What is a game that will satisfy my gun related autism? good gunplay would also be good

What is a game that will satisfy my gun related autism? good gunplay would also be good

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no thanks

This looks good, how's the gameplay?

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>This looks good, how's the gameplay?
you click things

yeah but is it fun?

>This looks good, how's the gameplay?
Honestly I had more fun with it rather than heavily praised jagged alliance 2.

Escape from Tarkov

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>hating vr when it does wonders for gun autism
Your loss


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Escape from Tarkov

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Already own this, the gun autism is off the charts tier, but the gameplay is awful and just becomes a walking at 1 speed campfest against groups of fully geared people who bought the ultimate edition.

vr makes me feel sick, also the times i have played games in vr the movement feels disgusting and worse than kb/m

EFT is gun autism: the game

>Escape From Tarkov is never being released


ment for

Would be good if the netcode wasn't trash.

>ivan sobbing in the distance

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STALKER with various mods

7.62mm high caliber is basically "Gun Autism the Game"
I didn't like it desu

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>vr makes me feel sick, also the times i have played games in vr the movement feels disgusting and worse than kb/m
This generally happens the first time you use it, but you acclimate and it gets much better.

>people who bought the ultimate edition
it literally gives you no advantage against other players

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Some games are better at movement than others.

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Fallout New Vegas

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>able to hold more loot in cache
>bigger box so you can bring more medical supplies, keys, ammo without fear of losing it
>no benifit
That's not really the issue anyway, the issue is the current meta is to slow walk everywhere and camp until someone walks past you, repeat ad nauseum, it's just not fun sadly.
At Least the gun autism is godly

The knowledge that you own the ultimate edition gives you the psychological edge to succeed.

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Only good answer

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You could try Marauder: Man of Prey. It's more polished than 7.62.

>movies teaching people how to skrip fire
they should ban this instead

Nah, it felt way more buggy and streamlined.


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The fuck he think he doing, playing Time Crisis 2?

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change peoples hands out with electronic hands that only work inside your home and on your work place and you need to ask when you wanna use them and they watch you on cameras all the time

american high school simulator

is that guy in the red shirt ice poseidon?


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those are some impressive man titties

Arma 3 with the right mods is the best all around experience.

The only problem is that there isn't tac reloads.

>the current meta is to slow walk everywhere and camp until someone walks past you, repeat ad nauseum, it's just not fun sadly.
That's not the meta at all. You can sprint & jump around the map like a madman gunning down everything in your path, and the netcode coupled with the lack of medical/mag-loading animations and the current stamina vs encumbrance system makes that playstyle extremely effective. That's the real meta right now. Pretty soon it'll slow way the fuck down though and what you're describing may becoming more relevant, but almost all of the people you see ripping through other players in this game play pretty aggressively.

i think once they add more things to flush people out of rooms/behind cover it will improve the current meta of holding down one part of the map and waiting for people.

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Receiver is pretty fun

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and the engine is an out-of-date unoptimized mess.

>25 FPS

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Shame the game itself is pure shit.

this game spooked me many times more than "horror" games, and flying drones are nightmare fuel BZZZZZZZZZZTT

>having a toaster
Runs perfectly fine on my machine lmao
Just don't play on garbage public server with tons of shit going that ruins performance for everyone

>Shame the netcode is pure shit

you ever notice how once you get like 3 or 4 tapes you start hearing tribal chanting? spooked the hell out of me

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Netcode is included in the whole package, thus the game is shit.
The gameplay is bullshit, it's just pubg with a persistent map and very nice gun mechanics.
If you got those gun mechanics in a single player game, I'd be all over that shit.

>Runs perfectly fine

That's worthless subjectivity. Perfectly fine to you might be 30fps at 1080p with view distance set to 2000m

didnt hear that, never managed to beat the game and its been few years since I played it, guess its time to download it again.
btw are there more than 3 guns now?

What's that game where you can customize every tiny little part of your guns, down to things like the firing pin? I remember it being shown off at E3 one year with Kinect voice commands.

The stress while having 10 tapes and walking into a new room that you know spawns drones is unreal.

there was a mod that added a bunch of guns, it was discontinued in 2014 but you can download it here:

Ghost Recon Future soldier

>pretends to be an accessable milsim
>no zeroing of guns

>>pretends to be an accessable milsim

No it doesn't.

>no zeroing of guns

>no zeroing of guns
Whens the last time you played?

It's been some time. Did they actually add zeroing? I just couldn't get into it for all the small shit like that coming from arma.

Well what the fuck is it then?

alpha V10 is pretty good. added zeroing, vaulting and some other mechanics.

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I have no idea what zeroing is

A videogame where you can drop rallys anywhere on the map and have people magically respawn there.

Even ARMA isn't a milsim. VBS is the milsim.

>AND vaulting
That sounds pretty good. Maybe I should revisit the game.

Zeroing is ranging guns' sights to shoot accurately at different ranges.

When boolit shooty dial changy to make boolit fly farther


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Don't. You still can't clear a stovepipe round.

>can't clear a stovepipe
Wait, the guns can jam?

This or 7,62?

No. They don't jam. You can't even clean the barrel.


Blacklight Retribution but it's basically dead.

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This game became horribly pay to win after a while, did they ever fix that?

Takedown: Red Sabre

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Metal Gear Solid 5 had really nice gun customization. You could build your own made up gun basically. The customization is insane.

The shooting is nice too, the game actually has bullet drop and windage, so you actually have to use the mil dots for long range shots. And because the game is open world you can challenge yourself and go for longer and longer shots.

The snub is the best thing ever.

Didn't really feel it, it felt and looked like a lower quality Rainbow Six.

This game is great, but actually succeeding is more luck than anything else. I failed at getting all the tapes for the longest time and eventually just watched the "ending" on youtube. Not long after that I managed to get all 11 cause there were like 3 in one room.

I'm playing Stalker with Misery mod, i lost half or more of what i do it's masochism but i love it.

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real life


Just buy some money lmao, what are you, poor

noone fucking uses vbs anymore because it is trash. Modded arma is as good as it gets right now.

Yeah, and some griefers have been PVPing in what were supposed to be safe zones, so now the mods are saying that they're gonna remove a lot of the weapons, so there's basically no advantage in picking the american race anymore

Not fun at all, don't understand any of the gameplay mechanics and absurdly pay2win

I put about 50 hours into the rising storm vietnam game. Maps got old though.

>being a real life shill

What are you blabbering about? VBS used as a simulator, ARMA is not. VBS has ALWAYS had more features than ARMA.

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you can all fuck off back to plebbit with this bullshit.

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47hours here, uninstalled months ago.

vbs 2 somehow managed to be actually clunkier than arma. Please tell me exactly how vbs 2 is better than the mods out there for ARMA 3? You can have time to google because you do not have an answer ready. I am 99% sure you never played any of the vbs 'games'

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Hotdogs makes you painfully aware that you're in VR constantly. The "realism" of operating the guns is neat but that's literally all it has going for it. It's not fun or satisfying when you're constantly fighting the VR one way or another.