Player kills you

>player kills you
>says "you mad?" in chat
How do you respond without sounding mad?

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By not responding.

>report him
>his account gets banned
gg easy


No u

nice shot

Say that you fucked their mom

"I'll suck your dick, gayboy". I don't like saying it, but it works

Congratulations, you have genuinely bested me because you surpass me in both skill and ability!Congratulations, you have genuinely bested me because you surpass me in both skill and ability!Congratulations, you have genuinely bested me because you surpass me in both skill and ability!Congratulations, you have genuinely bested me because you surpass me in both skill and ability!Congratulations, you have genuinely bested me because you surpass me in both skill and ability!Congratulations, you have genuinely bested me because you surpass me in both skill and ability!Congratulations, you have genuinely bested me because you surpass me in both skill and ability!Congratulations, you have genuinely bested me because you surpass me in both skill and ability!Congratulations, you have genuinely bested me because you surpass me in both skill and ability!Congratulations, you have genuinely bested me because you surpass me in both skill and ability!Congratulations, you have genuinely bested me because you surpass me in both skill and ability!Congratulations, you have genuinely bested me because you surpass me in both skill and ability!Congratulations, you have genuinely bested me because you surpass me in both skill and ability!Congratulations, you have genuinely bested me because you surpass me in both skill and ability!

Yeah u mad lol

say you don't understand english in some foreign language

I'm the MVP.

If you don't respond it just seems like your seething behind your keyboard. You're mad to the point of speechlessness.

just say "¿que?

>using comms at all

Por que?

>You may have won the game of Runescape but I won the game of life



ur dad lesbian


Yeah Im mad. What of it?

>Say nothing
>"lol u mad"
>Dominate him while saying nothing
>"lol y u still mad?"
>Continue beating him and win the game
Feels good man

>DOX him
>go to house
>fuck him in ass
>ask him if hes mad

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What's wrong with being mad? They can't shame you for it if you own it.
>yes I'm mad, fuck you

This doesn't happen to me, and if someone kills me, i make sure to kill them 3x times to assert dominance.

>yeah brah

I'm madly in love with you, baby.~

I'm not mad


By posting the same thread everyday because original content on Sup Forums is a meme.

>No, I'm sorry if I've offended you in some way

i'd be worried you'd kill me in my sleep


This one is good, unironically.

*shakes fist*

lmao just kidding ;)


Don't respond, win the match, then send him a private message that says
"gg ez"

He'll break his keyboard.

>implying i didn't mute everyone as soon as the match started.

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say nothing, report at end of game because players who do this usually call their teammates niggers or some shit. let your report be added to the rest and get em banned. then find out where they live and kill them.

>ignore him
That's about it. We just want a reaction bro.

If you have to say something, you could say something along the lines of, "I'm not angry son, I'm just disappointed" for a giggle.

SWAT him so he gets shot by the police. Visit him in the hospital and ask if he's mad.

Not gonna lie, if someone responded with this they automatically win.

The best they can do after that is call you a faggot. And then it stops because they have nothing else.

>implying i haven't muted everyone immediately

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If I'm trying to troll someone in a game, I just make sure to kill them more than they kill me. And if we win the game, I tell the enemy team "Sorry for [insert ign here], they lost you the game."

Even if you get reported, it's not "toxic" even by pussy standards so you wont get banned. It makes them look like a shitter. And I get to laugh and enjoy the win.

Just report his toxic behavior and move on

>being this fucking mad

>i'll never know if someone thinks so because i've already turned off all chats

>I know you really want a response so here u go lad

I fucked your dad

And why would care in first place!? Are you that desperate for validation?

>playing multiplayer without muted chat

report him for toxic behavior and get his purchase taken away

You say "Yeah"

nah, just a little low on soy right now lol good kill btw


Respond with borderline sexual harassment!
Just make them feel unsettled
Respond with "Call me bad things daddy" or "I'm mad that you dick is not in between my legs"
Tell them "i want you to shit a steamy log down my throat daddy"
Disturb him
In short ask him for sexual favors NONE STOP



Only an angry person would do something this convoluted.

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this works but it makes me feel like a pussy

Respond with sexual comments about them, show them that you want them to do some naughty buisness
KINKY sexual
Trust me i'm not even joking
this shit gets real funny real fast

Everyone who isn't fucking autistic is, yes.

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There that's all you gotta say

>"Whatever helps yeah wank off your 2" dick at night".

>muted chat
What are you gay

>this shit gets real funny real fast

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lol umad

>If you're not insecure, you're autistic.
Didn't knew Sup Forums was this pathetic.

don't feed the troll, internet 101

Haha, you are really good at this game, no wonder you are at the top of the score board, if you have spare time could you help me what did I wrong? No problem if not, have a good game :D

"Mad about you, sweetie."

Do people still read chats in online multiplayer games?

No really, do they? This shit shoulda been erased from existence in the late 2000s honestly. It serves no worthwhile purpose.


>t. friendless loser

"I Chad"

>needing text chat to play with your friends

What? People use one of the many voice programs for their friends you stupid moron.

>Thinks people can only makes friends online.
Sad user, sad...

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There OP, its literally flawless

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I don't play multi-player garbage so I don't have this issue. Otherwise I'd just ignore the cunt.

>need validation
Cucked much :)?

mmmm fuck my tits

Say "me?"
He will say "yeah"
Then you say "him?"

>implying he isn't absolutely seething that nobody in the game responded to him and just either totally ignored him or didn't see what he typed

congrats guy. You're about to get your account hacked for fucking with the wrong guy pal.

thanks Ubisoft

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I guess

You don't. There's no response you can make without sounding mad.


mute the kiddo or the manchild

You sound mad


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Im NOT mad >_


either say nothing at all or pretend to be mexican and not understand
works every time

you aren't pretending

lmao ur so mad XD MAD becuse BAD