sakurai himself said no Ridley, we are loud and proud

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this is now a ridley thread

I thought Undertale was boring and I really hate their fanbase, but a Sans moveset could be pretty cool. Definitely rather have him in than another Fire Emblem character, but there are so many more deserving characters.

All descriptions on the Genocide route are mean biased statements by Chara



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Alright Sup Forums, come up with a moveset for Sans.

Hard mode: It has to actually be true to his character and not reference the genocide boss fight at all

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if it doesn't reference his battle then why the hell is he in smash?

A=Use a bone as a club
B=Uber slap

>come up with things for Sans to do in a fight
>don't use anything from the only fight he was in tho

Because Sans doesn't feel like it.

He could use the shit he used pre attack, like ketchup, teleportation, etc.

sure, whatever, he could have an attack that's literally only piling hot dogs on top of your opponent that actually do nothing and are just for humiliation
But excluding literally the only sequence where he fights in-game to make up a fighting moveset seems stupid

I hate it but Sans would be perfect for an assist trophy. He would be a horrible character

Yes, because Papyrus, Asgore, Mad Dummy, Undyne, Frisk, and Mettaton would all be way better picks.

If literally all he has to go off of is a bonus fight that isn't even canon, then why IS he even in Smash?

>implying Smash cares about canon

Sans is the most recognizable character tho and Frisk would just be another generic sword fighter

only slightly negative in that you don't prefer the superior bone bro, but I'm willing to let Sans slide if he gets in.

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I love that when asked who Papyrus and Sans would play in Smash 4, Toby's response was that Papyrus would play Captain Falcon, and Sans would play King Dedede and do nothing put hold down to make Dedede lay on the floor for the entire match.

>Sans is the most recognizable character tho
Yeah, among fanon shitters from tumblr, sure.
Seriously, the Undertale fandom's even worse than the Homestuck fandom when it comes to latching on to shitty noncanon theory/AU garbage now. Sans's entire gimmick is that he's too lazy to even fight properly, which makes his fight hard because he doesn't bother actually obeying the rules of turn-based combat.

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no, screw you

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Yes, Papyrus would be a much better choice.

I think it's bad that you played Undertale

Rick is gonna get in before Sans.

I don't give a shit who's in the next smash, but the freakout over Sans would be glorious.