NPCs don't welcome you

>NPCs don't welcome you

Attached: bullying.webm (480x360, 2.87M)

>walk into a store
>accidentally pick up a spoon

this movie is great

>eeeehh I just ACCIDENTALLY stole that spoon, I SWEAR!
how do you think thats gonna fly in court bucko?

This movie is the perfect movie that illustrates my point how the general public favors guilty until proven innocent. This movie should be mandatory to be seen in all high schools to graduate to create less idiots in society.

>This movie should be mandatory to be seen in all high schools
Do you not recall the opening scene of the movie?

what movie?

Sup Forums knows

The Hunt

This movie is hilariously stupid.

>Accused of rape with no evidence
>Everyone treats them like a serial child murderer on sight
>Later its publicly revealed he didn't do it
>Gets shot by someone seeking "revenge" anyway despite this.


Are you dumb? The rich and powerful invented the concept of "innocent until proven guilty" because they knew they would be in the best position to abuse that assumption in society. Look at how it works everytime a rich or influential dude doesn't go to jail compared to another guy who is on a lower rung of the social ladder who did the same crime.
Guilty (within good reason) until proven innocent is what makes most sense. Fuck edge cases like this.

The Hunt (2012)


The Hunt

It's probably whats going to happen to OP, some day.

don't be an ass. Its a good but obscurish film. Its understandabale why he wouldn't recognized and he should be encouraged to watch it.

The Hunt. Its a 2012 Danish film but easily enough to find it here in the states.

i don't know where to begin with this post

everyone on Sup Forums is fucking stupid

try and tell me again how video games don't turn people retarded

They're not flu shots dumbass

You don't even understand the implications of what you're saying
Educate or kill yourself

>guilty until proven innocent is what makes most sense
This is your brain on fascism. Sup Forums is a fucking cancer.

What are you asking? The name of the film? see
Or, try asking again.

It's based on a real story and 100% of the events happened.

Getting accused of child rape even though you did nothing will instantly ruin your life in Europe/USA.

See, you're the types of idiots I'm talking about.

even taking your factless claim at face value, correlation is not causation

It used to be on Netflix. It's a damn good movie, but jesus christ is it heavy.

Sounds like something that could happen in the real world and apparently did happen.

Not if you have money or power. Just look at Hollywood.

but this is left wing logic. he even bashed the rich to signal to you that he might not like the bourgeois.
you're telling me you don't listen and believe, user?

michael jackson carried his stigma to the grave

innocent until proven guilty was invented by the white man so they could judge over black queens and get away with killing our black kings without punishment...

Kids watch the Crucible and still think like that

you haven't figured out how people act yet have you? all issues come from longing for rectification but it's always false rectification

>"everyone on Sup Forums is fucking stupid"
but... you're on Sup Forums...

Yes, let's look back.
>women say a man did a thing
>everyone instantly believes them and want the man publicly executed
Wow, being rich totally worked out.

>all the kids say they were taken to a dungeon in his house
>there was no dungeon in his house

So either there was a dungeon in his house and he really did rape them, or they knew from the start he was innocent and there was someone else in the town with a dungeon that was raping kids?

Sequel when?

He wasn't part of the jewish elite

Look at Polanski, look at Woodie Harrilson
Still getting plenty of work and awards, everyone's happy to deal with them and they have never faced any sort of repercussion for their crimes

Polanski movies are good though so it's a mixed bag over all

Who can employ the best lawyers?
The rich and powerful
Who can employ the best bodyguards?
The rich and powerful
Who can own the most hiding places and secret hideaways?
The rich and powerful
Who has the most freedom of movement?
The rich and powerful

Innocent until proven guilty is bullshit

That hilariously stupid thing literally happened in real life.
This is the point of the movie you dumdum

>Innocent until proven guilty is bullshit

I'd take it over guilty until proven innocent any day of the week. A few guilty people getting away now and then is a reasonable price to pay to save innocent people getting locked up on baseless accusations.

An innocent person getting sent to prison is a far worse crime than a guilty person getting away.

I've read stories of Aussie cops impounding random motorists cars for suspicion that the car was modified then leaving that person stranded with an huge impound fine/fixit ticket

imagine you do nothing wrong, some asshole cops throws you out of your car and tows it away with zero evidence

shit's unheard of here in the states, commie fornia can start a traffic stop on a car they think is illegally modified but cannot take it away without proof

I'd personally rather let a dozen depraved rich men go free than unjustly punish an innocent poor man. I understand how you could feel differently but that's my belief on the matter.

When barista makes my soy latte quicker than usual.

Attached: God of Soy.jpg (644x800, 123K)

That's abusing the system you moron. That has nothing to do with the idea made to protect innocent people.

>I've read stories of
>with zero evidence
Wow. That's pretty damn ironic.
Was that intentional?

That comparison is stupid. Killing a dozen depraved rich men has a HUGE impact on improving the world for the price of one innocent man.

