Here is the official Tier list of competitive E-sports, based on skill ceiling required for top play:

Here is the official Tier list of competitive E-sports, based on skill ceiling required for top play:

God Tier: Street Fighter/Tekken

High Tier: Counter-Strike, Racing Sims

Medium Tier: Quake

Low Tier: Starcraft (whats the problem? too dumb to play real chess?)

Absolute Baby Tier: Mobas

Prove me wrong.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Shit Tier: competitive E-sports

Why? Don't you enjoy competition, user?

I wish Racing SIms got some TV coverage instead of fucking MOBAS

>God Tier: Street Fighter/Tekken
Forgot about Overwatch. I like to play as the flashy lesbian.

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Post your ranks for any of these games.

>Medium Tier

You have to be 18 to post here

I wish anything else from mobas got the TV coverage of mobas.

the real list based on skill ceilings

God Tier: Starcraft, Quake

High Tier: Counter-Strike

Medium Tier: Fighting Games, other PC Games

Low Tier: Console shooters

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Obv bait. Saged you stupid fag

Street Fighter hasn't been God Tier since Alpha 3.

Stomps in CS are the most boring thing to watch, and they happen far too often.

Starcraft (2) is probably the most demanding, but least interesting thing to watch if you have no idea what the fuck is happening.

Racing Sims/Starcraft
Street Fighter

CSGO supreme master/global elite.

just got into fighting games, much harder learning curve than shooters but I watched enough of it to understand it has incredible depth. Kinda in the same situation for racing sims.

Never played Starcraft and would rather die than play mobas.

>video games

Fighting Games
Arena Shooters



Gran Turismo is true God Tier

Literally trained professional racing drivers, successful ones at that.

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Of all those genres I would say CS is still the most interesting to watch if you know at least the basics. Alongside fighting games they have great appeal to the audience.

Racing games too, but they don't have the original appeal only vidya can provide. You could just watch real races, but not everyone can race for real, so its more interesting to play than to watch.

Don't know about starcraft.

Quake is too intense to expectate for long periods.

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Not really, they train with iRacing, wich is much more realistic.

GT is not even a sim...

>FGC cuck that wants to be contrarian


Not really, I just got into FG.
Played CS for a long time, but the ''problem'' with CS is that its team based. I'm looking for a competitive game I can play solo.

>Counter Strike and Racing above Quake
>Hurdur RTS is muh shit

Even calling MOBAs shit is retarded. There's so much about map positioning, engagements, item builds that it's impossible to just dismiss it as shit, I would say MOBAs take more skill to play than the OWL.

>I would say MOBAs take more skill to play than the OWL

come on, that is not much...

I bet you've never played a racing sim on a proper setup before. It take tremendous skill.

CS and quake have different aspects of required skill, but I would say CS has a much deeper mind game.


>have different aspects of required skill
Which is why making a tier list of various esports is dimwitted. It's like Sup Forums trying to tier sports. A pro Footballer can't dominate at Tennis, and a pro vidya racer can't dominate at quake.

FGC fags have no respect for Smash? why?

Sure, but still different games have different skill ceiling. Notice I have two different genres in the same ''tier''.

Besides, I just want a nice discussion about E-sports, I respect all genres. Except mobas of course.

>Sup Forums thinks racing sims take no skill

Just close your overwatch/dota 2 for a second and try to set a time remotely close to this:

what is the point of watching people play racing video games when you could just watch people race real cars?

>racing sims
Just reminds me that there are sponsored FIFA (the videogame) players. Why anyone would bother watching either over the actual physical sport is baffling.

Well people might actually score goals in FIFA as opposed to actual futbol

Starcraft is nothing like chess you dumbass.

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You got that right. Chess is a mind game for adults.

Starcraft is that plus a mechanical skill aspect.

>Racing sims above Quake


i had no idea this even existed. i saw a youtube vid of a pro rally driver playing dirt rally (which I have played and could barely stay on the track), that was impressive

I always love the enthusiasm for Quake in threads like these but I really doubt you faggots actually watch anything besides that one Rapha vs Cooler match from 2009 or Fatal1ty vs Zero4 from 2002.
Please for the love of god, watch more current arena shit. That genre needs you.

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no, chess is a SOLVED game, which means it is pointless to play.

It's tic tac toe with more pieces.

So is less of a mind game and more about being able to click really fast on your keyboard?

>Medium Tier: Quake

Sure, for a really small number of grandmasters around the globe that reached the ceiling. That is better than faking the real ceiling of your game with ''mechanical skill'' and other tricks that take the focus out of the mind game.

good players need both to win, so no not really

LMAO you're trash. You've played every game of chess? End your life, you don't know shit

>Medium Tier: Quake
>Low Tier: Starcraft
>God Tier: Street Fighter


>Alpha 3

spoken like a true faggot

Throw it in the trash tier: everyone in this thread, esports, and this thread in general.

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Why aren't you making money in competitive MOBAs if they're so easy?

>why aren't you making money by selling your body like a whore?

