Hey Sup Forums, check out this starb

Hey Sup Forums, check out this starb

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I want to bake enough sweets to fill Star Breaker's stomach!


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>murders you and then takes a 10,000 year nap
>then murders your clone

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Sora did the right thing.

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Leave Sora alone

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The hero we don't deserve

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Funny, I just got Suguri a few days ago. It kicked my ass really hard but I eventually beat stage 1 Normal with an A rank. How much pain and suffering am I in for? How's the sequel (actually prequel)? Any other OJ games I should be aware about?

Can anyone give me tl;dr summary of the story for this series?

Sora is great, and Fruitbat did a great job updating it for modern displays and controllers. Be prepared for intense suffering at Kae (Suguri) and Mira (Sora). Especially fucking Mira, fuck those guy.

Also Accleration of Suguri 2 just recently came out on Steam. It's Suguri except it's multiplayer vs. and you get to play as the bosses.

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Suguri is good, play Sora as well, it's the sequel to Suguri 1.

>a big war happened and it went on for so long the Earth got fucked
>Sora got made into a super weapon and decided to defect from her army to help some refugee scientists instead that were trying to fix the Earth
>Sora kills Starbreaker who was trying to blow up the Earth and then she falls into a coma for 10,000 years
>meanwhile one of the scientists gives birth to Suguri and makes her into super human cyborg with the mission of reviving the Earth
>a bunch of assholes build a space arc and fuck off
>Suguri makes Earth all better
>the assholes come back and how they're being lead by a megalomaniac mad scientist, Shifu
>Shifu turns a bunch of girls into an attack harem for the purpose of genociding Earth's populace so he can be the king
>Suguri beats them up, all the girls become friends and Shifu kills himself
>Sora wakes up and tries to murder Suguri because it was cloudy day, but they become friends too
>Shifu's ship's computer manifests itself as a loli and builds a bunch of robot clones to murder Suguri with
>Suguri beats up the clones and makes friends with the spaceship loli
That's most of it.

So, any advice on proper weapon usage? Any heads-up for stage 2 onwards or the like? I know I'm going to suffer anyways, but I'd appreciate it.

Starb is still alive though

Not him, but that sounds like Touhou on steroids (and no mythology stuff). I like it.

Learn to dash cancel and spam rockets. The rockets are a little harder to use in Suguri than in Sora, but rocket spam allows you to beat pretty much every boss through rockem sockem robots. Spread Shot is also super useful.

Who's the spaceship loli? Hime?

It's in a similar vein to Touhou, doujin shmup where girls fight each other. It's more war and cyborg focused.

I would imagine there's a lot of crossover between fans of each.

Sumika. Hime is the spaceship adult.

>dash cancel
I assume that's dashing into dashable bullets, right? Or is there something I'm missing here. Took me quite some time to figure Hypers were a thing, so I wouldn't be surprised if there's still some stuff I don't know about.

>multiplayer vs
Is single player any good?

Is she? The Starbs in AoS2 was a robot clone, I don't think the original has appeared again.

Huge all out war going out. It's literally killing the planet and everybody. Sora gets ordered to kill some scientist I think. One of the scientist's wife blocks Sora's path, hugs her, and blows up to protect her husband. Sora survives thanks to the scientists and decides she wants to switch sides. A kid comes around looking to kill the scientists before dinner. Sora steps in. Guess tonight's dinner will be cold. Sora goes out to figure out how to stop the war. Runs across some science experiment where a boy and girl got fused into one. One of them lost their mind while the other lost their body, but it doesn't matter because they both lost life after Sora killed him/her/it/whatever. Sora's lesbian friend shows up and wants Sora to return. Sora doesn't want to so her friend just fucked off and died of old age many years later. The army that Sora was originally from got angry since Sora was their ultimate weapon so they rip some girl with huge tits arms off and attach huge robot arm and shit. Huge tits robot arm chick tells Sora it's her fault for betraying. Sora feels bad, but still wants to continue fighting to figure out how to end the war. Meanwhile the army continued to kill and revive some crazy chick until said crazy chick burned up everything and fired a huge laser toward robot chick. Robot chick died. Crazy chick wants to burn the whole planet up was about to do it until Sora puts a shield all around her and crazy chick burns herself to death inside it. Massive explosion. War ends, but planet is still a shit hole. Someone built a ship and got others to flee the planet in search of a new one. Sora gets knocked out for 10,000 years.

I got here through Touhou. I do know there's at least one fangame (Patchouli) which is basically Touhou Suguri. Dunno about crossover fanart, but yesterday, on this very board, I saw people discussing Suguri vs Reimu.

