Which handheld was better overall Sup Forums ?

Which handheld was better overall Sup Forums ?

Attached: DS vs 3DS.jpg (1600x600, 392K)

The 3DS because it can play fair games

You can play DS games on the 3DS, so my vote goes for the 3DS.

The DS is more comfortable to hold though.

my dick

3DS is the best handheld ever

Overall? Well overall you can simply play more on the 3DS when it's hacked, so 3DS.
But individually the DS had more unique and strange titles I think. Also a lot more movie shovelware but eh.

But is it comfortable to hold?

DS if we ignore cross compat

yes it feels really good when it is held

The 3D mechanic stopped being relevant after about 2 years so I'll give it to the DS just for having the better gimmick.

3DS is just a super DS, so it.

The only thing DS and DS lite have over all the 3DS is sturdiness and better audio.

>T. guy who has never owned a 3ds

3D was kinda cool for like brief moments. I'd only ever really turn it on to quickly check the 3D out before turning it back off.

>Built in web browser


Learn how to greentext and t. correctly. I had a 3DS and outside of 3D Land I can't remember a game that incorporated the 3D into its gameplay while the touchscreen was always important to the DS, hence why it survived into the 3DS. The 3D effect was cool sometimes but after a while you stop caring, especially when battery is concerned.

DS has more interesting 3rd party games with a great collection of nintendo games.

>strange titles

Attached: strange soup joy vey.png (968x860, 1.15M)

I'd say this shouldn't be a point worth mentioning but then I remembered those horrible periods when the computer broke or something. 3DS browser was surprisingly decent, Wii U browser still best though.

DS had a working, functional gimmick that lasted it's entire lifespan and into an entirely new console generation.

The 3DS piggybacked off that gimmick and it's own gimmick failed horribly, eventually being phased out of the console itself, making it much more like an original DS but with upgraded hardware.

Hmm, I wonder which console was better.

DS, no discussion to be had here.

DS and GBA and god tier libraries so DS

Since you said overall, the 3DS, it's not even close.

DS can play GBA games though
plus it was more simple/chill of a device

With just how they are now?
3DS is king
It can play both 3DS and DS games

With only playing their libraries?
DS, it has the better games.

DS library is better by far.

The DS because it was actually portable.

3ds is objectively better since it can also play DS games.
In terms of library though, DS rekts the 3ds