Why is this fucker's scenario so shit? From the levels, the characters, the bosses, everything...

Why is this fucker's scenario so shit? From the levels, the characters, the bosses, everything. Doesn't help that it overstays its welcome after the phantom forrest.

Attached: sabin.gif (200x200, 3K)

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they introduce three main characters during his scenario. fuck off

>asks a question and immediately answers it

>gif file
>motionless image

2, you have your opportunity to meat Shadow earlier.

I guess the question should be did they intentionally make it bad.

I like the ghost train...

16 bit games are a bit archaic in design compared to more fluid modern games. it's not intentionally made bad but it's dated for sure.

I like Sabin fuck you.
Also seeing someone from the empire not being a totall asshat was nice, it also helped cement the fact that Kefka is the gayest baddest asshole in the game.

OP probably can't even suplex.

>Sabin's route
>One of the best villain scenes in the franchise
>Introducing and setting up Cyan
>The entire Phantom Train and that bittersweet goodbye with Cyan's family
>Gau's introduction
>Somehow this is all bad

Maybe you just have shit taste.

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honestly the game coulda done away with Gau and the veldt from that point and make it completely optional to take him, he has no impact to the story.

god tier music theme though

His impact is helping Sabin and Cyan get to Narshe. His impact is being there to help defend the Esper. He had clear purpose, even if it wasn't for very long in the game. He's also one of this best party members, rages are OP as fuck.

Why the fuck would you want him optional? His later scenes with meeting his father are some of the best in the whole game.

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The story beats are fine, I loved Kefka's bit. The problem is that they're shoved into a 2-3 hour segment with little time to breath, while more established characters like Terra are barely given any gameplay.

You coulda flipped Gau with Mog in Narshe with some divergent writing. He shoulda been left in the veldt for you to pick up since he's not a notible character.

also good luck getting the good rages, it's so time consuming i just pass at this point. there's no tangible order to the list of rages so flipping through pages and pages of enemies is painful, again making you prioritize the best rages.

also the scene with the goodball dad is completely flat. all it does is show people can be dicks. good job Square.


Attached: starry sky wojaks.jpg (1200x750, 332K)

I just realised I have forgotten everything about this game and playing it now would be almost a new experience.

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?????? did nothing wrong.

Bitch, you just suplexed a train.

Sabin's path was the meatiest of the three, there's nothing wrong with that.

>Barely any gameplay
You get plenty when she comes back to the party after Zozo, and plenty more when you finally get her back in the WoR.

>You coulda flipped Gau with Mog in Narshe
The point, from a gameplay perspective, was to do that fight with your own party and set-up instead of having the moogles handed to you. From a story perspective, Mog didn't get any initiative to join the Returners until Ramuh came to his dreams, which doesn't happen until you actually meet Ramuh. Narshe happened before meeting Ramuh. Would be more than just "some divergent writing".

>also the scene with the goodball dad is completely flat. all it does is show people can be dicks. good job Square.
You totally missed the entire point behind that scene.

The dog faced man or the octopussy did nothing wrong.

>Sabin is barely in your party before reaching the Returners Hideout sequence and immediately breaking up
>Someone is ACTUALLY THIS FUCKING MAD that his scenario right after this is purposely longer

>The dog faced man
and i thought i was the only one who was wondering why the gestahl was dog.

You are just too sad to appreciate the best duplex in video games.

It's not a dog?

His scenario is one of my favorite parts of the game.

Attached: mr thou.gif (512x448, 41K)

Play Brave New World.
It balances the levelling system (any level is essentially a waste before you get espers in vanilla), makes battles tougher but more intricate, changes to each character so they can have more of a focused build (certain characters get select espers that suit them more) and makes every character ability much more useful (more things cast magic and makes Celes more useful)

Literally everyone thought he was a fucking beagle.

this is huge. i too thought he looked like a dog

Same with me and FFVIII. I should replay it soon.

like all the level design of the game,the real question is,how are u able to waste time of your life in that shitty weebtrash, having thousands of game better?

his is probably the best story-wise of the three, kefka poisoning the river, suplexing a train (optional, but lets face it, you will), train Gau for 3 actual weeks in the veldt, and you can do the whole loop again for more Gau stuff before moving on.
locke/celes by comparison is fun but annoying, and terra just walks to narshe.
personally the whole WoB is a chore to me because I have done it multiple times, yet get stuck in WoR because of my crippling completionist OCD. (and I dont even care that much about stat grinding...)

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> walking simulator
> rpg maker tier fetch quest all around town
> journey of a man who sheds manly tears with another man and literally fights a grim reaper train

you can't be serious

t. Insert blitz input incorrectly

protip: you can pheonix down the train also

every dungeon in this game is a chore