Who’s the better knight?

Who’s the better knight?

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guess we'll find out in sma5h

These guys!

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Not even a fucking contest.

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Knight thread?

Castle Crasher knights > all other shovel knight kinghts > hollow knight > shovel knight

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No one in this thread is even in the same league.

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>implying any knight in vidya could beat a max level FE knight that's paired up with his waifu

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i fucking love knights

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The Gods pause for a moment

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Out you go.

precious sir Arthur

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H-Hey guys, pretty nice thread you got here. Speaking of knights, you guys should try this masterpiece

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I fucking LOVE themed knights

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Who needs a knight when you have a soldier?

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You're just a nigga with a garden hose.

Who all would make up the Knights of the Round Table of vidya?

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Can I get a sauce, my good sir?

It's dead, Jim.


Female knights in actual armor trumps any other knights.

Prove me wrong, pro tip: you can't.

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That's all there is to that one, it was just a one-off thing that /tg/ likes to do

>hollow knight wasn't announced at the nindies

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well hollow knight's nail is getting broken in that image, so you tell me.

>female knight

real women wouldn't stand wearing full armor

I have the opposite annoyance.
>Gods and Glory doesn't drop until after the Switch release
>Gods and Glory was teased over a month ago
>I still gotta wait for the Switch release before I even get to enjoy the last DLC content

>tfw Shovelknight is all that's left to fill that void of having a game where everything is a knight character
Fuck I fucking hate garbage 8-bit pixelshit gimme newgrounds graphics for the love of god. I want a fucking Castle Crashers 2 already.

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the behemoth doesn't make sequels

Sorry, too busy bugfixing Pit People and planning on a Horatio character update for Castle Crashers. Then we'll probably make a puzzle game just to mix things up.

Pit People is a direct sequel to Battleblock.

Sequel im0lies it's a continuation of a game with the same formula. If it was a sequel to Battleblock it'd play like Battleblock with new shit added in.


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If you don't put Bird Knight on your team get the hell up out of my face.

Why not? Shovelknight made shit that could have been Behemoth's if they weren't as autistic as Valve with numbers like King Knight, Spectre Knight and even Plague Knight.

>Sequel im0lies it's a continuation of a game
>with the same formula
No. Sequels are rooted in plot. If a book tells a story directly following another, it is a sequel to that book. If a book tells a story that precludes the events of another, it is a prequel. If a book tells a story that exists in the same universe as another, it is just another book in a collection.
Pit People's story picks up literally directly following the events of Battleblock.

just lol

female knights are for raping

Some of these designs and concepts are absolutely top tier. Favorite has got to be Red Knight, Gear Knight, Psychic Knight, Myrmidon and Rampart Knight.

Who would you main?
Psychic Knight here

Rampart. I'm a sucker for minions.

Bloodhound or Marble

Clock knight


Night Knight, if only for that fantastic name

Plague Knight, bitches.

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My favorite knight, Failure Knight

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wasn't knight just a license to own a horse and thats it
not even a military rank

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Who gave the barmaids weapons?

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>"newgrounds graphics"
>When you want Castle Crashers 2
Pot calling the kettle black, eh?

What games give the best medieval Europe feel?

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>gimme newgrounds graphics
? He clearly wants them.

Post Kino knight armor designs, gentlemen.

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What's the best "Knight on a Quest" game?
and why is it Dark Souls

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No, no, no. Knights were fairly important combatants appointed and maintained by nobles. They were the hero units of the medieval age and were afforded much better treatment than the standard soldier.

Shit, I can't read, disregard me.

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so it was a particular rank, or social class above the peasants

Social class that you could be promoted into if you showed the proper aptitude. Some sergeants were armed and trained like knights, but were't knights and required on actual knights to supply them.

A peasant girl kind of became a knight once, but that was mostly because she believed that God wanted her to kill Englishmen

How to create indieshit characters 101
>make it cutesy
>give it non-weapon for a weapon

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stop fucking stuttering like a faggot. no one here is going to rp with you.

I think he was making a joke about the way white knights act


Hollow is a knight in title only, it lacks any concept of honor or chivalry. It just single mindedly marches towards its goal and kills anything hostile that gets in the way. Shovel Knight is a knight to his core, he honors his code to the letter and serves king and kingdom.

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pic unrelated


>give it non-weapon for a weapon
>all of the kids weapons are either real melee weapons or guns

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Literally all of The Kid's weapons are actual weapons, though.
>but a hammer isn't a
Nigger do you know what a warhammer is?
For that matter, do you know that a lot of army shovels are actually designed to be useful as weapons in a pinch?

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Who is the most chivalrous knight in vidya?

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Glass Knight. Living Crystal's useful for no-selling some of the more bullshit abilities.

>twn be an adventures of Bird Knight and Shell Knight story

>dual pistols
>giant hammer
>fang gun thing
>army carbine
>musket shotgun
>bow and arrow
>giant rocket launcher

What exactly is a non-weapon here?

Holy shit Cloudfall Samurai please.
>Fucking SPEAR
>Lightning and shits
It's a fucking Dragoon in samurai armor.
Please giv.

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*exits the nearest house*

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Ok real shit I made some great friends on the online before it was shut off. I miss this game so much I wish they would make a 3rd

i love DS2 designs 2bh

The granddady of knights

They're out of place for the series, but they're not bad at all in their own right.

They're pretty good

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>Manlet knight.

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Shovel Knight is one of a small handful of indie games that actually does 8bit correctly. You should know this by now, so I'm guessing you're willfully ignorant just so you can shitpost about it.


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fpbp as always.

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>best Knight
>not Gabriel

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Hollow at least has a king and a kingdom.
Shovel is just an honorable warrior.

Deep down inside you knew it was vaporware.

is there a date for the character roster or will it just trickle out as it gets closer to release

No please. ;_;