Name a more overpowered character in gaming history

Name a more overpowered character in gaming history.

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Is he a clone of Christopher Robin?

If not, then the answer is CR.

>doesn't have perfect pitching

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Which game was he in? I know it was one of the backyard sports games but I cant remember.

lol is that fucking pablo?


Ivan Ooze

Lisa "Mad Dog" Crockett wants a word with you, OP.

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what? lol!!!!

how do i still remembeer these characters? it's flooding back

i literally only remember Mad Dog and just how immeasurably broken she was. I probably got 98% of my goals with her.

You know it baybeeee

Who you got?

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it was a different time

>the versions with actually baseball players as kids
>rando spic could still hit a homerun everytime even if Kurt S. was pitching
Fucking joke. At least they made the kid the wheel chair realistic


Anyone else is unfair

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Soccer was better, fight me.

1. Pablo
2. Achmed
(only ones I'd actually pick for my team above here)
3. Jocinda
4. Mikey
5. Stephanie
6. Everyone else sucks

1. Pablo
2. Where the hell is Keisha Phillips (best center) and Dmitri Petrovich (best kicker)?
3. Reese (Kicker)
4. Everyone else sucks.

I remember playing the shit out of the football version.

>all those colored kids
>that wheel guy
>that tranny in the corner


ahead of its time by 20 years

Is Tony Delvechio white?

>pick kenny "weaponized wheelchair" kawaguchi
>just fucking rolls over everything like they're not even there

no contest, only need him and some non-shitter goalie


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Angela, Tony, Achmed, Amir, Pete, Kimmy, the twins, and...maybe Gretchen.

And it was genuine, not forced.

All of them.


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where the fuck is Garcia


>not forced
theyre not real people of course it was forced you fuckwit. 'Forced' diversity doesn't take into account the motive, it just means any time diversity is manually and deliberately included in a work that wouldn't have been a result of historical context.

There was a huge PC push back in the 90s (Look at cartoons back then, BK kids club, ect?) but people made fun of it and ignored it instead of actually taking it seriously like today.

newfag here, please spoonfeed me

Backyard Sports motherfucker.

series by Humongous Entertainment

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>there are people that can legally vote, drive, and post on v that didn't play backyard baseball
why live

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Post your first round draft picks

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I had the one that had the MLB players as kids.


Forced diversity was just as bad in the 90's. Someone else already mentioned it but the BK Kids Club is a prime fucking example of it.

That said it wasn't as bad since back then "diversity" meant "we got 10 characters and everyone is ticking a check on our list" and not "we got 10 characters and 9 of them are gonna be black."

It was done with more subtlety and taste back then.

I'm white and grew up on Nickelodeon, and off the top of my head I can think of 4 shows with black casts:

>Kenan and Kel
>My Brother and Me
>Cousin Skeeter
>Whatever show Nick Cannon had

And that doesn't include That's So Raven, which IIRC was Disney.

Most of the episodes were basically just kid's show with black leads, but that was exactly what we needed: It was the same shit. It was still relateable to kids of any color. It wasn't 'black' entertainment. It was children's entertainment. I think this went a long way in normalizing equality than most of the snowflake shit we have now.

>Kenan and Kel
This show had black people actually acting like black people.

Later it seemed like they just became white people with black skin (True Jackson VP, or the nerdy male third friend AJ from Fairly Oddparents, Tucker from Danny Phantom, Cookie from Ned's Declassified). You'd never see something like the Kenan and Kel intro today.

was this game the cause of sports become nothing but advanced metrics, nerd stats?

not even the strongest in his own game

I didn't know what the fuck an Achmed was back then and just saw him as a tan white guy. It wasn't til I grew up that I realized he was an Arab.

Tranny? Who in backyard was a tranny?

Do blacks love orange soda?

could be a pokemon trainer theme

also, fucking lol at the end there, i completely forgot about that

I'll take Achmed for the bombers.

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I think that's just a Kel thing.

I will say though whenever I used to run stock and put out the orange soda I'd always think of this fucking show.


That intro is fucking kino

>This show had black people actually acting like black people
You're probably right. I haven't watched it this millenum, but I don't remember anything about the show being 'unfamiliar' and I lived in a very white town. They managed to make it relatable somehow, even if it was 'black.'

