When was the last time you made a friend in a video game?

When was the last time you made a friend in a video game?

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>used to enjoy meeting people online
>now dread having to play games with randoms
What the hell happened

Halo 2

>weeb has no friends
Like poetry lol.

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>making friends in video games

Why? I prefer talking to people in person if I'm gonna talk to people at all.

As gaming becomes more and more mainstream, it attract more people with each generation, which pollutes the overall culture and removes any sense of tight-nit community. There's no reason not to just mute everyone in a random match unless you hate yourself or you want to hear people get mad.

I don't remember anymore.

I dunno but every game just feels like I arrived 'too late'

>Playing FFXIII: LR
>noticed he beat the superboss
>Congratulate him
>Guy thanks me and we have a pretty affable conversation
Didn't add him to friends list nor did I receive an invite but that was the last postive online experience I had. Well aside from the first Dark Souls but I csn't be assed to greentext that. It's nice to chat with that rare person who responds with more than a single word and/ or speaks the same langauge.

Years ago. But the ones I've made are ones that I have stuck with way past the time the game is long gone.


I wish I could get a gf in VRchat.

Never, video game players are all obnoxious and terrible.

Play a lot of video games with existing friends though.

I feel like all the characters and blades in Xenoblade Chronicles 2 became my friend, no matter how sad that sounds.

I actually have a pretty decent social life, but still enjoyed this game

it's "like pottery", you dumb newfag

Today on LFD2. Went in and were griefing some chick and a random white knight lmao

>weeb tries to be superior in the only way he can
It's like poetry, it rhymes.

George please.

fuck off newfag

Do NPCs count

>making friends at all

Am I retard for not feeling bad about having no friends? I kinda like all the free time and lack of commitment it gives me

4 years ago, online friends are a meme when you don't play mp vidja

as long as you're not crying on the inside then why the fuck not?

Not at all. I'm the same way. I enjoy a good conversation now and again but for the most part I enjoy the solitude.

>the weeb I was replying to may kill himself after what I have said
I may have gone too far in a few places.

I have no friends.

2 years ago. I don't really like having a large circle of friends because I don't like feeling like I have to pick between them. I have a cosy, relatively small circle of close friends nowadays and that's all I really need.

>guy invades me
>take all my weapons off
>equip and unequip the white phantom ring rapidly to signal that I'm friendly
>he does the same
>motion to him to follow me
>point to the ground and summon an actual white phantom
>he wears the white ring and one-shot backstabs them with the hornet ring while gesturing
>repeat until we add each other
>eventually find out we're both into futa

Friends to this day.

>implying any friend you make online are real friends

2008 or so, became my house mate for awhile. Really crazy how that turned out, actually got invited to his wedding recently. Lately I avoid making friends because they fuck with me, I fuck with them. It's just bad for everyone involved. Losing friends more then anything.

I love happy endings.

Someone added me after I saved him in Dead by Daylight.
He recently asked if I wanted to play.
I told him I was busy. I wasn't

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Probably WoW just after Burning Crusade came out. Some high level undead mage took a liking to me for some reason. We used to chat all the time and he'd run through low level dungeons with me destroying everything and helping me get the best gear available to me. Shame I forget his name, but I sent him a nice in-game letter saying goodbye and thank you once I stopped playing at level 60.

I sincerely hope he's doing good these days.

I seem to be unable to make friends online anymore. Feels like I don't give a shit, "because they're not real friends", but then I log off and realize I have no real friends.

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ha ha

>Feels like I don't give a shit, "because they're not real friends", but then I log off and realize I have no real friends.

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Not in a while cause I have irl friends I play vidya with.
Last i remember anything close to that, I played with a few schmucks from /vg/ and I'd hardly call that any sort of friendship.

I never have.

Last night got into a lobby in Rainbow Six Siege and the group just clicked, we played for a good chunk of the night and agreed to play again soon.

Oh we're still friends but it wasn't a simple "happily ever after". Our friendship has been wrought with tension after I found out he was into futa on male. We argue about it almost daily yet somehow manage to maintain the balance despite our heated debate. It has been concluded he's a "fag" and I'm "not a true futa-fan"

Rune Factory 4.

only on Sup Forums

But when was the last time you made a friend?


Its abnormal to say the least, Humans are social animals by nature, we require social interaction to function. You may argue that you function fine, but your sanity may be draining the longer you go without socializing

>tfw no Tomoko gf.

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>you have to want to watch a dickgirl ram a cock up a guy's ass otherwise you're a fake futa fan
yeah, fuck that vanilla shit man. totally not gay fetishes FTW

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what a faggot, liking futa on male is for plebs

futa on female is for patricians

Never I only play with people I know IRL and dont give a second thought to the millions of strangers online

Halo 3 and Armored Core 4A back in 2009

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YOU may require social interaction and that's fine. People are different. But don't talk down to me because I don't subscribe to your slavish way of thinking

A month ago in VRchat

How did you know I was a slav

I made one yesterday in TF2

We treated our aussie medic like a god for the past few matches and sang him chants every time we won the match.

