Traced art

>traced art
>terrible engrish
>boring and repetitive """"gameplay""""
>lifeless characters
>overdone, blob-like tits
what did people see in these games?

Attached: mnf.png (307x253, 101K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Just start posting webms of these games. We all know that's why you started this thread.

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can't have a meet n fuck thread without this

They saw their first interactive porn game

probably cause they played them when they were like 10 years old on newgrounds.

terrible western art is my fetish

also this

>girl begs to be fucked after you rub the back of her hand

Well here you go, mate.

Show me a better free h-game series thats not in moonrunes

The early ones on Newgrounds weren't half bad for a cheap fap every now and then. Starship and Fantasy a best.
It was when they started really getting into those parodies that it went downhill almost instantly. Animations got better but damn the artstyle got ugly. And somehow people actually paid for it.
Still better than High Tail Hall though.

eyes (expressions) on the mummy-types were nice but sometimes the shitty animations made me laugh in the quicker scenes

because it was the first exposure to porn for most kids and teens around the early 00's

I recognized that fucking URL

jesus christ I had to get a script add on just so I could stop seeing it on the front page every fucking day.

I don't know when they added it, but in settings you can finally blacklist artists.

Thank the heavenly god for this

>$1200 a month for this shit

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It was 2006 and there was not much else like it.

I don't get it either mate.
As a draw fag I'm jealous, but I know why he makes that much money along with people like Shiin who make over 2k a month.
They pump out tons of content, even if its insanely low quality, people like the narrative and setting of the pictures and get off to that instead of the art.
It makes me want to try getting into making porn comics.

The more obscure the fetish the more people will pay for it

this i miss those early days. i remeber when it became buy to play and i stole my moms credit card to get a membership. she found out and was ok with it

Christ Almighty , every other shitty porn comic artist or game maker is better that this shit, how

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you can't call yourself a fan of bad western art until you've busted a nut to BLORTCHAGLUTCH and JACK'N JERKA

>makes more than Spoony

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bad mother. She should've taken you to the video store to get some real porn

the worst part is that it has so many fucking tags it's almost always is one of the first results when I search for anything

That's true for commissions, not so much for comics UNLESS its involves their characters of course. Shiin basically only draws dudes with massive dicks and he makes way more money then DDS when he does more niche grosser shit.

What are some good modern h games?

First faps

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't the more recent "games" of theirs under so much protection that the people who crack and release em for free say it's too much of a hassle now, how the fuck does that even happen.

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We were young and horny.


this makes me uncomfortable

The futa museum one was pretty hot.

this is the reason

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I said good, not games that'll make me regret that it was H because of it's gameplay

what the fuck is up with all the lenny faces in the comments?


This is incredibly disheartening if true, iv'e been on /r/ trying to get a site rip link but this explains a lot

summertime. saga.

sameface saga

he said good

I was like 14 years old at the time, don't give me too much credit.

People instead just upload videos of them to different porn sites and the creator sends a C&D to those and uploads little clips telling people them they're for paying members only.

Here's the stolen assets for the Street Racer one

>the creator being this much of a faggot over barebones porn games with shit art
money truly corrupts everything

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the irony is that he gets upset when people steal his games yet he stole assets all the fucking time

Most of the time the good games sacrifice the H part. There are very few games that have the best of both worlds.

What the fuck is up with the UI for these games? Why do I need to click two thousand buttons all at slightly different locations on screen? There's no way they don't know how retarded it is - is it some kind of joke?

They're games meant to be played one handed, I guess?

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The message mechanic was the worst.

because sometimes im desperate and fap to shit on /f/

Would it be unsurprising if irl women tend to be like this too?

i like them alright, but each game is just a glorified 20 gifs anyone would want, and generally i prefer their oc shit, rather than an IP with bolt on tits turned thicc and tall

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go back to tumblar kid

>know how to get pass sad panda
>cant be assed to do everything again since i chaged pc

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>implying that takes more than 5 minutes

im that lazy

>add-ons that make it super simple

Why are you so bad?

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The Dungeon of Lulu Farea, aka the adventures of Discount Rance in a dungeon where the slime and zombie girls are objectively the best girls.

It's a pretty neat dungeon crawling puzzle game with surprisingly excellent waifus.

Be prepared for unexpected feels.

Attached: 004.jpg (480x180, 66K)

i thought the addons for chrome were dead

in the end i found my old account and just did it the old fashion way, took less than expected

>using chrome instead of firefox

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im going to sample this

"Oh hello, what are you doing here?"

>Shut up and suck my cock bitch!
>Hello, I'm new here!
>Wow you look so sexy, very nice breast!

Attached: Kramer Hentai.jpg (600x469, 66K)

There have to be tools to edit cookies in Chrome.
I refuse to believe Google locked down their browser so much even dev tools are banned.

le epic memelords who know what the song's used in

I jacked off to Simpsons porn at one point, so my standards were not very high

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>unironically using redditfox

yeah fuck off

>the browser that doesn't spy on you is the reddit option

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Firefox lets you do everything Chrome can do but more and without all the spyware shit. There's no reason not to use it.

IceWeasel, PaleMoon, Firefox
They're all the same

It was tram pararam before meetnfuck for me

Dark days

like where the fuck did that come from? Is it some reddit thing?

I think most people have jacked off to Simpsons porn at least once honestly

Started on Sup Forums
Spread pretty fast to reddit and 9fag

I can't unsee that fourth guy as 70s john travolta and I've been that way for almost a decade.

>anything that I dont like is reddit
Some people have actual standards

Nobody had standards when they were teenagers in the 00s with shitty internet and the only porn they knew how to find was on newgrounds

Horny 14 year olds are not of those with standards

That shit has always been fucking gross. I had a friend show me a doujin site when I was a kid so I never jerked it to trash on newgrounds.
except early zone stuff like that Rukia blowjob thing.

Four Elements Princess Trainer
Akabur's Princess Trainer GE
Summertime Saga

I at least watched anime when I was 13 so when I was horny I just typed "Inuyasha Kagome naked"
Never ever saw the appeal of the yellow skins of The Simpsons.

Excellent taste

>Another Velma game is coming

Spoonfeed me on how to use these pls
The fuck is an irc client

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Not everyone wants to reenable their computer to browse a specific hentai website every time they reformat, you weebs should get a decent hosting website but we all know that's not gonna happen.

What's it about? The story has me hooked.

the real question is

officer juggs or mighty mom?

Attached: hentaithread.jpg (446x457, 110K)

Officer Juggs.

Oh fuck it nevermind, I checked and it's just some quiz

what was that generic guitar song used a bunch in the simgirl game

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You're acting like Exhentai is some super secret code, it can be done entered 30 seconds
The sad panda is necessary, otherwise normies could find the loli on it and screech for governments to ban it
Exhentai itself is the best place for hentai. Tsumino or Fakku just don't hold a candle.

this, developed a reputation as reddit-only because of how hard front-page-only redditors spread it around. i've seen more than a few tf2 servers even set up "no lennies" rules because users would not fucking stop spamming them thinking they were being hilarious


I got a “mature” America’s Home Video tape when I was 12. It even had the “mature” sticker on it. My parents still got it for me.

I watched it when I was home alone and discovered exactly what “mature” meant, which was a weird combination of erotic (tops coming off on slides) and just plain raunchy (rabbit humping a guy’s head.) I didn’t watch the rest and turned it in the next day.