Choose one

Choose one.

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Easily A or B.


I'll press my tit on all of them

E, buy back the shit that was worth owning and end up a better person in the process. C's a pretty close second.

I choose the mystery box

If I choose B I can make infinite money

E is the only sensible option

B shooters or E


Where's the fucking mystery box option?

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>picking anything but A


A is multiplayer shit, fuck that.

Pressing B is literally the best choice.
>Choose LoL/Dota or CS:GO
>Win every tournament
>Become the greatest player of the game

A is tempting for old school Star Wars Galaxies or Castlevania Harmony of Despair, but with B I can make money


It has the least amount of text and I didn't read any of them.

B. and get rich.

C and E easily

>Pick B, pick ASSFAGGOTS
>Rake in the dosh and retire comfortably

It's probably the most useful option of the lot in the long term.

It wasn't worth it. it wasn't ever worth it

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>Halo 3
O how I Long for that community to come back

>Not a good enough reward unless multiplier is all you ever play, you can already make good friends and find good communities

>Becoming the absolute best at any genre will end up making that genre not fun anymore, there will be no challenge in it

>Easily the best option

>Most games people enjoyed, if they really enjoyed them, can still be fun to play on a 2nd/3rd/4th/etc play through

>Not that good if you're a pirate, but a decent option

Anything but C and E is retarded.

C would be best if it was like a decade

>you can already make good friends and find good communities
Not for old and dead games, which is the entire point of the button you fucking retard

>being the best at something kills your enjoyment of it
for you maybe

E is tempting simply because it's literally a X100 return. My love doesn't change, so I could just rebuy everything.
D is extremely tempting to my inner kid/teenager, but as an adult, I know I simply wouldn't have the time to re-enjoy every game.

>Hit B
>Become streamer
>Watch shitties on the internet accuse me of cheating while never being able to get proof.
It'd be like being Shroud except I don't choke on LAN.

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>Pick B
>Chose programming vidya
>Became master programmer
or any game which skills transfer to irl honestly

Are you retarded?
>it won't be fun anymore
Just pick mobas. All you would have to do is show up to the tournaments, not like you were going to enjoy playing dota or lol anyway. Or if you actually do enjoy playing and feel like winning ends that then pick rts and play sc2 or pick shooters and play csgo.

I want to play Solatorobo, Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon, Nier, and Cave Story for the first time again.

If you don't pick E, you are an absolute manchild and are destined for failure in life.

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He says on the video game board of www.Sup

Can I pick e instead


Actual retard, you can make the most money with B, which makes it the objectively best option

Annon’s got a pretty fucking good point

How long would a game genre last if there's an undisputed best player who never loses? You could probably make more money with B than E as long as you cash in on it before people figure it out. However, E guarantees a fulfilling life, something that I don't see many "pro gamers" having after their careers are over.

D. I just want to play wow again from the start with the same adventure and lack of knowledge I had 12 years ago.

probably a long time

People love to see that shit though, because they want to see the day they are beaten.

Anime taught me that if a person is invincible that person becomes popular and matches with that person become hyped up.

>Stock market

B is best by far. That Ninja faggot on Twitch earns something like 500k per month. No matter how autistic you are, if you are literally a living god of playing video games, people will tune in to watch you kick ass and you will get paid.

>if there's an undisputed best player who never loses?
Who can win any match if he wishes. One can play to maximise the fun of everybody else.

how, retard? B is unlimited money.

Not if the liquidity for gambling isn't there.

If you're the best ever you'd be skilled enough to have a super close looking match that you throw once in a while to keep things interesting.

>being good at something makes you not enjoy it

How can one be so stupid?

not until Hungrybox hires a hitman to take you out


I landed a new job that pays more than triple what I used to make at retail level, but my weeks are packed with shifts. I also work overnights and a ton of overtime, so I either don't have the time or the energy to play vidya nowadays.

If you can always win no matter what, it would certainly dull the enjoyment of video games. But that's fine. It would still be more enjoyable than most jobs, and you'd make shitloads of money with very little effort.

>make my own Fallout 5 Chicago (Texas and NYC optional too) with all the good parts of New Vegas and 4 made in one

Welp it depends on how intense it gets. Being almost on the verge of losing does help with suspense. Or at least it gives a sense of flow without even actively thinking about it, kinda like untangling a set of earbuds.


I'd like to do this so I can play Diablo II and Runescape with bros and Earth Defense Force all day


So I can become rich, and start over on games I will actually play again and eliminate games that are either dead or gave me buyers remorse. Becoming a human being with an actual drive and desire to improve myself is a huge boon.

Reading A and realizing this can never happen hurts. I can only dream of coming back into contact with people I met in old online flash games and just old games in general.

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B, stock trading/investment games using the real time market data.

C all the way.
A isn't a bad choice, but B is a retard's choice.

You'll have to explain how making loads of money is for retards.


>press E
>buy all my vidya back and still have more than half a mill

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You've spent that much on videogames? Wow...

B actually sounds kinda boring.
I'm torn between D and E.
I'm gonna go E, probably get set up for life.

Just pick MOBA's for B and you can get much more money than you ever could from E, how is that boring? It doesn't affect your enjoyment of other genres.

I'm tempted to pick B just to show up at fighting game tournaments around the world as an anonymous player and win everything silently but it would probably take all the fun out of fighting games so I pick A.

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B Fighting games

Ez choice

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This is what I thought, but then I realized I could just pick a game genre I have no interest in with big bucks like MOBAs. I'd probably do A or E otherwise, it'd depend on how much money I've spent but it wouldn't have to be that much.

Already have A, so B I guess.

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I save my important saves on my computer, so I can rebuy the game and inject the save



E obviously. I've probably spent around 10g on videogames in my lifetime. A million bucks would be great. Could buy more games.

>pick B
>become master of fighting games
>win tens of thousands of dollars every year
>make more money through sponsors


>No turn into a waifu option

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