"talk to ya later bro"

>"talk to ya later bro"
>Last Online: 23 hours ago

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>"talk to ya later bro"
>Last Online: 23 hours ago

>2 minutes ago

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>Last online : 1399 days ago
Please come back William

>"I'll be on this weekend man!"

6 months have passed.

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>"Wait. Someone is at the door."
>"This late?"
>"Yeah, let me check, wait a minute"
>Last online: 245 days ago

I miss you.

>brb smoke break
>last online: 1061 days ago


>"I gotta go do something, ttyl"
>Gameplay hours still go up

He doesn't want to play the latest horror game from Capcom.

>friend comes back after year of being mia
>play with him for a night
>says he'll be on more often now
>see him online in discord but invisible on battle net or vice versa
>its been 2 weeks

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>haha that game was fun bro, good night
Last online: 977 days ago

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>doesnt play games anymore
>just circlejerks on discord

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gonna need some sauce

Night in the Woods.

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>play game with bud
>play game every weekend with bud
>one day
>middle of game
>"ah shit i gotta go user"
>it's been 10 weeks
>feel sad
>unfriend him
>come back flourish

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bringing in the r9k feels there

>This could be me
I don't think I have friends that would pay that much attention to me though.

Why unfriend him though? He'll come back one day r-r-right user?

Maybe. Maybe not.

>Play games with a random dude regularly
>He is really not a nice guy, total NEET autist, but always down to buy games for us to play
>I get an asian girlfriend who plays games, while he gets really into Sup Forums
>Is clearly jealous, gets mad if I'm playing a game with her instead
>One day gets so upset with me for playing games with her instead that he sends me a message saying "Why would you even be with her if she isn't white!?" with a long rant attached to it
>Immediately remove him as a friend and block him
I've come to realize that being friends with someone who is not interested in self-improvement in any way, shape or form will almost always try to bring you down to their level rather than allow themselves to be lifted up.

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>while he gets really into Sup Forums
Should have been an immediate red flag.

It was like 4 years ago, before things got horrible.


I have a steam friend who I know has died. It was a real fucking bummer because I later found out that his wife had just given birth a few months before he passed away.

Similar situation with an old online from of mine these days. He isn't racist like that but he's an extreme downer and does nothing to improve his life. WE used to both be depressed and just play games together, but since then I've got a job and a girlfriend and he's still miserable.

Brb package at my door

>Know a girl who would send me nudes/was in amateur porno
>She later confided to me that she did it because she had a ton of mental issues
>Find out a few years later that she died, probably killed herself
>Can never jerk off to her again without feeling guilty