I'm curious how writers handle that stuff. Half the shit in Black Panther wouldn't fly if I wrote it.

>Bad guy is an ape
>Literally hoots and hollers to shut white boy up
>Kilmonger's first scene is him talking as street as possible to the point of parody

kel still memes about orange soda i think too

Literally the god of handegg.

Kenan was pretty white and Kel was just a moron, HOWEVER look at that intro. It's a G-rated rap video. Black as hell.

>Kel was just a moron

Kel was a genius.

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>the travesty that is the later BY games when they tried to go for a more 3D look and ended up killing the games
I still play the older ones from time to time (BYB 2001/3, BYF 1999(?)) Amazing how good the games are, desu. Granted BYF has some problems, BYB was very good imo.

>Granted BYF has some problems
Lunch Pail is absolutely broken. A touchdown every play. I once won a game 92-0 even though the quarters are ONE MINUTE LONG.



Oh yea, that play was easy farm. I restricted myself from using it and the specials once I smashed the game enough.

I always picked Tony.

my secret weapon. everyone underestimated him.

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maria luna

with team colors being pink

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Fucker could kick the ball out of the field on kickoffs in football.

>that one voice line where he secretly speaks english

only ever played baseball, but the only thing he couldn't do was pitch.

fpbp, came here to say this

Thread theme

Which was the one with actual baseballers? 'Cause I always picked Mark McGuire and Cal Ripken.

>His large girth makes him a force in the paint
Jesus that's not very subtle


That's da bitch, I had hockey too and picked Jaromir Jagr all the time because his name was fun to say

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>Ken Griffey Jr. (best hitter in the game despite being only 9/10)
>Sammy Sosa
>Nomar Garciaparra (P)
>Derek Jeter
>Achmed Khan
>Pablo Sanchez
>Barry Bonds
>Larry Walker
>Jeff Bagwell

I think that was my lineup.

Fun fact: Carlos Beltran JUST retired last year after winning his first world series, the last active player from that game.

Rules were full draft and no picking NFL players. Went with the classic Melonheads, completely forgot I named myself NIGGER, but it ended up working out.

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Lisa got me homeruns every time

curt bitch she was

>The one male ginger is retarded

fucking kek

Fucking OP bato

Coby, pablo, reese

rest were shit.


Guys, ever wonder why Puerto Rico, an island of over 3 million people with a huge love of baseball doesn't have an MLB team?

I've always wondered this. Then I went there. It's a third world shithole, and it's American. It's fucking American soil, yet it's worse than Mexico. They're still lazily trying to fix up after the hurricane after almost a year and failing miserably.

It is also hot as fuck there and those pussy ass MLB fags would never be able to handle it. They can't even play in the rain for fucks sake. And I don't want to just knock them, the NFL couldn't do it either with all of their gear.

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>No Dante in this thread
You all suck
no soup for you


You probably think I'm joking though, but I'm not Please look up is feats

Its a tropical fucking island, it gets hit by hurricanes every year.

But he's fast

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He is obviously the Forest Gump expy, and it makes it even more hilarious.

>Pablo does not speak any English


He does speak english, he just learned spanish in school.

OP, you don't know overpowered characters.

In a genre mixed with broken characters, from Super Turbo's Akuma, from 3rd Strike's Gill, From KOF with the likes of Goenitz, Omega Rugal and Zero, none of them hold a candle to the most broken fighting game character, the most broken video game character of all time Ivan Ooze.

From the SNES game Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: The Fighting Edition, Ooze was a character so monumentally broken, that he could not be thrown, he floated across the stage, and most of his moves made him straight up invincible.

Not kind of invincible. Not projectile invincible. But you can't actually damage me while I'm doing this move invincible.

So broken was Ivan Ooze, that his recovery was so short, that you could do one special move, followed by another special move, in which at no point could you be damaged.

That's right. You could throw out constant offensive attacks, and not only be safe from the opponent throwing out an attack, you would be safe even if you completely missed, and the opponent would have hit you.

Except they can't.

Because you're Ivan Ooze.

And you're the most overpowered character in gaming history.

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>obviously didn't play the game

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His handling should be three.