You can cancel out of part of an attack animation by dashing or using another weapon at the right time. Makes it easier to move around while shooting and do more damage.

Dumb, touhou way outpowerlevels suguri

a dash cancel is when you dash to cancel the recovery frames of a slow attack, this is touched upon in the tutorial/training stage. Doing cancels does raise your heat by varying amounts depending on the cancel so be wary of your dodging.
the dash cancel most people should learn is rocket dashes since they do respectable damage

Never said it was a serious discussion.

When you dash after doing an attack you can cancel the animation so you can do more attacks faster. You'll see a little "Cancel" icon appear when you do it right.

AoS2 is alright single player, but once you git gud it just isn't as exciting as with human opponents. The final boss is maximum bullet hell though.

I don't remember any tutorial whatsoever. Does Sora have a tutorial?

Every so often there are OJ and Suguri threads on /jp/ as well. I don't know about art but I imagine plenty of people who are fans of one would be fans of the other.

Sora has a tutorial. Suguri just throws you in. I also remember hearing somewhere that the original release of Suguri required you to beat the entire game on one life.

>Is single player any good?
Acceleration of Suguri 1 and 2 are basically what you'd be left with if you wanted to play SUGURI or sora with just the bosses and also you can play as the bosses against the other bosses. Of course the finale is a break from the standard pace with an SNK boss that basically takes up the entire playfield rather than as a mobile fighter (shifu's robot in 1 and sumika in 2).
The quality of AoS1 is lackluster since it's pretty barebones for a localization and of course the game is significantly older, AoS2 is handled by their current publisher/localization that's got a better track record and also a lot more reason to make sure it turned out alright.

Sora has extra lives? Man, I get the feeling I should play that first, then go for Suguri (seems it's also the chronological order anyways).
Suguri does have a stage select on Story Mode, so it's not like I have to do it on one sitting, right?

Why were Nath and Starb made to suffer?

Sora doesn't have extra lives, you still have to start from the beginning of the level if you die. I'm not sure if it's true, but I heard the original Japanese release of Suguri had no level select outside of practice and required you to play the entire game in one sitting with one life. Sora has this as Arcade mode.

Neither Suguri nor Sora have a life system, instead opting for a more lenient checkpoint system with each stage being scored and graded independently.
The only OJ games that require you to 1CC them are QPS, XMS, FRB, and Scramble Eve. Once you cleared the stage you could tackle them in freeplay on their own. QPSDangerous and XMSScramble are still technically 1CC games but with the option to save and continue from any stage with the same difficulty and bits settings (but needing to redo future stages if you start earlier than your latest save point). The tradeoff is that those 2 lost the freeplay mode, unused strings in the game imply they were originally going to be 1CC structured the same way as their predecessor but the "Campaign" system I described above was born in its place.

AoS2 has a free demo on Steam. It even has online multiplayer with other demo users. So you can give it a try and see how you like it.

So is Suguri still canonically a virgin? I find it hard to believe that someone who was alive for literally billions of years never tried sex.

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Well, I'm gonna go to sleep. I'll start practicing that dash cancel thing tomorrow (though with how fast-paced the game is, I doubt I'll get the hang of it). If there's something really important you feel you need to tell me, now's the moment.

Can she even fuck?

Kae's kaes

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Sometime after few hundred or more years have past since the small colony of people fled the planet with the ship a scientist on earth decides to turn his short 15 year old daughter into a weapon. Took 6 years for this girl, Suguri, to become a weapon to clean and protect the planet. More unknown amount of years has past, and the planet is once again clean and beautiful. During this time some genius who so happen to be in charged of the ship that's searching for a new planet decided to turn some people into weapons. He turned a tomboy, short girl, HUGE FIRE TITS, a cook, and a smart girl into a weapon programmed them to follow his every command. For some odd reason he locked HUGE FIRE TITS onto a dark room all by herself for unknown amount of time. Oh and there is this one very powerful girl who is the ship's guardian who isn't under his absolute command. Oh also the genius dude, who I forgot to mention is the leader of the ship, made a failed clone of himself and locked him away somewhere. More unknown about of years has past and they found a planet. It's the same one they left from, but no one knows that since it's been like fucking any generations ago. The genius dude was excited, but soon realized one problem. There was people already living in the planet. He sent out his five soldiers to kill everyone living in that planet. Suguri meets the rude cook who really wants Suguri dead and Suguri defeats her very easily. She then runs into the tomboy who tells Suguri they have no choice, but to follow orders. Suguri defeats her too. Suguri meets up with the short girl who is shorter then Suguri. Very short girl tells Suguri she following orders and she doesn't care because she is fucked in the head thanks to genius dude's modification. Suguri defeats her and destroy her bits. Short girl is sad because her bits is destroyed.

