Sroo, roo wrant Dronkey Krong characters? Rand Ridrey? Is that Whrat roo wrant?

Sroo, roo wrant Dronkey Krong characters? Rand Ridrey? Is that Whrat roo wrant?

Wrell, it isn't wrhat I wrant. I wroved the new Xenobrade Chronicres and Frire Embrem is droing frantastic! Yrou'll rove them! Rex, Nria, and Zreke are all groing to be prayable! And for Frire Embrem, we're prutting in Ald and Celirca! As wrell as the new rord from the Swritch game!

Cruts! Just Rittle Mrac and Driddy Krong. Those gaijins need to rearn their prace.

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Other urls found in this thread:

B-but what about Bandana Waddle Dee?
He was technically in Super Star and you love adding stuff from that game to Smash.

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jesus you suck at the "racist asian accent" bit. the first thing you do is replace every L with an R, you don't just randomly add Rs to words. it should be "Arm and Cerica" for example.

Wadurodi is canfamudo. Joku charactah. No spiru, no bandana.

is it wrong that i'd be totally fine with this

punch out is japanese

>Sroo, roo wrant Dronkey Krong characters? Rand Ridrey? Is that Whrat Scooby Doo wrant?

>Wrell, it isn't wrhat I wrant. I wroved the new Xenobrade Chronicres and Frire Embrem is droing frantastic! Yrou'll rove them! Rex, Nria, and Zreke are all groing to be prayable! And for Frire Embrem, we're prutting in Ald and Celirca! As wrell as the new rord from the Swritch game!

>Cruts! Just Rittle Mrac and Driddy Krong. Those gaijins need to rearn their prace, raggy!

Attached: scooby-doo.jpg (446x299, 27K)

But people want Xeno characters. If you really wanted to be an ass, you'd add characters from series no one gives a fucking damn about for Smash like more Kid Icarus, Earthbound, or Pokemon


That's not how Engrish works, you faggot.

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Does anyone in Japan actually care about Punch Out? I thought they were more confused than anything at Little Mac's inclusion.

Or Metroid.

That's what I thought of too.

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Fuck off slant, you're not the real sakurai. Ridley and Lanky will be in the smash 5, all fire emblem characters are being cut. DLC is sans, papyrus, and toby fox himself.

Attached: the real sakurai.jpg (657x960, 111K)

Little Mac and Punch Out is japanese IP, you stupid fuck.

People are always asking for more Metroid characters like Slyux or whatever his name is. No one is asking for more Pokemon, Earthbound, or Kid Icarus characters though. Seriously, throw in some bullshit like Detective Pikachu into Smash just to annoy people. Its just a clone of Pikachu but with a hat and a human voice.

Nobody gives a damn about Metroid though, beyond its vocal minority.

For how long Metroid was on the back burner you'd think they'd put Ridley in. They won't because Sakurai, but if they wanted to blow up the internet and Metroids popularity, now would be a perfect time for it.

who could forget a classic japanese video game antagonist such as mike tyson

Metroid has still collectively sold more than Fire Emblem has yet look at much FE got felated in 4.

lol'd thanks man

mike tyson's punch out was a port of the arcade games, retard, neck yourself

>not adding Morag too


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People ask for Ridley more than Sylux because they don't care about a weird alien looking weird on the roster as long as his design and moveset are good.

That is the worst fake Japanese accent ever

Step it up senpai

>Outselling FE
>in 2000 + 18

user that mobile game has made Nintendo more money than Metroid ever will

>Rex, Nria, and Zreke are all groing to be prayable!
Based Sakurai.

sakurai gib tora

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>considering mobile shit a game

Metroid games have outsold FE.

user, you did da Jap asento arr wong!

i'd love Nia

If smash's appeal was meant to be all nintendo's flagship characters fighting, why the fuck were there so many characters that didn't fit to this in 4? It turned the whole roster into a fucking mess.

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Is THIS what they mean when they say single-player MMO?