Despite not being the top 3 players, we considered him as the top each time. Because he's always keeping an eye out for the whole team.

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i got a gf on overwatch 6months ago we are still together and happy.
life's good

Ancient chinese secret.

never because I'm a toxic asshole who either plays with the chat disabled or is permanently banned

I don't even play online vidya

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As I get older it's less a factor of happiness then pure function the productivity (work/career/trade). Harder to take care of as you get older. Go through the shit now young anons.

it's ok user, not everyone enjoys
>shooty shoot kill da peebl and git angerryyy when you die
not everyone has the same taste
not everyone has taste

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Made a friend in Siege about a month ago. Counter to what Ubishit thinks, we spent the first game calling each other faggots in chat. We happened to get put together again in the next game, we both laughed and just called it bants.

I removed him a few days ago for being too clingy and after he invited us to his discord. I thought all his friends were cunts.

Maybe a little sanity loss won't be so bad, I've never made sense of friendship anyways.

Been friends with a guy i met playing monster hunter for almost a year now. Turns out it's easy to maintain friends if you don't act like the average retarded clingy Sup Forums user

2013 or so. Don't even care anymore. Talking to people feels so tiring now.

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people are either really tryhard and edgy or a little too friendly nowadays. I know you fucks just want someone for your heal slut ERP, fucking degenerates, where are all the normal people?

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I turned down a guy just yesterday in Streets of Rogue because I don't do internet friends.

Last time I ma

Fuck, i don't know why posted itself
Anyway, 2016 was the last time i made an online friend after a dota match, was an auto proclaimed """trap""", last thing i remember was him trying to rape me at my house
Fucking pathetic I am, never ever again

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hearthstone, it was a dude from /vg/. he started to chat with me obsessively whenever I logged on, we played against each other a couple of times and whenever I lost he would tell me that I obviously was better and that he was just lucky, praising my intellect, talking about how I should start playing hearthstone professionally.
I thought he was trolling me, but I think he was sincere. anyway, I deleted him from my friend list, because he was too annoying and clingy.

She's cucking you.
Sup Forums

Normal people don't want to hang out with you for longer than they have to, and since the current ease of matchmaking means they don't have to, you will never again befriend normal people online.

The only people who will talk to you now are fucked in the head in some way.

I met all my friends on this site from a few different boards and talk to people everyday but I still feel so goddamn lonely

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do you know them irl? online friendships just aren't the same not dissing them though, I get it

I don't believe you, it's too funny to be real.

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Sounds like your friend had a point, faker.

OP didn't respond so I think that means they count

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Like 8 years ago.

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I wish i was kidding, my roommate left me after that for no reason

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TF2 in around 2012 or so

I used to have a lot of online friends on PS3 and we played games for years, mostly fighting games. But then one day my account got hacked and Sony didn't do shit to help me recover it and thus lost all my friends because I don't remember their names with all the numbers, special characters and shit. Ever since then I never bothered making new online friends.

I never made a friend in a video game because extreme anxiety makes me scared of playing online.

never, i have no friends in real life either so its nothing new

Me and my friends were playing Siege and this random asian guy had good callouts so we invite him to our discord. He is our friend now and we squad up all the time.

I need a hairy friend

I've always found the concept of making friends online weird. They're not real friends.
After being added by some clingy people that somehow want to talk to me despite not knowing each other, I set all my vidya stuff as private as possible and deleted all friends that I didn't know irl

I'll be your friend user.

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I hear this. Don't even accept friend invites either.

i havent had a friend since grade 2 in 1998, at this point i dont really care anymore

I have literally never been able to make a real friend online. I have social anxiety and for some reason its just as active when talking to people online as irl. I rarely ever talk and even when someone adds me I don't usually talk to them unless they talk to me first.

How do I make friends?

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Never. I dont want nerd friends.

>added someone just last week
>never speak to each other
>doomed to quietly keep him on my list and never say a word because I'm too autistic until my next friends list purge

I don't expect this cycle to change anytime soon but maybe one day I'll get the nerve to initiate a conversation.

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What the fuck. Some of you have fucked up lives.

about 6 years ago
i cut contact after a year of knowing them

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>Team Fortress 2
>Lost my business, car and house
>Tell them I'll stop going online for an unknown amount of time
>Remember them 4 weeks ago
>Blocked me on whatsapp after I sent them a message

That hurt even more than it should, they even watched the anime in your pic a lot

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>playing DS3
>invade in first area
>show i'm not hostile with gestures and unequiping weapons
>go through the area with the guy
>point to where there's enemies
>can't do much but hold out a torch for him indoors
>we get to the next bonfire
>he can't light it until I die
>he looks at me back and forth unsure what to do
>I understand
>do wave gesture then curl gesture
>he attacks me until just before the last hit
>he waves me goodbye
>kills me

It was fun.

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