Final Fantasy XV

Can we have a comfy FF XV thread?

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How about a sad one?

This is coming out tomorrow on the 21st.

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When I finished the game in December of 2016, I put it in the case, put it in my closet, and it’s been there since, and I have been comfy ever since. Minus having to go the doctor for a torn muscle in the side of my neck from a car accident.

>What people want
>What we'll get

>Lol I haven't played the game in over a year

Nobody cares.

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mustards have the worst taste

Well they barely get new games, so it's understandable.

>Playing the PS4 collection of KH
>Up to Re: Coded
>It's noticeably the worst game in the collection
>"Shit Nomura, what happened?"
>"Directed by Hajime Tabata."

Suddenly it all made sense.

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They needed a plot device to initiate artificial conflict. Much like Luna's death.

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Should have had a longer scene before going on the timeskip and Noctis at some point should have either broken down entirely in front of them or spoken up and enlightened them to his feelings in a stern manner. Gladio comes off as a dick, never says sorry, and Noctis goes on his meh ways.

>Find yourself in a lava-like terrain, with a titan trying to kill you all
>Start with scolding you like it was the safest place ever
What the fuck was his problem?

Afrojack is actually not on the Vol. II OST, but based Yasunori Mizuta, Naoshi Mizuta, Keiichi Okabe and Nobuo Uematsu are.

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That's a shame, these songs are already out. I'd be down if it had unreleased music.

Ravus would have been a better "Shield of the King" then Gladios in the long run.

Ravus was a faggot is what he was

how much of a mongoloid do you have to be to actually believe this

>these songs are already out

They're on YouTube in the form of game rips, but this is the first ever official release, including lossless versions of the tracks.

Top tier character that needed to not have his screentime taken away.

He got better in the end though. He was a faggot for MOST of the story, but after the timeskip he was pretty loyal to Noctis, even helped him take on Ardyn in the retconned ending. Also bowed to him as well and called Noctis "his majesty."

>tfw your retarded retainee is throwing swords again

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Tabata only co-directed the original.
He had nothing to do with re:coded or the movie

So they fucked right?

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Tabata is a business man not a game creator.

Lost all motivation to play after slogging through Chapter 13

Whoever thought up that chapter can fuck themself

Real men dont say sorry fagget. Deal with it

Meh its not that bad now, the ring is way too strong and you can just sprint through. It doesn't fix the presentation of the chapter but it makes it easier to play.


I fucking dare you to play with 1 button

The end game content is complete garbage. Tabata ruined everything


Not him but I literately play this game with one hand. All you need to do is hold O and press square when the game shouts at you to do so. There's no skill needed.

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Maybe try killing something above level 1

>Be me
>Level 64
>Anything between level 50-99 one shots Noctis
>My defense is 500
>5,000 hp
>Enemy hits me once
>Take massive damage

Why is Noctis so squishy and your party members are more resilient? Even with less defense stats? Anyway to make Noctis less squishy? I mean yeah I know you can dodge and what not, and I do that. Maybe I'm just not good at dodging.

...This was an enemy 20 levels higher than mine.

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And enemy 20 levels higher than you will do this

>level 64
>only 5,000 hp

I realize enemies 20 levels higher will one shot, but I think it's rediculous that a level 50-55 enemy can do such massive damage even though I'm 10-15 levels higher.

How so? What should my hp be? I don't have all the hp upgrades from the talent tree or whatever. Shit takes like 333 AP and the other one takes 999 AP to get it. I could equip weapons and an outfit to raise his hp even further but that will mess up my build. I don't just prioritize hp, should I be doing so? I'd rather focus on damage.

>I'd rather focus on damage.
So why are you complaining about being a glass cannon?

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>Final Fantasy thread
Pick 1 (one)

>Focus hp and do no damage
>Focus str and die quickly

Both sound like terrible choices. I could focus hp but then it'll take forever to kill shit. I guess you just have to hope your party members do most of the damage in that case.

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FFXIV is unironically comfy:

>TFW brainlet
>Don't know you balance HP and damage in FF XV

Is that possible? I guess so but I'm not sure what you're suppose to equip exactly? I already have some defense/hp stuff and some offensive stuff and I still die too quickly. So I'd say my build is already balanced, it just doesn't work like I'd want it/expect it to. I figured 500 defense was pretty good, but I still take so much damage. I could equip prince raiments for the bonus 1,000 hp and a platinum bangle for another 1,000 and have like almost 9,000 hp on Noctis, but then I'd have to unequip my damage accessories which would lower his damage but like 200. I could also give him another accessory to raise hp regen or defense. So in a way there is a lot I can to do to make him tankier, but his damage would take a massive dive.

Hell I could equip the magitek suits as well and that would probably make them even more tanky. I just hate the magitek suits. They're so ugly and makes everyone look the same, no variety at all. It ruins photos for me.

I agree. I'm saying FF threads can never be. Since the fanbase is so jilted and suffering from beaten wife syndrome.

You literally just have to git gud
You'll understand it soon enough
I have 9,999 XP as a level 59 and do a fuckton of damage

>9,999 XP

What? That's not really a lot of XP for FF XV. But I'd be curious what your set up is, like what weapons and accessories are you running?

