Big Bro, what are you doing with those girls you take to your room?"

>Big Bro, what are you doing with those girls you take to your room?"

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nothing Nanako go to bed

Come here, Nanako, I'll show you.

Come to my room and find out.

>Same thing I'm about to do to you.

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>The fuck did you say?

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>Big Bro, what are we going to do on the bed?

Gonna take your daughter to pound town, Dojima-kun

>Cannot romance Nanako
Shit game. Persona 4: Beige, when?

smelling their butts

I think he's gonna pound you. You're gonna taste blood for a while and maybe rot in a cell, but at least you're honest, so it's not all so bad.


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Oh I'll be tasting blood all right after I deflower Nanako

you guys are sick, nanako is an angel

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Guys, she's 7.

An angel with lickable shoulders.

Nanako with her hair down is cute, we need more of that.

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If her age is on the clock, she's ready for the cock.

when was this? i dont remember this part

If her age is a number, I wanna hump her.

>Chie's butt is firm and sweaty. She's self-conscious until she feels your hard dick rub against her asshole as you enter her pussy from behind

>Yukiko is shy and ashamed of what she thinks of as too-small tits and so wants you to fuck her from behind while grasping her hips as it awakens her motherly instincts before she cuffs you to the bed

>Rise is tired of lads ogling her tits and so gives you an assjob before sitting on your face and eventually riding you cowgirl

>Naoto is too ashamed of her big tits and so uses her tight butt that smells of lavender to tenderly ride you before putting your dick between her cheeks so you cum all over the small of her back

>Ai forces your nose and face directly into her asshole before starting to cry, turning around, and softly asking you to gently fuck her vagina before tenderly caressing you after you cum inside her.

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Turning 14 this year.
perfect age

card games

Golden ending

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Why the fuck did they change Kanji's hair?

>Kanji will never be your dad

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Nanako is too precious, Big Bro will always be there to protect her smile.

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Also, Rise looks even more bangable there.

Did they get Troy back to do his voice?

His dyed hair was part of his tough guy persona he put on to project what he thought was a masculine image to hide his insecurities.

It's supposed to be like 6 months after the regular ending during the summer. He's trying to be a more mature person.

They all are

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Judging from what I've gathered from weebs in muh 11 years here - Japs with blonde hair are viewed
essentially the same as sjws with pink/blue/green hair are in the West. Kanji had it originally because he didn't know who he was. Post-P4 he accepted himself, hence being okay with his natural hair color

I fuck em, just like I fuck you whenever we shower.

I just want to destroy her anus with my dick

is that asking to much?!??!


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Interesting. He looks like Clark Kent, though.

Naoto and Chie are the best.

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DELET marie

Here, let me show you!

>plays videogames with sister, until she wants to use your controler
>shoot the bitch

Nanako doujjns are still the best followed by rRise then Yukiko

I agree

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Fitting for Kanji. His Persona's strength growth is insane.

What is wrong with Marie? I feel like most people who hate her never played Golden and just watched the anime.

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You're forced to go through her Valentine's day event even if you're dating someone else.
Every time you want to enter the Velvet Room (About what, 16 times total?) you have to sit through a shitty poem of hers.
She's incredibly tsundere and it's painful because she just acts like a bitch constantly and it takes until the end of her social link before she becomes tolerable.
Everyone instantly likes her and thinks she's amazing as soon as they meet her. The guys all like her and the girls all want to be her friend to the point that they're willing to die for her after talking to her once.

Thank God Persona 5 dropped this hot spring bullshit. No one wants the same forced fan service every single fucking game.

>Every time you want to enter the Velvet Room (About what, 16 times total?) you have to sit through a shitty poem of hers.
What? Once you start her social link you never have to go in the velvet room, she stands outside it.

I very clearly remember being stopped for those poems half the time I wanted to enter the Velvet Room. Was I just on the next part of her social link or something?

No, because he's voiced by Matt Mercer in Golden. In all of Golden.

It's kinda creepy how much he sounds like Baker.

Come here, Uncle. I'll show you.

Persona 5 dropped every instance of them just hanging out and being friends.

You too Dojimma-kun~

>No, because he's voiced by Matt Mercer in Golden. In all of Golden.
No, it's definitely Troy. Sounds exactly like his character in Uncharted 4 / Lost Legacy.

Mercer is in 5

>Nothing, we just have a private talk.

Everyday Nanako Life 1 & 2 is pretty good.
I wish they went to the love hotel]/spoiler]

Person 5 dropped fucking everything in an extremely non clever way, in fact Atlus went out of their way to say fuck you for wanting any actual group development.
>Oh a firework's festival this should be fun!
>Fuck you here's some rain
>Oh a trip to Hawaii this should be fun
>Fuck you here's some guy making poopy jokes and you get to learn about a mean food man
Fuck person 5

>You will never casually lewd Nanako while Dojima is working his ass off.

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Mercer voiced him in the anime dub and I think in some of the spinoffs

The only way you get her Valentine's Day event is if you save her. If you don't like her you can ignore her S.Link. You can just skip the poems too. Yeah her personality won't be for everyone like any of the other characters I get that. When you take Marie out as the game progresses she meets the rest of the party and theirs scenes of everyone hanging out together they just didn't put a lot of dialogue into them, they were just short scenes. I like what Marie added to the game and she is completely optional beyond the initial S.Link activation. She really isn't any different than any of the other characters.

I teach them yoga, would you like a free lesson?

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I think they were trying to emulate P3.

But P3 had some actual fucking tension between members of the group, so it made sense that they weren't constantly hanging out in their spare time. Most of them were coworkers, not necessarily friends.

P5 completely failed to capture this dynamic by having very little happen between Phantom Thieves who weren't the MC. Like, P4's "WE'RE ALL BEST FRIENDS 5EVER!!!!" thing was kinda lame, but at least it was SOMETHING.


If the next one doesn’t have your crew recognizing that you’re dating one of them, I’m going to flip.

>If you don't like her you can ignore her S.Link.
Except it's needed to get the true ending so you can't.

is there any vita emulator out there? i don't want to get a vita just for this game

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Then buy other games for it too dumbo.

recommend me some

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All saving her does is get you the Epilogue.

the best bonding moments where the parties after the completion if the heists and they were all very short.

Again, to get the true ending you can't do it. The epilogue is part of the true ending.

Mah nigga

Get the ps4 Collectors edition trilogy homo

No, the Epilogue is separate from the True Ending. You can do the True Ending and skip Marie.

I don't think you're understanding this. If you want the completed, true ending that features both the true ending and epilogue which is canonically the best ending you need to befriend Marie and have her forcefully date your during Valentine's Day even if you're dating someone else. There is no way around this, you need to max her S. Link to get the best ending.