His tank can't float over water

>His tank can't float over water
>His tank can't strafe
fucking primitive degenerates

Attached: ?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.planetside-universe.com%2Fmedia%2Falbum%2Fp9zwkujpo%2Fvs_mag-rider_3-4th_color.j (800x600, 24K)

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>his tank doesn't mount its primary armament in a 360 rotatable turret.

What's it like being decades behind in MBT design?

Attached: livefree.jpg (1545x869, 250K)

>Implying this means anything when you're crossing a bridge or at a shoreline and you're getting zapped by a particle cannon on a tank you can't hit

Attached: 1518826192749.jpg (461x469, 65K)


Attached: 91f.jpg (550x366, 60K)

what the fuck is a bridge
t. ps2 player

A beautiful thing.

Planetside 1 had bridges, bridges as far as the eye could see.

Attached: Cyssor.jpg (2999x2800, 733K)

Planetside 2 was so fucking disappointing.

sad how planetside 2 wasn't even planetside

>his tank isn't cute

Attached: VK 1602.jpg (3000x2250, 1.84M)

>His tank can't go off of cliffs and stay stable

Attached: Hover_Battle_Tank_AFF_by_ikarus_tm.jpg (1045x2000, 243K)

>bridges FARTHER than the eye could see

>His tank doesn't have an exposed turret that leaves the gunner susceptible to headshots

Attached: maxresdefault[1].jpg (1280x720, 93K)

>Sony Online Entertainment

>Bombing liza bridge from max altitude liberator
Chaotic. I miss that shit, ps2 is ass compared to it.

Attached: 1501896187840.jpg (480x473, 14K)

Tbh that turret fucking destroys kids if you learn to aim

>take west island
>tank traps, turrets, mines
>only thing that can stop you is well coordinated gal drops
I miss this game

>no recoil

What were they thinking?

Are there any working private servers or anything of the sort? I never got to fully play this way back when it was alive, just the free accounts then forgot about it for the longest time... only remembered due to the stories of its demise. PS2 is just garbage by comparison.

Or a lone cloaker behind enemy lines who sneaks past 200 players to destroy the enemy generator, slowing down reinforcements long enough for your empire to push through to a better forward location.

I fucking hate PS2's dick ass rogue style infiltrator so goddamn much. I want my stealth character to be a skillmonkey.

The only thing we have is a unfinished emulator that's still being worked on

>Lone cloaker
>Not flying in phantasm with squad of cloakers

Attached: ?u=http%3A%2F%2Fblog-imgs-27.fc2.com%2Fa%2Fq%2Fu%2Faquuuu%2Fphantasm_ov.jpg&f=1.jpg (300x190, 27K)

Adding more cloakers isn't like adding more maxes

Attached: Too_Many_Cooks.png (421x236, 163K)

I have fond memories of me and a friend going in as a pair of infiltrators to fuck with a base and prepare once the currently under attack one is taken so we can immediately begin the process of capturing that one.

No game has done cloakers like PS1.

Don't even remind me about that game. Fuck, what a disappointment.

Attached: planetside_2_pre_viz__2a1_prowler_by_ukitakumuki-d58wkcm.jpg (2421x2800, 2.62M)