ITT: games only you played

>ITT: games only you played

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>Reminding me about Brink
Fucking god damn it.

It's F2P on Steam now.

I went back to it on Steam for like 5 minutes.

>mfw bought it day one as a present to myself for doing well in all my classes that semester

I don't think anyone else even played that on 360, it seemed like every match was nothing but bots.

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What actually went wrong with Brink? Seemed like a great concept, art direction and features for a multiplayer focus FPS. Even the exposition/story sounded good

Who knows.

Someone, hopefully.

released at the wrong time, it tried to fight with TF2 when TF2 was at its apex

if it was released today now that battle royale and team shooters are all the rage with normies i'm sure it'd be successful

Varying flavors of prepurchase DLC when it was still a relatively new and shitty thing to do
Shitty optimization which was so bad that valve let people refund the game and that was before they had their current refund system in place
A lot of the maps were just hallways and chokepoints
Parkour was not very useful since the maps were so linear and claustrophobic
The balance was kinda bad, I forgot which body type was the best but it made the parkour system obsolete since your body type determined how much you could parkour [light body = good at parkour but light guns only, medium = okay at parkour, heavy body = shit at parkour but more guns/heavier guns], since one was clearly the best using the other ones just handicapped you
Very bad post-launch support, by the time they patched the game it was dead
The icing on the cake is that they were planning to sell DLC but they made it free because they fucked up the game so bad

I probably forgot some details but I'm pretty sure the game is f2p now so you can try it out, they really didn't change shit other than improve performance, the game still sucks largely for the same reason it sucked years ago.

I bought it at launch for the same reason.
It was fun for a day or 2. Then it died.

if people in this thread are actually sad about Brink not being good and getting popular, just go play Dirty Bomb. it's by the same company and is basically a spiritual successor. it fixes much of what was wrong with brink, while keeping (and improving upon) the good parts. it's well polished and a lot of fun, and still gets regular updates and support from the devs.

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Amazing, this thread is now just about BRINK as opposed to games that people played.

>it's well polished

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Also unironically the best Batman game ever released.

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there was a decent amount of hype on Sup Forums for this game, some people thought it was shilling but I think it was genuine hype since splash damage was behind it

Oh yeah, this one is fantastic.

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the fuck

Fable 3 and Section 8

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dude I fucking loved this game. The first one was a little bit janky but still really fun

>mfw the sequel was region locked so I couldn't play it even though I played the beta


Man what a letdown. I thought Brink would remain my biggest buyers remorse forever. Then Destiny 2 came along.

Brink had so much potential.

>amazing music
>fantastic character creation
>great gun design and sound direction

But then

>fucking faggot AI forcing you to change rolls every match
>weapons felt like nerf guns
>trash parkour system

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Brink is what killed my love in videogames. I went in expecting some form of RPG, even if it was like Borderlands. Instead it was all MP.

fuck and it was such a good concept too

>Mischief makers
>0 results

every time

S8 was a lot of fun. Shame about the lawsuit that killed them.

Generally you went either Light or Medium.

Heavy's weapons at launch were prenerfed into the ground, and the health was only 1 smg bullet more than medium (who was only 1 smg bullet more than light.) while having a much larger frame and slower movement. Actually couldn't parkour at all iirc.

There was also some bad balance ideas in the engineer's player upgrades. The second damage upgrades lowered TTK for all weapons down to nothing.

And yeah, the maps were all pretty much 1 main corridor. With about half the objectives having a secondary corridor that comes into the same defense room, in usually the same vision arc as the main route... with a few maps having a "light only" parkour route as well.

S8 was an interesting idea, that kinda fell flat.

(Also the balance was shit. Get the tank first and you win if the people manning it are even remotely competent.)

Everyone played and was disappointed by Brink

Still my favorite game.

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Same. I probably played with you faggots on 360 day one then

Explain further.

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I played this once at a friend's house

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I got that fucking turd as a birthday gift.
First game I ever preordered on Steam (or in general).
As you can probably guess, I don't preorder anymore.

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what's that

>well polished

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Explain the lawsuit please

>waste of money
>120 hours

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I had it for the 360 too.

>In 2009, TimeGate sued Southpeak, claiming Southpeak had withheld royalties and failed to follow through with localizing the title "Section 8". SouthPeak countersued, claiming TimeGate hadn't invested enough of its own capital into the game's development, among other complaints. The two entered into arbitration with a third party, who ruled in favor of SouthPeak, awarding SouthPeak $7.35 million in compensatory damages and control of the Section 8 license.

did you play that ARPG one? I liked it a lot.

>I wanted to save the ARK

>I couldnt save Brink

It died in under a month on the 360 I cant imagine PC.

Huge lack of content. I picked it up for about 5 bucks and I had a good amount of fun with it, when I heard it was $60 at launch I was floored.

Out of my friends i would say Resistance 1-3 on ps3

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There's a good chance I turret'd one of you fuckers to death.

I hate how SP mode the frame rate is locked at 30fps while multiplayer is not. I don't understand at all.

As someone who can usually appreciate under rated or mixed reception games Brink is pure garbage.
I knew it was gonna be awful and it still didn't help me appreciate it's awful balance and design.
All the maps consists of choke areas where one team gets hopelessly slaughtered until one gets by or the time runs out.
If I had paid any money for that trash I'd be furious.


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Obscene requirements for CPU right odd the bat. It had more demanding requirements than fucking Crysis at the time.
Also it released against TF2 when they were getting into hats and shit. It wasn't a good time to have an FPS.

I had such hopes for this fucking game. God damnit.

Most people here have played or at least heard of MM, now this on the other hand

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Played it several times over the time span of 14 years but never finished it. I still have a physical copy from 2004. And I still don't know what to think about it.

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I played this for a while when I was younger. Ended up giving it to my younger brother to play and then he lost it somewhere.
Wasn't really much into it but I thought the super powers of the main character were cool.

This game is the shit

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The Haunted Mansion
Disney's Extreme Skate Adventure
Lost Kingdoms II

All good games too

I was totally oblivious to Brink and all of the controversy or whatever surrounding it when it came out. Got it on a sale a little before Skyrim came out and had a lot of fun with it. Played it again when they just gave it away for free a year ago and still thought it was fun.

Played a demo of it on PC back when i was a wee lad, fun game from what i could remember