Watch a Let's Play to see if game is good enough to buy

>watch a Let's Play to see if game is good enough to buy
>"hey guys updog---"
>close video
Why is it so hard to make a Let's Play without speaking?

Attached: OKAASAN.webm (720x480, 2.63M)

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What’s updog?

randy jackson is doing LPs now
oh shit

Why do you fags always use this show to shitpost?

back in the old days you could find gameplay footage without a faggot talking over it

This looks really sad

Why is it so hard to hit the mute button?

omg... she is getting so many emails

What's the context of that webm? Something to do with her mom I take it?

For sale: baby shoes, never worn.

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Let's plays have voice over, what you're looking for is Long play.

Use the word "longplay" or search "no commentary".

A let's play is different than gameplay video. A let's play is a desperate attempt at youtube stardom, with commentary. Gameplay videos are just that. A video of the gameplay.

Stop being a moron, and you won't be exposed to any further faggotry.

mom got lost in antartica 3 years ago, but girl kept sending emails every day. they went to antarctica and found mom's laptop.

Because nobody is there for the game, they all want to watch the face cam asshole do silly over the top reactions. The only let's player I know of that doesn't do voice or cam is mark hates kittens and he only plays weird autism games.

So the mother died?


I hate when those neighborhood kids throw baby shoes at my house

>mom died
>she was kind of in denial so she kept sending her emails
>they find her mom's laptop
>connect to the internet and she receives all her emails
Also this takes place in Antarctica

Maybe try to search for a longplay instead?


Or she never checks her e-mail.

I watched a video yesterday where the guy spent the first three minutes explaining that most people stop watching his videos within the first three minutes according to google analytics
there is literally nothing you can do about this level of stupidity, its crippling.
same with people who make a video on a subject and stutter through for 20 minutes never getting to the point

Playthroughs, my dude.

>hey what the crap is going on YouTube
>it's your boy (optional gay laugh)

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They're called plathroughs/walkthroughs and there's plenty of them to find for even the most obscure games

>try to find an undub of a game just to see what it sounds like
>find a video that even says that it's demonstrating it
>it has some dude talking over a majority of it in English

What's the actual fucking point.

Jesus Christ how about you guys have a big cup of shut the fuck up

Attached: Hurting your waifu.webm (720x480, 2.73M)

Not much you?

Take your lumps bitch

Fuck Ginko, Red Ai is the best or the hag.

Attached: denkomail.jpg (375x500, 129K)

muh dikk

>OP is a fucking animeposter
>can't handle charisma in his videos
>makes up words to make his point

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"Let's Play" implies there's commentary dumbass. Just search for "walkthrough" instead.

and eat my dick

Attached: Oops sorry.webm (852x480, 1.99M)

here you go I made one today :^)

>LPer uses text to speech
>turns out it was Stephen Hawking all along

nigga was GUD at kerbal

OP just wants to get bullied. It's honestly embarrassing.

I came to see the fucking game, not your ugly ass voice. Nobody cares about youtube "personalities", kill yourself you wannabe lazy celebrity cunt. You're not useful, just annoying.

I bet you feel pretty foolish right now.

Why didn't you just search for 'no commentary playthrough' for your game instead of making this thread and menstruating then? You would have found the result by now and you wouldn't be wasting time here bitching.

I think the truth is you just wanna bitch about everything desu.

>Literally begs for dick
>Gives him all the signs
>Flat out tells him she wants him to fuck her

What an ultra mega faggot.

Attached: Faggot.jpg (1536x1722, 310K)

They are called walkthroughs/nocomment

Don't throw around the word "Let's Play" if you can't even make a distinction between a walkthrough and an LP.

Though in all fairness, there ARE walkthroughs with senseless commentary, so OP isn't the only one that mislabels shit.

dam bitch calm donw its just Russians

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>there is nothing more than sex in life
Must be pathetic being you.

>watch a Let's Play
>close video and fap
I hate roasties so much.

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Where do you think we are? Maybe don't browse Sup Forums if you find sex and perverted things to be weird and gross. Go back to reading your Nicholas Spark romance lovey dovey novels and "too deep for me" crap. Hipster soyboy faggot.

Is that Killing Bites? I still don't understand that anime. It's basically monsters trying to rape girls.

...nigga I was talking about personal enrichment and spiritual pursuit through discipline. Where the fuck did that come from?

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Commentary is part of the definition of Let's Play you dingus. Now this might sound crazy, but looking for"gameplay" or "long play" will actually return videos with just those things.

>Personal enrichment
>Spiritual pursuit

Be that as it may I am a perverted 25 year old virgin with a high sex drive and no female interaction. That should tell you all you need to know.

Anime of the Season

Attached: sup.jpg (600x622, 210K)

It tells me you're a dumb bitch who can't tap into your nascent mana reserves. What's the point in nearing wizardry if you don't take advantage of your first-level spells?

Attached: timanderictinyhats-e1285592138309.jpg (375x281, 15K)

Cute monsters.

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Can someone shoop a toad in front of her tongue and morph the background colors into a psychedelic loop?

What would you know? Are you a wizard or someone who can relate to me? If not then don't give me advice on it.

>watch a destroyale

>Not watching longplays
>Not Pirating

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