How would you compare Resident Evil 7 to the rest of the series?

How would you compare Resident Evil 7 to the rest of the series?

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It's too short with too little replayability. What there is was good though, Idk how you stretch out this format

Remake 1 > 2 > 3 > 7 > code veronica

Everything else is NOT Resident Evil or goofy spinoffs that aren't worth ranking.

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its the only RE without claire, becca or Jill. therefore its garbage

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>Sup Forums still pretends RE4 isn't a masterpiece

Time to grow up

>its the only RE without claire, becca or Jill.

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He's gonna say that RE4 isn't Resident Evil

Confirmed didnt play 7, it was fucking sublime.

Besides Remake. 7 has the strongist atmosthere in the series.
It also might have the most intresting story, as I was more intrested in the story then any RE any years.
Another big plus is the bosses, every boss besides the final boss is awsome, End of Zoe also has some pretty sick boss fights.
I'm still debating of where to put it in the series.

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4 > 7 >>>>>>>>>>> Literal Aids >>>>>>>>>>>> Adolf Hitler >>>>>>>>>>>>> Your nans crusty nickers >>>>>>>>>>>>> All other RE games

But he said it is good.

>Good bosses
I like RE7 but this is not a reason why

re4 is really bad

so is RE5, but at least that game has Jill and Wesker

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you don't, the length is perfect

How could you not love the crazy Jack boss fight. where he does fucking dougnut spins in his car to run you over or The creepy as fuck spider mom boss where she's crawling around the old house trying to pounce you.

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By playing all of them, and deciding on several aspects to compare them to each other, for example: story, atmosphere and presentation, level design, enemies, scare factor, fun factor, originality, ...

I arguably have to say (not the worst) but one of the worst games ever made that I have ever witnessed is RE4 personally.

How people prefer RE4 over 5 is beyond me.
Like don't get me wrong, I firmly believe 4,5,6 are all intensely shit.

But at least RE5+6 legitimately were going full blown action unlike RE4 which just pretended to be everything it wasn't. Literally one of the worst fucking games ever.

Literally anyone who says RE4 is better than 5 or 6 is a complete turd and needs to fucking rethink their own tastes.

RE4 actually shocks me because even visually its fucking appalling.

That and to call RE4 "revolutionary" or to even fucking clal fixed camera outdated is like the number 1 moron alert. Its a different gameplay style, just because you cant fucking handle it does not make it good and prove what the fuck RE4 does better to revolutionary than 5.

In result: 7 Is the best among Newer entries. No competition.

Remake > 0 > 3 > 1 > 2 > 7 > 6 > 5 > 4

>I'll use the word literally a lot
>This will make me sound smart!
>People will think my opinion is fact!
All this tells me is that you're a faggot, and you're wrong.

What the fuck is going on in this thread? Bot invasion? RE7 is shit compared to Zero, 1, 2, 3 and 4.

It's news to you that pepole like 7?

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Shut the fuck up dumb ass puny queer cunt.
Think what you want retard lol.
If your taste is shit and you can't say why then you're wrong so go fuck yourself.

It's pretty amazing whenever someone posts a long spacing about why they don't like the game, and it always never goes into detail besides

>it's bad
>it's appalling
>worst game ever

Neck yourself, amigo.

What did RE4 do better than 5?
Tell me.
I said 4 was visually appalling and everything about it was upped in RE5.

My point is everything. If you have something say it smart bastard.

>5 and 6 are better then 4.

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Lol RE fans are so fucking dumb.

>I'll make a post saying how smart I am, saying I can tell when people are being faggots
>Some user calls you a faggot
Jesus fucking Christ. You're the lowest common denominator of the human race. In the off chance I wanted to have a discussion you just proved you're completely incapable of it by getting pissy over nothing. You posted nothing but opinions and acted like anything you said had any bearing. You need to go outside and get some air because you've been cramped up inside your own echo chamber for too long friend.


For one it takes place in a much cooler medieval village and castle with a focus on enemies fighting with melee weapons.

5 is literally adventures in Africa with Not Zombie Black people chucking spears, shooting guns and riding motorcycles.

resident evil 5 is slightly more retarded than resident evil 4. At least it's actually fucking fun. Though both are terrible resident evil games.

>the outbreaks
>original 1
>2 being better than 3
>dead aim
>will put 7 in but not REv1 or 2

poor taste

this but unironically

>Everything was upped in RE5
Wow, you mean the sequel on a stronger system, several years later looked nicer and had more refined mechanics? Noooo wayyyyy! Oh, wait... Except RE4 had a solo character, so it felt tense when you were playing, preparing for the next section of the game when you only had a few bullets remaining and no health items was genuinely a tense feeling, but if you were good you could handle it. In RE5 they crammed a shitty NPC AI ally with you, so if you had few bullets and you were on anything harder than easy you were fucked because they would die. Taking game that had previously been designed as a solo experience and transforming it into a co-op focused game was retarded. That fundamental change alone ruined it.

