Healing spells can miss

>Healing spells can miss

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>healing spells can crit

Attached: [Mizone] Zasshoku Yuusha Okawari Omnivorous Hero Second Helping [English] [feildpaint].png (735x587, 712K)

>Enemy trying to heal itself misses

Attached: e79.jpg (328x348, 13K)

>healing spells hurt the undead
>but there is a zombie status effect you can get hit with

>healing spells can miss
>but they always fully heal when they do hit

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>healing spell causes bleed

>Healing spell can crit, miss, and/or cause damage

Attached: jamesrolfe3.jpg (300x300, 30K)

>healing spell has to be aimed at the target, compensating for travel time

Attached: me.jpg (600x400, 42K)

>Healing spell does nothing

Attached: 1514485980476.png (485x443, 26K)

>healing spells always hit friends
>healing spells hurt the undead
>healing spells can miss the undead

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>you can heal your enemies

>healing some of them can turn them neutral, which counts as defeating them

>healing enemies causes allies to abandon the team

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>iterms heal a percentage of HP instead of a set amount

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>healing spells are immediately made obsolete by mid-level healing items

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>you can heal your teammates
>it creates a gay meme
>this meme then becomes a horrible normie meme as womemes pick it up and blackedify it into a piece of reddity shit

>healing items are immediately made obsolete by mid-level healing spells

>Healing harm undead.
>Revive insta-kills them

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>healing spells are a waste of skill points because items are 90% as good

one (!)


>You can First Aid an undead to hurt them
>but they get the rested buff and it clears their knockdown status

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Attached: dd crit.jpg (1024x576, 107K)

>lesser heal
>minor heal
>major heal
>critical heal

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>Healing is reduced by magic resistance
>your magic tank needs items or his HP won't budge

I hate when priest classes are like this
Priest should only have 2 heals
Mass heal
Solo heal

that combo is way too op in dos2

>healing is reduced by armor

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I agree, and the scale of the heal should depend on the base stat. And how much you love your party members.

>healing spells are shit until you unlock the one the restore your hp entirely

>healing spell gives debilitating status effects

>you can pick exactly how much you want to heal someone
>you have a stored amount of healing you can do that restores when you rest a la mana
>level 1 pool is ~200
>average level 1 health total is ~60
>average damage taken per attack is ~8
>end game level healing pool is ~2000
>average end game health is ~8000
>average end game damage taken per attack is ~3500

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I didn't even read this and I know no game does this.

Well I may have fluffed the numbers a bit.

>no dedicated healer until 10% into the game
>healer gets one spell for healing which has 5 uses
>you have to upgrade the healing spell to make it useful
>the upgrade ingredients are rare
>you have to rest to refill it
>no revive spell until 50% into the game and it's missable

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dd was a 7/10 game
but this fucker made it an 11/10
the memes with the occultist were mouthwatering

>Healer class
>All your healing is some form of Heal over Time
>Your emergency OH FUCK heal is still a HoT but it's kinda quick
>Enemies ignore you as you apply literally every single heal you have to the person they're trying to kill
>His healthbar stops going down
>Slowly starts creeping back up

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Who is this semen demon?

gonna need a source on that webm, jim


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in all my years watching porn ive always wandered why the fuck dont they postpone shoots it the girl was flaws like bruises/cuts/pimples

dont these fuckers have quality control?

>who dat?

>healing some of them can turn them neutral, which counts as defeating them

dungeon crawl: stone soup, anything else?

Name 1 (one) game each.

stop right there, you need to provide some sauce for that webm, sir.

>using healing spells undoes the damage your enemy does to you at the same rate it is inflicted
>but also takes almost all your attention
>keeping you locked in a stalemate where a monster wails on you and you can't do anything but keep healing, doing nothing except undoing what it does to you
>this state of desperate, futile struggle only ends once mana and healing items are exhausted and the monster just rips your fucking head off

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Could you link me to them? I dabbled in the game and never seen the memes.

This is Serpent in the Staglands except the spells never end and its infinitely boring as fuck and no one finished it because of that.