You don't need to put r in front of every word OP.

Who fucking cares? People want to see characters from other franchises beat the shit out of each other, brand loyalty be damned.

It's not just 3rd party though. A good chunk of the roster was either put in solely to help sell their games or for literally no reason.

>The eternal, neverending salt and btfo'ing of Ridleyfags

Your genuine delusion is a constant source of entertainment, please by all means make even more fucking autistic as hell "I COUNTED THE PIXELS RIDLEY CONFIRMED WATCH ME TWIST THIS STATEMENT TO WHAT I WANT TO SEE" infographs.

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But that was the original too. In fact, the only character who didn't have a game out or upcoming on the N64 to advertise in some way was Samus.

I suspect Sakurai has outright disdain for pretty much every kirby game that came after Air Ride.

Well, technically there is/was Ness (though it seems Earthbound 64 did involve him a some point, so...)

The Woolly World stage was apparently an Epic Yarn stage at one point. Take that as you will.

I'm more mad they didn't stick to just Nintendo characters and opted for 3rd parties. I don't give two shits about Cloud, Snake, Ryu or Bayonetta. The ones not mentioned at least fit within the rest of the roster. It's clear that Smash is going to simply put in 'relevant' characters and characters from games he personally likes (Cloud).

If that's the case, why'd he change Kirby's Final Smash to Ultra Sword?




Not him, but that was most likely a situation where he found no other way to update his final smash

It DOES seem pretty peculiar to me that there's never been a Kirby stage based on a post-Super Star game.

Rehehehehehe Raggy

What about Snake, Mr Sakurai? Remember him? Remember Kojima, your friend?

I'll never understand people being happy of not only potential characters not getting in, but of other people being disappointed. Hopefully you get your most wanted character cause it does suck being stuck in the never ever meme.

Sakurai has stated he's the sole decider on who gets into Smash. Thus why there's so much bias.

>Remember Kojima, your friend?
Konami (you know, Snake's owners) don't

Ridley's not really a character, so it's fine. Might as well beg for Dodongo as a fighter.

Would you add them for a Scooby Snack?

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There isn't any music or assist trophies from any of those oither.

>Dodongo as a fighter

This would actually be cool

As long as they're happy to continue milking the brand, there's no reason Snake couldn't be in Smash.

I'm pretty sure most people moved on after Sakurai said he's too big. Which is true

>Be complete fucking faggots and shit up the board with constant threads
>Guys it's not released in America yet surely they'll patch in one fucking character just for America
>wow why does nobody fucking like us we're the victims ;c

oh blow it out your ass you fucking liar

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There's music from Squeak squad and Amazing Mirror

World to Win/Soul of Sectonia was on Dream Land

There is music from Kirby games post Super Star.

>want thing
>say it and be done with it
>still get shit on
I'm not all of Sup Forums.

im gonna laugh my ass off when ridley gets revealed and everyone on Sup Forums gets BTFO :^)

>you fucking liar
Yes, because we still see people demanding Ridley, not the people like you reminiscing over old threads. Fuck off

>too big
Smash is one of the franchises this doesn't matter because being a noncanon nonserious party lets you tweak anything.

>Repeatedly have to be told by everyone including the devs themselves that this is something that cannot be done because in order to keep his presence as a motherfucker of a boss accurate he needs to stay huge
>Completely fucking ignore the fact the other characters who get scaled actually still maintain reasonable proportions
>"yeah but do it tho"

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Then you have falseflagging twats like this who screencap their own posts as proof of the terrible Ridleyfaggots wanting something like the evil nazis they are.

>Rex, Nia and Zeke
>Alm and Celica

Bowser can be tweaked despite always being huge in 3D Mario games because he just has a good design.

Attached: 252px-BowserConfrontingTheLosingTeam.png (252x189, 85K)

I'm okay with Zreke

Bowser, Ganondorf, Olimar, etc. The devs are wrong. You are wrong. Just as you will keep parading around that something will never happen, people will continue to ask for what they want. You ultimately win but everyone still hates eachother.

