What's Sup Forums's version of the Calarts art style?

What's Sup Forums's version of the Calarts art style?

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Indie pixelshit

Attached: indie.png (986x321, 19K)

Unnecessary QTEs


Delete this thread and never sully 002 again, thanks.


Cave story isnt western retard

and the image on the left isn't a 90s game. It's a dumb bait image.

Attached: Accident.jpg (1100x1451, 787K)

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That made me laugh more than it should

why did he pay that guy?

I think the guy paid him.

That makes no fucking sense but the last two frames still genuinely made me depressed for some reason. I need to go to sleep.

He's the one driving the car

look at the driver

one day. he will go too far

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Are you guys fucking retarded? The dad paid the guy to paralyze her so dad could do kinky shit to her. Pic related is you, go get diagnosed for being chromosome deficient.

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Attached: shadman.jpg (181x272, 7K)

>Your entire plan revolves around the assumption your kid will run across the street at the right time and place for the driver to "accidentally" run her over
>All this just to molest her, even though you could have done that for free without all this stupid plan

What's the point of having her run over? To get her paralysed? So the plan also involves assuming she fucking doesn't die on impact or smash her skull against the asphalt then? You could have just bashed her kneecaps with a hammer for free. You could have tied her up. You didn't need to do any of this.

Id say generic bald shooterman probably

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>Western devs

>cave story

You aren't even trying are you?

Whatever art style Overwatch and Fortnite are going for.

Post the rest.

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Yeah. Neo-atari is bs.

This. Literally nothing is worse than this shit.

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Not anymore, it's the TF2 ripoff artstyle that doesn't know the shading of characters was just one part of TF2's style.

Only thing of his that actually made me audibly say "holy shit". He did the school shooting/necro one too but at least that had a few silly things about it like the dabbing kid getting shot too.

weebs are so easy to bait

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Cave story is Japanese

>the rest

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Dumb frogposters are so easy to call dumb.

post of the rest of this. haven't seen this for years.

whatever the virgin mid-20 year olds who only pick up drawing so they can draw the overly specific porn make

generic shaved soldier MC

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