>healing your teammates is less effective the more magic defence they have


what game

>healing spells can crit
>heal over time effects have a chance to crit on each tick
>heal over time effects snapshot crit buffs
>entire party stacks crit buffs all at once

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Salsa por favor?


Garbage casuals. You people are ruining mmos.

>casting reflect on party members makes it so you can't heal them

FF8 did it well. healing harms undead. You can one shot undead with revive spells and items and you can stack haste and regen.

That game was all about abuse and min maxing. So much fun.

>FF8 did it well. healing harms undead. You can one shot undead with revive spells and items and you can stack haste and regen.
So literally exactly the same as nearly every other FF game?

>durrr lets set spells on a by rest basis where certain spells become completely useless by the time you gained a few levels

>making undead more alive will kill it
>but making undead more dead will also kill it

this shit makes no sense.

>food and potions can crit

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>That game was all about abuse and min maxing.
Not really since the only way to not "abuse" the system was to only level up Squall but never use him.

FF7, FF8, The Illusion of Time and Star Ocean 2 were the highpoint of RPGs.

and FFT, the faith and bravery stats were what the fuck tier

>Wanting 5 versions of the same spell except with slightly higher numbers instead of scaling

>anons post the same thing over and over

There were undead bosses in every FF from 4 onwards. I don't remember if you can oneshot Scarmiglione with a Phoenix Down but I know you can do it to the Phantom Train in FF6.
FF8 is actually a pretty shitty game and FF7's only advancements were in scope and production values

>health regeneration magic deals damage to necros

good sir, may i have the sauce please?

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>Healing spells are the best way to deal with undead enemies

Recommend me a good RPG mr Good Taste. Something that will have the same impact on me as ff7 when i was 13.
I am 31 now.

>abilities that increase your life total have the opposite effect on zombies

Traditional basic MMO priests just need 4 healing spells
>heal - the basic heal you regularly use
>greater heal - the heal you use when shit goes down but you run out of mana quickly with sustained use
>instant heal
>aoe heal
Then you can branch out with specialized shit that generates shields or regen
Don't do
>Heal 1
>Heal 2 - makes Heal 1 obsolete
>Heal 3 - makes Heal 2 obsolete
etc like how WoW used to do it

I recommend you a time machine because it's scientifically impossible for anything to have the same impact on you as an adult as anything does during your formative years.

Epic Mickey has that mechanic iirc

guys I think I'm shadowbanned

Check your inbox ;)

no that one guy just posted a thicc bih and won't give sauce

Tales of Game's Presents Chef Boyardee's Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden: Chapter 1 of the Hoopz-Barkley SaGa

DnD handled it with "negative energy" cleric spells healing the undead. Clerics had access to shit like:
>heal minor wounds
>heal critical wounds
Both of which would heal the living and hurt the undead, but they also had access to:
>inflict minor wounds
>inflict critical wounds
Which would hurt most things, but heal the undead, with the justification being that the undead were raised with negative energy and life came from positive energy.

>healing spells can open doors
>doors can crit

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>Attack can heal allies and damage enemies

Attached: hoo.gif (401x311, 2.23M)

>healing spells hurt the undead unless casted by the undead
>Every class is given the option to turn undead at level 45 for more powerful skills but with a trade off depending on the class
>Healers almost never take this route because it makes thier heals worse
>Tanks almost always take this route because it just damages thier ability to damage even the mooks to the point where they are just walking brick walls

>your fastest party member keeps dodging healing spells

Attached: 62347234.jpg (377x378, 42K)

>you can crit opening doors
>enemies can too

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>doors can miss

Attached: chosenone.jpg (400x400, 24K)

>Have "ice" armor
>Cast ice spell on yourself
>This somehow heals you
>These applies to all elements in the game, such as lightning

>healing spells outclass healing items in everyway
>That one fight in the game that makes items relevant because it screws you over if you use healing spells

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>healing spell causes your upper torso to explode

No games do this.

Magicka kind does this.

Lots of RPGs have equipment that let you absorb elemental damage

>healing potions are actually a mild poison that cause involuntary erections

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>it can hit enemies

>You can be healed for 0 and left bleeding

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occultist is still my favorite party member.

>Can critically fail healing.

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>cast Reflect on enemies
>everytime they try to heal they heal you instead

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