She's probably had lots of yuri sex with Hime, so it's fine.

Maybe she can't have kids, but I don't think her dad would remove her pussy.

>For some odd reason he locked HUGE FIRE TITS onto a dark room all by herself
Shifu was clearly a pedophile. Just look at what his computer turned into.

Reminder than Nath is canon nopan

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HUGE FIRE TITS flies into Suguri head on and is all happy and energetic because she is finally outside after spending many years in the dark room all by lonesome. Suguri defeats her. Smart ice girl shows up and tells Suguri she and the other four Suguri has to obey orders when if it is against their will and tells Suguri to give up they don't suffer punishment. They fight and guess who wins. Suguri does. Genius man is mad and pilots a huge robot and explains why he is attack the planet. Suguri calls him stupid since there is enough room for everyone to live together peacefully. Genius dude is too stubborn and fights Suguri. Suguri defeats him. Dude had one last trump card. AWAKEN THE SHIP'S GUARDIAN!! Genius dude asked guardian girl to fight Suguri. Guardian said no. Genius dude tells her to do it or he will blow up the ship and everyone in it. Guardian said fine. Suguri and Guardian girl fight. Mid fight they both decided to do a quick attack toward genius dude. Dude is out. The ship lands and civilians in the ship comes out cheering that they have finally found a suitable planet. Genius dude is full of shame and decides to take out his cyanide pill and shallows it. Dies. The civilians and smart ice girl is sad and attends his funeral. Suguri and Guardian girl become best friends.

She had BDSM yuri with Hime for a million years, then Sumika inserted her sword into Suguri's barrel for 78 billion years, then Suguri became a harem protag

So I doubt it

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It's okay, Shifu's legacy lives on inside the thigh master.

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Few years later. The five girls who were the genius dude's weapons all live together. The cook is good at making cookies and dreams about making pudding and fighting a dog. Tomboy plays with kids. Short girl finds an animal and trains it as replacements for her bits. HUGE FIRE TITS becomes best friends with short girl and is afraid of being left alone in the dark because of all the years she spend by herself. Smart ice girls thinks of herself as the mother of the group and secretly wants the genius dude's dick but refuses to admit it and tries to persuade herself that she is the oldest sister of the group. Some time later it's Christmas! Genius dude's failed clone wakes up. His name is NoName lol. Because he is the dude's clone he can order the five girls around. He is a failed clone because he is not smart and is a pervert who wants a harem. He orders five girls to hold Suguri and Guardian so he may rest in their lap and peek up their skirt. The five are forced to obey. Suguri and the Guardian girl stops them and cuts NoName's head off and place it on a pot or just defeat him and take a picture of him crying if you are playing the PS3 version.

Noname did nothing wrong.

Well that explain the pot head thing on 100% OJ.

I like it.

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Some more time after NoName dies, Sora wakes up from her 10,000 year sleep. She is angry because she failed her mission to save the planet. She takes her angry on the first person she sees which was Suguri and her best friend. The guardian girl gets blown the fuck out (not killed though) and Suguri steps in. They fight until Suguri hugs her and spins her around into the blue sky together. Sora is glad to see the blue sky and stops fighting. Now moving onto AoS2. My memory is a bit hazy on the details since it's been years since I last played AoS2 and I haven't gotten around finishing AoS2 on steam yet. Another ship guardian awakens. She might be genius dude's daughter or a unfinished daughter ship I can't remember. She wants revenge against Suguri. Using the memories of the planet she revives the four people Sora has killed (the wife, young girl, big tit robot arm chick, crazy fire chick) and her lesbian friend who died of old age. She orders them to fight Suguri and the gang. Suguri defeats them all and the daughter. Daughter is amazed and wants to become friends with Suguri. They become friends. Many years later everyone dies of old age except Suguri and the daughter. Eventually Suguri failed to clean the planet which cause it to die for good. The daughter girl wanted to cheer Suguri up because she failed and her best friend died so she put Suguri some kind of simulation for 46 billion years as they move onto a new planet, universe, or whatever. The end.

What the fuck am I reading

I think this was the opposite of tl;dr. Here, let me try:

It's about nanoaugmented Captain Planet and her quest to prevent global genocide by the hands of the evil skinny Dr. Robotnick and his attack harem. Guest starring an ancient super weapon.

Perfect summary for AoSX

I though it was more of a Dr. Light and Dr. Wily thing.

besides the canceling it is important to learn when to dash through things, what is safe to dash through - like fireballs and beams - and what isn't like rockets and ice blocks. Dashing near those sources of attacks gives enough hyper to break fights in half.


Post rare Starbs.

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