Would you prefer if I use emoji's and act like a fucking weeb? Because if you want I'll spew what I think that way instead if it takes that for you to handle it. Aren't just so fucking loving?

I was going to stay apart from story (fair enough) on a game play perspective whats seriously better? Nothing. Plus RE5 just went full blown, regardless of being shit was better because of that.

RE4 is a lie of an action game. +Melee zombs still in RE5 just guns too which means more gameplay elements. RE5 is better in every way gameplay wise.

To be fair i think RE4,5,6 are equally retarded. Just 4 is overtly overrated for nothing. If people prefer the premise fine, but don't fucking tell me everything was better in it than 5.

RE is a fun series and I've never actually had a bad time with any RE other than survivor, ORC, the chronicles games, or umbrella corps

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4 was a shooter, it wasn't tense and neither was 5 or 6.

That and basing RE4 as being better because of a shitty AI isn't even good. +Sheva was about as good as Ashely unless you were on coop. I dont get the point.

Because 4,5,6 are not tense. Even on the hardest difficulty.

I liked it more than 5 and 6.
Haven’t played the dlc

I've just started with 3 and loved it. Any recommends for what next

Better than 5 and 6 but not as good as the first 4. Great game though.

>Bouncing from one extreme to the other
No you fucking moron. I would have preferred if you spoke like a person and offered reasons other than "It looks bad!" "People with different taste are turds." Visual representation is subjective, some people spend hours in art galleries, and other watch anime. Neither is wrong, people liking something visually different than other people doesn't mean either is wrong. You however are trying to act like an intellectual when you have literally no substance.

>As good as Ashley
You're right, and Ashley was shit. RE4 doesn't force you to have Ashley the whole game though, nor does it claim Ashley is a member of a highly trained organization that helps stop world ending incidents. She's a civilian, and she acts like one. Sheva is supposed to be a bad ass, but she's fucking useless.

Depends honestly.

RE2 is overrated as hell but good. RE3 tops it by miles.

Since you did RE3 is I was going it I would go:

RE2, RE1 or Remake, RE0, Code Veronica then go for whatever

Literally this. Anyone who says 4 isn't at least pretty good should neck themselves or find a different hobby.

CV or Zero my dude.
Once your done with that, play 4.
Give 5 a try if you have a freind to play it with.
Skip 6.
Then play 7.

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I wonder if Ethan will show up in future games? or Mia and Zoe even?

switch 4 and 6 and youd be right

I hope Ethan comes back.
I loved him for how little of a fuck he gave.
He's not trying to be witty or cool or heroic.
He just wants his wife and gets pissed off by everything that gets in his way,

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Thanks, 3 was the perfect storm for me. The B-Movie style. The background style looks dope as fuck and I loved every character. Also FREEZE ROUNDS.

Absolute garbage.

during basketball practice, STARS would often play shirts vs skins. as an effort to haze Rebecca, theyd often make her play topless on the "skins" team

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Oh okay desu! Well I think your a baka!

I did like that.

I did enjoy ORC for a bit.

+ I get brownie points for "Engrish" Dude I acted like an anime girl so don't be fucking unfair.

These are the best RE games, everything else is average or garbage. VII is garbage let's play bait for users.

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the most I got out of ORC was a crimson head zombie whose AI couldn't quite get into a doorway and she just kept circling around until she finally got through
me and my friend had a good chuckle

I don't like first person games. 7 is a bummer.

>Talks like weeb trash
>In response to the post that said "Talk like a normal person but give actual reasons"
How fucking mad are you that someone wanted actual reasons?
>Tell Sheva to stay put
>Literal sections of the game where she is assist jump/lifted to other areas and is on her own
>She's bad but she sometimes helps!
>From what I'm understanding it's story based?
You also can't read apparently. Story isn't the point, RE4 and 5 play almost exactly the same, yes 5 is slightly more refined, but because you're saddled with a shitty companion the entire game it's ruined. I never said 5 was a bad game, I think 5 is a good game. I also think 4 is better because when I lose in 4 it's entirely my fault. The amount of times I received a game over in 5 because the AI got killed and I couldn't do anything about it is too fucking high. 5 would hands down be better than 4 to me if Sheva wasn't even in it.

Literally you're only argument for 5 being a great game and 4 being a shit game is that 5 plays like 4, but looks nicer. Which is a vapid, empty statement made even worse by the fact that you're claiming anyone who disagrees is a retard. I originally told you to go outside and get some fresh air, now I take it back. Retards like you should stay locked in the basement.

Enjoyed a few missions then the game kinda fell flat.

How can a prespctive ruin a game?

It had a cool idea behind it. Some of the characters' abilities were pretty cool. Like the explosives expert's ability to stick a bomb in a zombie's mouth and kick it away.
And the idea of players picking sides, and then fighting for the ending they want in the last mission is pretty cool.
I almost wouldn't mind a more competent team trying to remake it.