I don't know user, I have some basic levels of self respect, I guess...

epic Sup Forumsro ;)

Simple and fairly easy to understand thus brings in tons of casual viewers because they can’t actually comprehend what is happening. Just jealousy and other reasons somebody complains about casuals.

>official tier
>brainlet manlet op thinks overwatch belongs with street fighter
dumbest post ive ever seen on this site, lmao

OP got btfo quick

That is not OP you retard.

>street fighter
sf4 and sfv have as much depth as a reflection pool, they belong in the toilet with overwatch (this doesn't apply to st or 3s, though)

But they do, I see iRacing on superchannel all the time

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Chess being stagnant is a problem. If the best players can't push the envelope the interest is going to wane. Starcraft 1 still has meta changes which keeps everyone on their toes.

racing sims and even real racing don't look impressive that's why nobody gives a shit, spectating them the cars always look like they're going extremely slow

I love making people try a proper sim though in VR since they realize just how difficult it is

I'd put Melee on its own tier above the God Tier unironically.

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What gameis that from?

You've got some ball, user...

>his self-respect is worth more than the multiple millions he could win at the international and the majors that precede them

sure bud, I'd suck like 10,000 dicks for a million bucks if it was as guaranteed as you make winning at mobas sound

Like all sports, you have to know the basics to understand why some move is a big deal or not...

it's not really that much better than the faster fighters like VSAV

plus the game is very jump-heavy and there's not much to speak of with regards to footsies

interesting mechanics though, I enjoy it

The average moba player, gentlemen...

Nobody ever reached 'skill ceiling' in games likes Starcraft, Warcraft 3, Quake 3, CS, if you watch progames of any of these you can that even professionals fuck up all the time. The problem with modern esports is that games like Dota 2 or LoL are mechanically primitive and ever russian cyka already reached the mechanical skill ceiling long time ago, making it boring as fuck, but it makes the fans of these games feel good since they can easily replicate what the pros do

not even a fan of mobas but if fans can easily replicate what pros can do, why aren't they pros?

Let me talk about the game I know best from those. Its hard to allow consistency in top play of CSGO when some mechanics work against that.

The random spread in the spray patterns are too high for the AK and M4, and there is no reason the very first bullet on those weapons should not be 100% precise in any distance. It would not make those weapons OP, just more consistent.

Aside from that, for better or worse, the movement has been greatly simplified in comparison to 1.6 and source, lowering the skill cealing a bit.

The hitbox is not 100% consistent either, there is still hundreads of cases of pro players missing perfect shots because of misaligned hitboxes/models, even after the higbox update.

But I like that there is still inovative tactics that sometimes even change the meta game from top teams.

I said mechanical skill. Obviously the metagame and teamwork play a huge role in determining who wins. I'm not saying that Dota or Lol are simple games, but they're so mechnically primitive they might as well be turn-based.

Overwatch belongs in the same tier as mobas

>and there is no reason the very first bullet on those weapons should not be 100% precise in any distance.
Two reasons. One, aimbot viability is stunted by having imperfect weapons. Second, it's to discourage long-range engagements and make snipers more worthwhile. Why buy a Scout? What's the point of the Scout if it is outclassed by the AK for 1k extra? In a game with shot spread, none. It's useless. Should be removed from the game. But because there is spread to rifles, it gives the weapon purpose; accuracy at the ranges the auto rifles fail at, and one shot headshots. The game is not balanced just around clicking heads. It's about how they position themselves to do so. If someone misses what they'd believe to be a clear headshot, they picked a horrible fucking fight.
> It would not make those weapons OP, just more consistent.
No it wouldn't; the other rifles would be useless. They need a use. Their usage is derived from the rifle's imperfections. Weapons such as the AK needs a reason to cost less than an M4 for a team that generally spends less all around due to not needing a defuse kit, and weapons like the AUG need a reason to justify a higher price tag.

Where you shoot from is just as important if not moreso than how good you are at shooting, and fags that don't understand that don't understand CSGO.

>God Tier: Street Fighter

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>God Tier: Street Fighter

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>God Tier: Street Fighter
Are you serious?

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Ah yes, I love SFV

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Ineficient anti-cheat is another problem and not and argument against weapon balancing, nor is justifying the existence of other rifles that don't even have significant aplication in high level play like the AUG.

Regarding the scout, that weapon is only viable in force rounds. You are supposed to be at an disavantage to enemy AKs and AWPs (expect for speed while scoped, of course). If an AK peeks through a corner and pre-fires a spot with a scoped scout, the winner should be the one who lands a HS first, trying to deny that with some heavy mental gymnastics is only detrimental to the evolution of the game.

That is a common thing with CS players that believe they are hot shit. You CANNOT criticize anything or else you are a scrub, the game is absolute perfection, right? fuck off...

>OP thinks SFV is worth anything

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brood war is easily 100x harder than all of those games


>anime nerds implying SF5 is the only Street Fighter or one worth giving the attention you're giving it right now

>God Tier: Street Fighter

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Everybody knows that CPMA and Brood War are the only esports worth a damn.