Live in reality

>I was wondering if you might recognize the girl in this photograph?

So because rich and powerful people can circumvent the law, life should be made worse for everybody and everyone should have a high chance to get unjustly screwed over by the judicial system.

Great logic, user.

>The rich and powerful invented the concept of "innocent until proven guilty" because they knew they would be in the best position to abuse that assumption
Dumbest thing I've read all week

Hopefully you'll be that innocent man that pays the price for society some day.

>get accused of rape
>tell people im gay
>get off scott free

lmao fucking idiots

>get accused of raping lil dude
checkmate faggot

gay people can rape

a man with infinite resources could prove himself innocent a lot more consistently than a poor man with an assigned lawyer

i would say an innocent poor man would absolutely lose more often under your ideas as well.

As long as a dozen depraved rich men died, I'm fine with that.

In fact, if it goes on, the only people left on Earth would be the innocent.

>Thinking people care if men get raped


This movie is amazing but holy fuck did it make me upset. Just want to give Mads a hug.

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You goddamn retard, even if you jail all accused and only let them out after proven guilty, the rich and powerful will get out the next day "proven innocent"

You are too much of an edgy brainlet to see that

This was a really satisfying .webm. I'd pay money to watch a whole movie of shitty meme actors getting beaten up.

As I said
>I understand how you could feel differently but that's my belief on the matter.
I wish you a long and fulfulling life

b-but le mads is OUR GUY! he is Sup Forums dot org approved, everyone says so!!!!
dleeetttt thisssssssssssss

so wait he was innocent but still got treated like shit and shot?well dam

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This is some chinese dictator thinking. See a therapist.

Yeah, FUCK the economy my brother.

Not really, some rich guy charged my friend $10,000 for 5 pieces of furniture he left at his sold house, because he has heart problems and one of his workers quit. 5 pieces of furniture that would've costed less than $300 to call up some guys and haul it to dump. Lawyer said it's unfair, but he doesn't have a chance in hell of suing him for it, and has to take the bill up the ass.

Yeah man Hollywood is really fixed all the pedos are gone we swear!

I bet you think Weinstein is going to jail too.

>mug zero sum game
Talk about not living in reality

Kevin, I don't think that worked out as well as you think

>and shot
To be clear, he gets shot AT, not actually shot. Its unclear whether the shot was actually intended to hit him or just scare him.

>As long as a dozen depraved rich men died, I'm fine with that.

How fucking dumb are you with this martyrdom shit, you only get one chance at life, anyone who's literally willing to ruin their life for others is a fucking idiot. I'm not talking about being charitable or helping people while you're alive I'm talking about actually dying for a cause, you have to be a complete fucking idiot to willingly die for any purpose since it's an action that provides literally no benefit to you whatsoever.

>appeal to emotion
>anecdotal "evidence"

i'm sorry for you, man.

who's stopping "depraved rich men" from circumventing the law under your system? they can still pull the shit they do with 50 experienced lawyers already, it's just a different starting point.

meanwhile your pro bono attorney won't be able to prove you were "at home fapping to hentai" when you get fingered as someone's murderer since you won't be missed

Don't worry Mike, he came back as a ghost.

>putting words in my mouth

>I bet you think Weinstein is going to jail too.
No because he did nothing wrong, but women are saying it was wrong so now everyone thinks he's scum. Literally guilty until proven innocent.

Its on Amazon video streaming, maybe hulu too. dont remember off the top

The Hunted (2003)

I heard it's available for free on my favorite streaming service, "the internet"

>Gave a factual example
>Facts and reality without any emotion
>Sup Forums baby still whines and makes excuses

Plenty of innocent people have gotten a death sentence.

>Weinstein did nothing wrong
t incel

Oh, so you're pretending to be retarded now?
Your playbook is kinda stale, user. Step it up.

>hurr rich people get away with stuff sometimes so lets just fuck everyone else in the process
What the fuck am I reading.

Attached: SUPER MODEL CHICK DOUBTS YOU.jpg (250x233, 33K)

Well, smartasses... pick one.

Attached: which one.png (578x1012, 51K)

and exponentially more would get them if the burden of proof shifted entirely to the accused

glad we agree

Not as heavy as an Ingmar Bergman film. Nothing is heavier than The Virgin Spring, imo.

While he didnt rape anyone, he still killed and ate a lot of people

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>Black person steals something worth $10, gets shot
>Rich guy steals $10,000, gets dick sucked by society.

Morality is a spook.

>don't be an ass
it's in the metadata you spoonfeeding newfag cancer

5. Morality is a spook.

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>tfw youll never be invited to his dinner parties.
That food always looked so good.

>The Virgin Spring
is that where you get your water LMAO

he knows the marinade his meats, smart man.

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>rich guy is able to charge $10,000 somehow without any legal recourse
it sounds like either you signed a shitty document or have a shitty lawyer. which detail did you leave out here?