I wanted to enjoy it but it was so clunky and awkward, then the game literally became unplayable during the return to the lab where it was gamebreaking bug after gamebreaking bug

Only 4.

switch 7 for 2

Give 5 some credit. It at least has the best ng+ of the series.

5 Has more features, more weapons more mechanics, its a copy paste with better things.

RE5 is refined and better thats my only point, simply 4 is not better gameplay wise.

RE5 Sheva is still a better companion.

++ Ashley died on me 40x more than Sheva. Like Seriously I'm shocked this is a thing.
Dude go back to your fucking basement and get vaporized.

I can't be bothered with this anymore, honestly dude.
You clearly aren't actually interested because I admit the improvements in 5 are simple it doesn't mean its nothing. My point is simply its better.

Visuals aren't even the priority of my point. I said 4 looks like ass. Go back and play 5, look at the modes, maps, enemy types and guns. Its all better.
Everything is better.

4 is just worst in every way. Yeah I think 4 looks like ass but that isn't my point, I just think its notably ugly. 5 still shits on it in once again every way unless you have story preference.

You're telling me Ashley is better than Sheva when at least Sheva shuts the fuck up. Sheva fucking does segments just fine, because your expected to actually shoot its a problem? She's a more flexible Ashley.

+If Retards like me stay in the basement like we currently are it means we continue to be retarded if "fresh air" is really the cure, if you want more morons then I see who really is a fucking retard here my friend.

I'm seriously not interested in what you have to say anymore because its almost like you haven't played RE5. SHEVA SHEVA SHEVASHEHSHEHEHSHHSHE
Is all your saying. My argument while simple is a fact, Re5 is more refined, works better and has more in every department for gameplay.

Sorry for stating the obvious and you like to reduce it to " u hate teh graphicz" Yeah I hate 5's graphics too but they're still better.
when it comes to gameplay, if you prefer fingering Ashley because the story gives you a boner go ahead but don't fucking tell me the game has fingering mechanics because it doesn't.

It was pretty good, though it should have had more content from the get go

Are the Chronicles games really bad? I was thinking about getting them.

If you like that type of game (gameplay wise) I think its mostly fine?

The story is mostly fine too.
Some voice actors are terrible for it however, and they completely ruined Code Veronica when it came to Alexia.

Also since I'm done I give you a firm apology.
No need to apologize to me though, basement dwelling is what I do best!

But yh srsly sorry waste of your and my time. Can't be bothered anymore and you'll be doing better things with this being done. Bye+Sorry again.

>"No bro I don't even care anymore."
>"5 is better than 4 man"
>"My words are fact dude."
>"Go back to YOUR basement!"
>Haha brah, I sure told him
Your first post said none of that you actual moron. In fact, your first post also said that 4 wasn't revolutionary, yet I'm willing to bet you can't find me a single third person shooter that did anything half as well as it did. You're argument of "5 is better than 4 because it does things better!" is so fucking braindead it hurts. No shit it has better guns, better graphics, and improved controls, it came out several years later on a stronger system. The reason people like 4 more is because of atmosphere, and before you start sperging out like a retard, story and atmosphere aren't the same thing. They're related, but you can have a shit story and great atmosphere and vice versa. The fact that you're the only person in the entire area of 4 who isn't infected at least was the same feeling as previous Resident Evil games, it played differently but you knew you were alone. 5 throws everything out the window. Also you talk like you're 12, you have to be older to post on this website. Grow up.

>If you like that type of game (gameplay wise)
I don't know if I like on-rail shooters, but I'm interested because I'm currently playing all the RE games, and those are some of the only ones I haven't yet. Also, because Nemesis is in it.

Dude I srsly don't care anymore I really don't wanna fucking carry on because I think your missing the literal simplicity of the point I'm making. Its really, painfully, bluntly, simple.

RE5 > RE4 gameplay
RE4 = Not revolutionary - Is this what you're hellbent on?

Because I don't have to prove anything, play literally any shooter.

You just keep mentioning Sheva VS Ashley Mah atmosphere, mah story, mah script

I don't care about that, I said keep that its your win if you want it to be.

As I said bye and sorry, don't be focused on this, wasting your and my time lol. Literally too old to fucking carry on a no progression argument and so are you.

If you want nudes I'll give you them if it eases your mind.

Truth be told you're probably better off just doing RE3 for Nemesis.
The chronicles games kind of rely on you liking that game play style. If you legitimately just want to see a more modern version of the classics though it is a fairly decent experience I mean.
You might (emphasis on might) Be better of experiencing them via emulator if you do plan on it.

But truth be told I really think its just down to how you like the gameplay for those entries.
Darkside Chronicles is higher quality than Umbrella Chronicles if I remember correctly.


Where the FUCK is REVII VR for PC, it was supposed to be ONE year

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