The worst main zelda game

>based around a stupid concept
>shit graphics
>shitty, generic and linear dungeons
>worst master sword variant
>linear gameplay
>the overworld is a broken up mess
>limited exploration
>shitty train controls
>blatant showhorning of DS features
>engineer link is an abomination
>collect-a-thon sidequests
>dark trains implemented as a annoying psudo-stealth section
>easy as fuck, can be beaten in a few days casually

What was Nintendo thinking?

Attached: The_Legend_of_Zelda_Spirit_Tracks_box_art.jpg (256x230, 25K)

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Phantom hourglass exists.

Phantom Hourglass doesn't have have retarded microphone gimmick shit

Fuck you I liked it, and therens literally nothing you can do to preevent me from having fun.

>hurr durr temple of the ocean king, PH SUCKED
Do you even have a pair? that shit was easy peasy. They dumbed it the fuck down in ST.

The game prevents you from having fun.

Well, you’re not wrong.
I’d throw ALBW into the pot while you’re at it. That shit is so boring and can be beaten in an afternoon. Did a completionist Hero run the weekend I got it. Not to mention the puke ugly artstyle.
Fuck it dude, why are we talking about this series? It hasn’t been noteworthy since ‘98. Just leave it to the rabid fanboys and play the better games that exist.

Get the stick of the hivemind out of your fag ass and play it. If you refuse I guess I'll just show you the way to the nearest gacha phone game for you so you don't have to pilot a train and can spend thousand of dollars on jpegs instead, that's more your thing I suppose'

I had fun, the musics are also nice

>wanting a zelda game where you're LITERALLY railroaded to where to go next
No thanks.

Yes it does, and despite improving some of PH's flaws with ST, ST still somehow manages to be just as shitty. How do you fix things from a previous entry and still make a game equally as bad?

Yes it does. Go to the isle of gust and tell me what you need to do there.

The only non linear zelda games were
1. The legend of Zelda
2. Breath of the wild
If you think open world is a big thing among zelda're friggn wrong.

Its better than Phantom Hourglass. The soundtrack is fucking gorgeous and Zelda has a fantastic personality.

But I never beat it, I should give it another shot.

Temple of the Ocean King, literally all I need to say.

The ost was only only thing the game got right, but everything else is fucked.

I always hear that ST is worse than PH, but I actually bothered to finish ST. I didn't enjoy it, but I still managed to at least get through it.

But the music is so fucking good I don't even fucking care.

>engineer link is an abomination
In what way? Is it because he was not green and that triggers you?

>based around a stupid concept
I liked Trains. My only complaint is how restricted train tracks are but remember this is a portable with data limitations.
>shit graphics
I agree, but it's dated and limited by hardware limitations.
>shitty, generic and linear dungeons
Like every Zelda game?
>worst master sword variant
It's just a substitute to fit the setting. If anything you should complain that it's a Master Sword variant at all. One way to break the Zelda formula is to not have a "master sword variant" at all.
>linear gameplay
It's a Zelda game you idiot.
>the overworld is a broken up mess
I can agree with you on that.
>limited exploration
Just a carry over for overworld resection due to train tracks. This game along with PH focused more on just puzzle solving.
>shitty train controls
I can agree with you there.
>blatant showhorning of DS features
That's the downside of a flagship series. Nintendo will always shoe horn those gimmicks because of "innovation".
>engineer link is an abomination
I liked it. I'm tired of the green tunic being the only option.
>collect-a-thon sidequests
Zelda game.
>dark trains implemented as a annoying psudo-stealth section
I can agree with you on that.
>easy as fuck, can be beaten in a few days casually
With the exception of the blowpipes mini games naturally.

All in all, it's better than PH because of the god awful Ocean Temple.

Attached: __princess_zelda_the_legend_of_zelda_and_the_legend_of_zelda_skyward_sword_drawn_by_ag_atelieriji__s (850x398, 67K)

The only good thing to come from Spirit Tracks is that Iwata Asks that reveals Aonuma practically reeeeed at his staff because they didn't give two shits about Tetra and weren't putting her in the game.

There's three different threads on here right fucking now calling a different Zelda game the worst. Play some fucking video games instead of crying about it being a 9/10 instead of an 11/10. You spoiled fucks have no idea what actually bad games are. Try going from Unreal Tournament 2004 to UT3 and then post about bad installments

Whoa calm down

>worst main zelda game
>stupid concept
>means literally nothing to execution
>shit graphics
>on ds and looked fine
>shitty, generic and linear dungeons
>limited exploration
>blatant showhorning of DS features
>easy as fuck, can be beaten in a few days casually
>it's the first Zelda to feature this
>worst master sword variant
>engineer link is an abomination
>that impedes the gameplay in some way
>shitty train controls
>worked just fine
Try thinking before you post.

Best zelda though

100% agreed. I couldn't finish the game it was so garbage, but I was almost stopped due to the retardation of the music instrument. Like it genuinely, literally, honestly was broken and the only way I could pass was just randomly blowing that shit like a retarded harmonica until the game decided that I passed.

No, it was annoying redoing the same puzzles over and over every time I go back and delve deeper. ST vastly improved it by checkpointing the Tower of Spirits and having you do new puzzles instead of the same ones over and over. And the music was a world of improvement too, much better than the generic cave music the most important temple in Phantom Hourglass had.

Have the ZREO version.

>It hasn’t been noteworthy since ‘98.
>BOTW is the biggest game of the past year
What exactly did he mean by this?

Attached: thinking.png (208x248, 158K)