The Dragonborn's Many Titles

Does anyone else find it strange that you can be

>Harbinger of the Companions
>Arch-Mage of the Mages' College
>Master of the Thieves Guild
>Listener of the Dark Brotherhood
>Thane of all Holds
>Legate of the Imperial Legion/Stormcloak Army
>Champion of every Daedric Prince

All at the same time?

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If you're mantling Talos, no. It's really not strange at all.

Like my grandfather never said to me because I'm making this up on the spot, "If you can, why not?"
Unrelated note, who's Henry and why does everyone keep asking if my companion is him?

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Makes me more mad that you're called Dragonborn, the literal most special snowflake in the world. It's some anime tier shit. Everything else is worked for.

Well even then in canon you have to slay the dragons yourself so its still fair

The only shit that TLD will be confirmed for is defeating Alduin and Miraak. Everything else will be be confirmed as to have happened but not by the TLD.

yes he goes by many different names

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I don't know man, something about this anime type storytelling makes me feel angry. It's completely unnecessary too, they could've just said anyone who kills a dragon will absorb its powers, but I'm sure there's an equally cringe explanation for why they didn't go with that.

Eh morrowind does the same shit.
Oblivion is the only one where your not the hero, just a convenient strongman to get to hero where he needs to be.

I think certain guilds should be trying to take eachother out, like the fighters guilds and thieves guild in morrowind wanting to destroy each other. Makes you consider the consequences, maybe even find other ways around the problem.

>anime type storytelling
It's literally the oldest way to tell a story, a chosen hero over comes evil. The sword in the stone is a good example.

Isn't the last dragonborn also the Shezarrine?

Pretty much, theres no hard proof that I remember but the things he does match up what with saving skyrim and all.

Removing the sword from the stone takes more energy than having a dragon die around you.

>GASP He must really be dragonborn! The prophecies are true! The elders were calling for your name all this time!

In Morrowind you muscle your way into the prophecy. You convince enough people to think you're the nerevarine until you sort of are.

In Skyrim you start absorbing dragon souls at the start.

>Dragonborn dies
>Daedric civil war breaks out as every single prince lays claim to his soul

Like I said before, in canon you slay the dragons yourself

In future titles it will be handled the same way it always has been
"there was a so and so assassin that killed titus mede II" not "that guy who eats dragons did it"

>ignoring the help from azura
She basically makes sure you win.
Also the main quest of the es games has always been about the empire anyways, thats why your always an imperial captive that just happens to be at the right place at the right time. The divine will of the empire shall not be stopped.

Still you're the only living being who can absorb dragon souls? The draugr were able to do it just fine. It's some sword art online tier shit where you're the only one with the special dual wield skill. I didn't like it much.

the draugr didn't learn to shout by absorbing the soul of a dragon
they trained like the greybeards did, it was much more common in the past.
Ulfric knows how to shout because of training on the throat of the world, he's never slain a dragon.

how did you get the falmer bikini, doesnt seem to work on my game

Do you have Elven Smithing unlocked?

Exactly so why do you have to be the chosen one for the story to make sense? Can't you just train like the other people who worked hard for it? Nah they just throw you a bone "You're the chosen one dood damn you're so special haha buy my game".

Its just a trick so the player doesnt have to spend years training with the greybeards to learn the first level of one shout. With the shortcut you can look at a wall and let the dragonblood activate your almonds automagically.

People like being able to be powerful in games

Simply being able to shout wouldn't really do the trick unfortunately. You can do a lot of stuff without touching the main questline though.

People also like to watch Sword Art online and I don't like those people very much.

>Training for single word : 20 years
>Another decade for new word
>Dragonborn learn in 5 minutes perfectly

And without them you would feel like a weak pos because the game barely has any crazy magical artifacts. Im morrowind I could levitate across the sea or jump the entire island in a single bound. In skyrim I can slow time and yell fire.

How do I get qt.goblin?

No. But what irritates me is that nobody gives a shit.

>glorified errand bitch titles
Do you think he would kneel

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Not like the timescale is that rigid in a videogame. The fucking greybeard shit was much longer than 5 minutes though, the most boring part of the game, fucking hours of exposition and dialogue.
It's a preset for racemenu, also the model for the Shidoni (the one im using) is a bit fucked so you might have to edit it a little

Thanks user

That's just the preset though, I have several other mods for the hair and skin and such