Elves are not ok

Elves are not ok

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Objective fantasy race tier list




"Dark" Versions of Above Races
Furry Races (Cat Men, Wolf Men, Rat Men, Lizardmen, etc)
Meme Non-Races (Skellingtons, Wookies, etc)

Literally everything too special to not be listed already

Pelinal approves of this list

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>approving "Dwarves" and "Orcs" in Good tier
>Dwenmer and Orsimer

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Good guy, good list

Haha yes human brotha!! For the emprah!!! Heresy xP!!!

"Furry" races in and of themselves are awesome 9 times out of 10. It's the people who play them who are shit tier and ruin the concept.

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Stay mad lumbafoot

Argonians dont count.
They are my precious tree dreams and I love them.

t.Hist. Fuck off to your kalpa

You forgot Great Tier: Goblins

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Pelinal committed several genocides against Elves and Khajiit that had nothing to do with the Ayleids and very likely killed a lot of children, but that's okay because durrrr humans numbuh 1

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I haven't read this in a while
How has Gob Slayer's autistic adventures been going?

>Tfw when the Humans are triggered by your Elven superiority again

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>It's a "let's pretend the most basic, pointless race in fantasy setting is the best, and that we actually like the race purposefully designed to be pointlessly repulsive as possible". And I'm not talking about orcs on that one, either.

Main series: Goblin Slayer and co got summoned by a big-titted pope-like figure for a goblin quest. As she begins the exposition he tells her to fuck off and point him to the goblins. Now they're in Moria.

Year One: Cute elf got WORM'd triggering Rance and rapefags everywhere, and Goblin Slayer got a chainmail while reminicing of his navy seals training. Good times were had by all.

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>implying skeletons aren't the master race

>implying undead don't deserve to be purged along with all the other inhuman abominations

>chatters in your general direction
>then bones your gf

Everyone is technically a skeleton in the inside, they've only failed to realize it.

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Is that anyway to speak to your grandpa and yourself

this is 100% accurate

My skeleton is a living one. Big difference.

>Every race that's actually interesting is shit because reasons

i have a bone to pick with you

Who are vidya characters that canonically kill elves for fun? i need a bunch of them for reasons

furries are fucking awful and everyone needs to be reminded, lest it become public opinion to think that borderline bestiality is acceptable.

this shitty list again. Reminder that if you play a human in a fantasy game, you can't be a more boring asshole.

Undead, constructs/robots and humanoid lizards > whatever shit you picked.

Elves however are the most Mary Sue race ever to plague fantasy writing, that's why a lot of people hate them with the same passion others like them.

Pelinal was sent by Auriel to punish the heretic Ayleids who became degenerate and started worshiping daedra.

>Elves however are the most Mary Sue race ever to plague fantasy writing, that's why a lot of people hate them with the same passion others like them.

Elves should either be higher than the player can get and be close to divine, or made closer to humans.

Different races are the poor man's substitute for different cultures, and are the bankrupt man's substitute for different personalities. If you're not playing human you're either playing a dumb stereotype or an equally dumb subversion of stereotype. It is literally impossible for nonhuman characters to be as good as a human.

>Elves however are the most Mary Sue race ever to plague fantasy writing, that's why a lot of people hate them with the same passion others like them.
Oh fuck off. If a race of elves is written to be Mary Sueish, that's the fault of the writer. Even Tolkien eventually got it right by introducing asshole elves.

However I do agree about your point with humans being boring. Anyone who wants to pretend that homosapiens are the best race in anything ever is an insecure twat that desperately needs to self insert to feel important.

what culture are undead and fantasy robots ripping off then boyo?

Fapping to anthros isn't beastiality, you child.

>Even Tolkien eventually got it right by introducing asshole elves.
Yet they are still get to live for centuries, be good with magic and bows, always in tune with nature better than others, smug, slim and pretty.

Almost every human race is generic medieval Europe culturally.

I like elves.

they probably dislike you and think you're inferior for being born a human.

i bet u kiss girls faget

gross man

They also fade into the wind after about 10,000 years. Doomed to float around talking to kids occasionally because their souls aren't allowed to pass on. Elves have it rough.

what's the afterlife like in Tolkien mythology?

t. Man-thing

When people die (except Orcs and Dwarves apparently but that's a whole nother topic) they go to a place called The Halls of Mandos, which is a pocket dimension located in Valinor, which is essentially Asgard/Olympus for Tolkien's equivalent of 'gods' and angels, There it splits into 2 possible outcomes
Your soul is cleansed, you're given a new body that may or may not be identical to your old one and you have the option of staying in Valinor or going back to Middle Earth because their souls are bound up with the world
Go to Mandos, but it's like an airplane layover because your final destination is an unknown place that Elves know nothing about. Both races are jealous of the other,

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thanks for spoon feeding me, I could have googled it, but this was much more efficient.