Why did vidya advertisements lose their edge

Why did vidya advertisements lose their edge

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The 80s-90s ended

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>tying your gf up during foreplay then ignoring her to play video games


when the lawsuits and bad press started rolling in

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Feels good to be a PC gamer.

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Video games began to appeal to a wider audience, more businesses got involved and started to market and pander to more groups.

Just like the movie industry, the game industry will be nothing but dried dog turds soon. Money to be made means blood to suck.

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>You're nothing but a weenie!
fucking kek

Honestly that most likely just makes her want it more.

bait denied

soon? where have you been? It's been like that for ages

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Edgy advertising only works on white males, modern marketing is trying to target everyone now.

No place to put most of them since magazines are dead

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I want Deathtrap Dungeon now

so what you're saying is that only white males are rebellious?

sounds about right.

Game was fucking garbage

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If I had to guess, it's because back in the day of magazine ads, companies were trying to keep people from turning the page on their ad, so they had to do raunchy shit like to get people to look.
In the day of press conferences, Twitter accounts, and the internet in general, there's not really any need for that kind of thing, and the closest you'll get is TV ads, but even then companies try to show of at least a little gameplay, which isn't really something you can do in a magazine outside of tiny, captioned screenshots.
tl;dr the nature of commercials and advertisement changed, so there's no need to silly eye catching ads.

Or y'know, you can go muh sjws or whatever like this dude .

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"Get N or get out" was Nintendo's best slogan

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>Mr. Pickle

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was this ad in response to this one? or were there just a lot of strange processed meat-themed advertisements back then?

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Well there's still those ridiculous freeware chinese games like Evony online that use titillating shit but theirs is really low effort garbage in comparison.

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can't tell if that's the page crease or the ps1's genuine graphics

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>Rule the World!
>Tits not included.

>before :
No real internet
Games looked like shit

Nobody is impressed if you show a few pixels, and they knew TV was your only real info outside of school and gaming mzgs, so showing funny gags instead of grafix sold more

So this is how I got into S&M...


>Or y'know, you can go muh sjws or whatever like this dude

Yeah, because objective evidence suggest leftism is the main problem. But hey, why not just ignore it?

when did lewd games die off in the west? why?

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I never knew I wanted to tie up a slampig before jacking it to tender loving amateur sofcore of a committed couple in her full view before telling her she can suck and swallow better than she ever has or leave. Then make her leave afterwards regardless.
Wish I knew a few years back, that'd probably be considered rape now.

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Yeah, it's the same general principal.
>We want people to see and click our ad, but how...
>Well, people like boobs, we'll just slap tits and the word FREE and people will at least glance at it


>ask my dad about his time playing video games he tells me he loved resident evil 2 and something called Evony

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Pretty fucking well done.

>food analogy

I don't get it

>stop making fun of me

I like Bayonetta (male).

I remember that game, you could play as a bunch of crazy shit, a hotdog being one of them. You could also race as the N64 logo, among other things.

>pander to more groups
>muh sjw
Are you so fucking dense that you don't know of any other hot button hate groups? At least be creative ya flippin newfriend.

Goddamn right.
>"We are the le revolucion! Long live illegal immigrants and Muslims, they are so tolerant! Look at my silly Linda Sarsour pussy hat! Le Putin backed #resist!"
[chambering intesifies]

you do know literally nobody likes sjws right? even non partisan people

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Meant for
But still works.


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"Be a wiener/winner" I guess.

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im glad you aimed that at the wrong comment and didn't embarrass yourself.

im on your side idiot lol. rebelliousness is a positive trait.

I never really noticed how common food-based video game advertisements were.

>that one TV ad with the guy eating an entire buffet until he fucking explodes
>don't even remember what game he died for

7th gen.

still holds true today

>Cruis`n world
what happened to arcade racers
those were so much more fun than all the "realistic" racers like need for speed and forza that overwhelm the market these days

>what happened to arcade racers
They're still in arcades.
Not sure why they don't do well on console release though, I guess racers like Forza are just more popular with normies because muh realistic cars.

this is literally the only real answer
marketing and advertising changed and so did media in general

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>after these many years, it ended being the absolute truth for you

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posting a true classic

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Honestly, someone just needs to dump all the PS2 ads. Was some of the most odd but cool shit there was.

Sure, if you're 15.

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>not liking this

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>tfw you grew up during the golden ages of media, and everything else aka the 80s-90s
>didn't have to worry about SHIT other than mediocre stuff

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I think you were thinking of Yoshi's Island.


that's pretty funny

>tfw growing up to see it all crumbling down to what it is now

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what does this even have to do with the playstation 2 or video games at all?

>nobody reads magazines anymore
>nobody watches TV anymore
>everybody goes on Youtube & Twitch nowadays
>and have heavy adblock installed
>thus some greasy 20-something college dropout now must be the ad
The youth just ain’t interested in catchy slogans or goofy advertisements anymore.
Like fuck, commercials in general aren’t as good anymore for any given product. The last time I remember a commercial making me buy a product was for Charmin Ultra Strong, and that’s more because it was on sale at the supermarket that week with some no-name Mexico-tier brand.

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How did they get away with this?

What is it with neo-geo and weenies?

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hands down best ad

No arcades left where I live, except shitty overpriced ones at boardwalks and tourist traps.
Gonna visit a pinball museum and play unlimited on ~50 machines from 6 decades for at least 8 hours soon, though.
Might even rent a room or sleep in my car so I can do it twice. Not real close to me. I'm fucking pumped.

For the western game industry maybe.
>B-b-b-but Nintendo censored X
One company

Really man? Majority of advertising makes no sense for the product their selling. How many times have you seen a commerical of a happy family driving to some restaurant thinking maybe it's a car commercial or for the establishment, only to find out at the end it's for tampons.

IS this a hidden message from ice cube

I refuse to believe they actually used this as promotional advertisement

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This is how you know someone is still in their coming of age process, when they say shit like this. If they even started.

Look at the panties, you gasping fucking half wit.

The ad is telling you PS2fans are degenerates

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It's a french ad and in france sniffing a woman's panties is considered a nice way of showing how much you love them


around the time millennials started graduating college

>clockwise, top left to bottom right
still dunno
like i wouldn't know
idi amin aka black guy laughing on boat.gif
gaddafi (rip)

can anyone fill in the blanks? I'm starting to guess half the dunnos are ussr chief's plastered as "conquerors"

Number 5 is Hirohito. Pretty sure the guy left of Saddam is the leader of communist Vietnam. Forgot his name though. Hochi Min?

it's ho chi minh but i don't think he's on there, i'd recognize him

Yeah, you're right, it's not him. I've seen this guy's face before though. Just can't make out the name or country.

Same user as before. It's Pol Pot.

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For real though, a pair of my dress pants got ruined from simply keeping my 3ds in it's pockets.
Eventually the fabric started tearing where the 3DS corners would sit. Really crappy.