This fucking thread man.

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He's Japanese not scooby doo you fuckin idiot

>names characters who's proportions scale well like I said
>"no you're wrong I want a little baby dragon"

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Oops. Ahem.

Ching chong bing bong Smashu? Ridory? Dawnk Kawng? Fuk yuu! Ching chang File Embrem!!

But these characters were staples of Nintendo and didn't feel out of place.
Way too many characters that had no connection to Nintendo past being on their console were in 4.

I would too if I was him.

OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo Aso Hai hai Dawnk Kawng fukyuu! Wash pot pans!?

>Ridley's too big for Smash
>Bayonetta, the tallest video game character ever, got in

Ridley scaled would look weird just like he does in canon games because he's an alien. You're saying "An alien looking alien is bad". Not like my opinionmatters. You'll forever be right so we shall continue hating on eachother over some petty noncanon party game.

They could rescale her because reasons! Ridley never ever LOL!

I'm not going to say anything about whether Ridley is too big to be in or not, but you're not arguing that a character can be any size at all and it wouldn't matter, are you? Like, what if Ridley got in, and he was smaller than Samus? Wouldn't you agree that would obviously look stupid and wrong? This is an extreme example, but I'm trying to illustrate my point.

Fuck off you nintendlet.

They’re out of decent 1st party characters. They may as well make the game a video game all stars fighter

Holy crap, you're an actual example of the "Nintendo fan who literally only plays Nintendo games" stereotype.

The problem with Ridley isn't that he's too big, rather that he's too lanky. That could be tweaked though since there's a lot of designs to choose from and they could change things a little bit while still being faithful.
But this is Sakurai so it's not going to happen.

>several possible reps from Zelda, DK, F-Zero, classics, etc.

ridely is too big

Being on par with Bowser or a little bigger would be fine. I'm arguing any character can be tweaked, scaled, altered, whatever. Because it's a noncanon party game. Obviously just boss sized Ridley wouldn't work but he doesn't have to be that size.

>Be complete fucking faggots and shit up the board with constant threads

Name one [1] video game that deserves more discussion or attention than Smash. Its not our fault people dont want to discuss other games, they just want shit-posting. At leas on this threads there is actual discussion, and merit to what pretty much is a hall of fame in video games.

Just by the sheer amount of games represented in smash will get fans from all its franchises. Fuck off

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He would be an interesting Ike Clone
Could be a sort of interesting character with a pick-up mechanic for her Twin Rings as she hits with them, but pretty boring fighting style among the main cast
So long as they create a good balance between Pyra and Mithra, it'll be fine

Honestly, the most interesting character to play as would be Malos and Tora/Poppi

He's an alien. Why would an alien that looks weird and lanky be bad? I just don't agree and feel it'd fit him more than work against him. Plus he wouldn't have to be so thin it looked garbage. You tweak him. It's no, pun intended, big deal.

The thing that annoys me is that Ridley is a (Pun intended) big part of Metroid, yet he hasn't been given a permanent rut in Smash...he's always a boss, cameo or a stage hazard who will disappear from the next game.

He should be a Assist Trophy or a Final Smash. If that shit Nightmare can so can Ridley.

*Kirby's Nightmare

Malos would probably just end up being a Shulk clone. Him with Sever could be interesting, though.

metroid is dumb

Hi Sakurai.

>say you'd like Ridley on the roster and don't mind any tweaks required to do so as long as it's obviously meant to be Ridley
>triggers Sup Forums

getto fucckued gaijin. My fire embrem waifus aru pretty and u want big fat rizards in game.


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Literally every mod that adds Ridley to the game makes him look stupid as shit. Cry more Ridley fag.

>the most interesting character to play as would be Malos
>a fucking shulk clone

and no fuck off with your retarded furbies, nopon need to fuck from the xeno series

I disagree and hope your most wanted gets in.