>God Tier: Street Fighter

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If fighting games take skill, how come its the only genre of vidya where niggers consistently win at?
You don't see a negroid taking any SC2 titles

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>God Tier: Street Fightet

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I liked it when brain dead Koreans did it and it didn't ruin video games for everyone else. Now we have 10 year olds talking in games all the fucking time and issuing commands like they're fucking marines or some shit because they dream of being the next e-sports shitter thousandaire, it's fucking embarrasing and nobody has fucking fun anymore because they take a fucking video game too seriously. Fuck esports forever for ruining video games and fuck the faggots who encourage it. Fucking faggots seriously.

What do you mean? Asians constantly take major tournaments.

It's from Learn To Google 3: Revenge of the Newfaggots

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>liking street fighter

Hating everything capcom is the reddit philosophy.


Please calm down user. I'm sure the next game Arc releases will kill SF for real this time.

I'm happy that DBZF is doing well but I knew it would hurt other anime fighters more than it would SF.

SFV is kiddy shit, but DBFZ is straight up babymode.

Your first sentence is lost on me. I cannot parse what you're trying to say there. The first reason I brought up isn't necessarily a GOOD reason because it still happens, but it is still something to consider when asking why weapons function in cones of fire rather than rays of death. This is why I spent most of the time talking about an actual decent reason that is relevant to high level play; those rifles ARE, not would be under this situation of a perfectly accurate CSGO, outclassed. They are useless. High level play would not be affected in the slightest with their removal. And this is bad.
>Regarding the scout, that weapon is only viable in force rounds.
Because it's fucking outclassed by the AK and M4, despite the fact that they're not perfectly accurate.
>You are supposed to be at an disadvantage to enemy AKs and AWPs (expect for speed while scoped, of course).
AWPs, yes, because it's a sniper rifle and anywhere you could hit them, they can hit you. But this is where you and people like you can go suck a cock; you have a sniper rifle. It's a shit sniper rifle, let's be fucking honest. Weapon move speed is about as much a factor as using a skin as actual camouflage. The only, and I genuinely mean the only, redeemable trait about the weapon is that it's 100% accurate, and by having a range that it is useful in but the AK is not useful in, it finally has an advantage, not because it's better than the AK, but because the player is taking advantage of its strengths. Of course, the enemy can just take advantage of its weaknesses and force a close quarters confrontation, hit them with nades, or abuse their tunnel vision. Like what you're supposed to do.
>You CANNOT criticize anything or else you are a scrub, the game is absolute perfection, right?
It's very good at being a game of calculated risk. And that's far more interesting to watch and play than Point and Click Adventures.

The random spread of the AK, in most situations, its not even that big of a factor, but its big enough so it becomes anying when you miss a shot you were supposed to hit, even if, in a specific situation, it only happens 1 in 10 times. Like I said, it would not break the game, just make it more consistent. We are talking about the first bullet here, not all 30 of them. If you make really good use of that first shot, you should be rewarded for it, not punished arbitrarily because the game decided to give you the middle finger randomly and make you lose and engagement to a forced buy player.

Besides, the game should not be balanced for what is more interesting to watch, that is exactly what fucked SFV...

>It's very good at being a game of calculated risk. And that's far more interesting to watch and play than Point and Click Adventures.

You couldn't be more wrong. If first shot accuracy was 100%, playstyles like classic Scream would be more viable, and people fucking loved Scream.

Its hard to master and requires cold blood and tremendous self-control, but the payoff is beutiful.

Bw is objectively the hardest game to play because of its retarded mechanics. It is also the only game fun to watch competetive play.


Fuck off, terrible game from every competititve stand point.

Broodwar, Quake, Tekken, CS. There you go, real competitive games and even then CS is borderline retarded cause very 18yo is on some drug or cheating.

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Most video games make really shitty spectator events. watching someone speedrun a 2d platformer is more visually interesting than top-down rts shit

on smaller boards and simplified rules. standard chess is still unsolved because of the vast game states and computational power to go through it all.

>fighting games
oh no no no


Only worth playing if you live in Korea

SF5 is still terrible though

But by giving them a kill as a reward for being as accurate in the same way as you do every other weapon, you take away the purpose of the weapon. This isn't Quake where it's all about immediate player to player confrontation. It's about objectives and tactics, and the player's choice of how they expect to approach and how they plan to approach it. You can play around them, use them to force people into disadvantageous situations. CS:GO is not meant to be all about mechanical skill. Some weapons are better in certain situations over others for this exact reason. If I line my crosshair directly on the head of a guy in Pit from A site with a shotty, I deserve a fucking bullet in my face for picking a fight I can't win, not some fucking "reward" for "putting the first shot to use" when the game has so many more factors that are more interesting and engaging than the most basic, but challenging, of skills.

Boldness, audacity, and generally using your ten pound balls of steel as a weapon is a historically proven tactic as viable as any other, the only trick is how you put yourself in the situations where it works. He's Screams, not Jacket.

then play a casual game mode. nothing worse than people playing competition modes and then not wanting to follow through with the rules.