I meant HP, not XP

Couldn't give a rat's ass about fanbases or the rest of FF

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>game runs smoothly at high settings
>a week later randomly starts crashing
>resetting fixes the issue
>problem becomes more frequent
>comp starts BSODing now when I try to play
What the actual fuck happened? All my other games work fine. Why is this fucking game giving me all the headaches?

I dunno
Sounds like a personal issue

i wanna play it but all the characters look like fucking fags

Oh. Well like I said I could COULD technically raise my HP to 9,999 at level 64 by changing outfits, accessories, and weapons but it'd mess up my loadout. I know there are HP nodes that raise the parties HP based on their level or whatever but I haven't unlocked them yet.

His father died and Noctis never even said so much as a "dude that sucks, welcome to the club."

lmao, this could easily pass a comic from old Sup Forums

There is only so much blatant homosexuality a computer can handle, trust me.

Kill the mountain turtle
His accessory give 10,000 HP

Yes he did, he literally said he was grateful to gladios father like 3 seconds after he sperged out in the titan area

I like it but the DLC gear made it too easy.⭐

>installed demo
>went through tutorial
>played a bit
>fought some battles and first boss
>decide its button mashing battles and bland story are meh

>Gives 10,000HP
>HP maxes at 9999
It bothers me more than it should.

Oh shit? Really? I haven't done that quest yet. Also I didn't think you could go over 9,999 hp? So what's the point of the accessory?

So don't fucking use it

Bothers me too
Just for ultimate "I'm so much better than all of you" vibes

>Item is in the game
>Doesn't state it fucks the whole game up

You're beyond retarded, how the hell did you even manage to use a computer with your level or IQ?

Don't use it user

What are the "best" royal arms? Personally I like sword of the father, shield of the just, trident of the oracle, and scepter of the pious. Mostly just for the stat upgrades, but surprisingly trident of the oracle is pretty strong and can do a lot of damage.

>WTF I hate this sword!
>Don't use it then

The only reason why you should play this game is to get to know this bro

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Does anyone even use the ring of the lucci? It seems strong, but is it mostly for a magic build? I know the holy spell on the dodge button is good when fighting daemons. Does the ring scale with your magic stat? Figured it would.

Ignis is my favorite and his chapter was the best out of all of them.

So it took him like what days, weeks, however the fuck time works in FFXV to acknowledge that someone else lost a relative? Making him wait to see his sister so Prompto could go fuck a chocobo was also a dick move as well.

Noctis is just chad tier
Luna dies so he get's some iris pussy until the afterlife

>Haven't played the game
>Too stupid to know what the sword does
>Too retarded to see that the fault lies in SE not stating it fucks the game up.

>Puts on the ring like a retard
>Lets Noctis feel guilty that he went blind
Pretty shitty thing to do Iggy, although I blame that on the writers not finishing the script before releasing the game.

Shield of the just, the axe of the conqueror and the swords of the wanderer.

Shield is great for everything, the axe deals a lot if damage and the swords work nicely against Adamantoise.

I just didn't use it bro, lmao

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Yeah I know what it does
Which is why I never used it

I don't like the axe just because of the massive defensive loss. You are super squishy with the axe equipped.

I wanna fug Iggy!

>played 32 hours
>acts like he doesn't know the game
>Or simply left it idle at the main screen for 32 hours because someone can't be this retarded while having so many hours on the game to not see the fault SE did.


Just don't use the sword

He didn't let him feel guilty. Noctis was mourning Luna and Ignis said it didn't matter, that Noctis could leave him behind like a decoy if he wanted.

He used the ring like a retard to save the retard weak prince from being incapable of withstanding Leviathan.

Was the only bro who actually went to look for info about the prophecy and sorted out who was Ardyn.

Has been supportive, gives you food, fixes yoir clothes, takes care of you, drives anywherr, puts up with your shit without getting paid.

Best bro.

Still sad that I spent 60€ on XV on launch and absolutely hated it.

I knew it better than you and didn't use it lmao

>It's noticeably the worst game in the collection
Not to defend Tabata because holy fuck no, but it's a movie, that's like saying Advent Children is the worst game in the FF7 sub-series.

>so he get's some iris pussy until the afterlife

You mean Ignis boipuss. All those late night "strategy meetings."

Gladio literally guilt tripped him using Iggy's blindness loud enough for the whole train to hear, and Iggy just sat there and under his breath went "yeah take it you bitch" it was pretty fucked up

Well technically going to see Iris makes Noctis wait to see Luna, and if you want to really get into it you could say that if Noctis had arrived at Altissa a little earlier he might have had time with her or been able to change what happened.

>Switch to JP audio
>Character personality and dialogue changes
What's the point of translators if the dub script uses the original as a mere suggestion

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Same, but it's effective with hordes and you can counter the effect with accesories, having Ignis be your healer, and switching to another weapon when you are close to half of your HP

>Still avoiding the point even a toddler would understand.
Did you max out your retardation skills before beginning the first chapter?

I maxed out my didn't use it lmao skills before the first chapter.

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English sub is based on the incorrect English dub, changing to Japanese doens't fix the subtitles as they still say the wrong thing (the English conversations).

No shit, user

If Ardyn would have had his very own Ignis do you think he would have gone evil?

Atleast the emotion is better