Was this kirby at its peak?

Was this kirby at its peak?

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Call me casual trash, but I thought this was a great Kirby game.

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Nah, Kirby's peak is either Super Star Ultra or Planet Robobot.

You can't be casual trash when discussing Kirby, everyone is on equal footing because that's the nature of the series.

No that was Kirby at its worst.

Yes, this is the only great Kirby game.

This is one of the few good ones.

Show your math

I'm a sucker for Kirby 64 myself. Actually I'm surprised that Nintendo didn't return to that 2.5d style.

For my money, 64 was the best Kirby.

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I fucking love this game. Kind of a shame there wasn't a 3DS sequel what with the bottom screen map possibilities, but they probably would have fucked it up for me. Post sprite Kirby games haven't been my cup of tea.

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>false paths that send you back to the hub
>you cant keep backups of abilities needed to progress into the right paths despite milky way wishes having that feature
>helpers dont help you pull the big iron blocks most of the time and are generally unhelpful
the most annoying level design in a metroidvania ever
kirby at his worst

>tfw this was the last non-remake actual dream land game (limited move set per power, combine powers/animals, helpers) that wasn't a KSS wannabe
Feels bad, man.

The only kirby game I like

>too casual for a kirby game

It's a great game, I've sunk 100s of hours into it over the years. But I started replaying it this year and the same enemies across all areas is pretty fucking jarring. The backgrounds and different platforms to showcase the unique themes of each area lose a lot of impact when the same goddamn sword guy or whatever you've been fighting in the other eight areas is in fucking space.

Oh and placing a Master Hand in Rainbow Route was a big mistake. Too powerful of an ability too early.

maze metroidvaniashit=worst

This was the first game I ever got 100% in. Being able to play as Meta Knight was one of the coolest things ever

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>Being able to play as Meta Knight was one of the coolest things ever

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I'm not surprised you didn't lnow. 100%ing unlocks extra mode which is the entire game but with three hp. 100%ing that unlocks Meta Nightmare. Only one possible game over to play through the whole game. They even give you a clock at the bottom right for speed running purposes. But how many fucking kids bothered to play through extra mose if it was just a harder regular gamr? Hence, tou didn't know.

Helpers doing anything but helping you was really annoying desu
Still my favourite kirby game

user ypu need to sit down you are having a small stroke

robobot was very very very good

i don't remember them being that bad
co-op was more fun anyway

>Super star ultra
>Not amazing
nah you are wrong.
Also Squeak Squad was better than the amazing mirror

>Less than half the game modes are good
>The good ones are really short

Squeak Squad was bland, I don't remember anything about it other than the power storage/merging mechanic

Not him, but there was one big iron block that I could never move because my AI partners couldn't take a hint. I never got the 100% clear because of that.

Havent played Robobot nor Star Allies. Which one is the better buy?

>nu kirby

I am a proud 100% completionist of super star ultra. Actually come to think of it, I only have 3 100% completions, that, SM64 and SMG. Should probably do another 100% with hollow knight

I don't know why Nintendo keeps making Kirby games. Most of them haven't sold even half as many copies as the original.

For me its Return to Dreamland

It would have been if 4 player multiplayer could have been handled at at least 30 fps.

The framerate drops in multiplayer for this game are horrendous, the singleplayer is good but that makes it nothing in comparison to Robobot and Superstar(or SSultra)


I like Kirby's Adventure more, but I'm too blinded by nostalgia.

Robobot. Wait until you can get Star Allies for like $30-$40.

>liking a series for LITERAL babies

fpbp, loved this game so much it got me counting frame data for invincibility on which attacks and when to minimize my Helper to Hero times, i wish Wheelie didn't suck so bad

>Posting on a board for literal autists

I want to play Star Allies but the forced co-op bullshit is really putting me off. The co-op was already perfect in Super Star, RTDL, and Amazing Mirror. Playing Amazing Mirror solo still felt like a solo game. Allies feels like it's forcing you to constantly have 4 adhd, kill-everything-in-their path helpers to trivialize the entire thing. It would be better if they did nothing in solo and you were forced to ride them to get them to do anything.

Uhhhhhh user....?

that's the biggest flaw with the game, and there are puzzles constantly that force you to use it
forcing them into a stack where you rotate who's on bottom and can attack would be a better idea. The abilities at least still feel very good to use, and the only thing holding back the game is its level design, since it relies so heavily on the coop system. The first two worlds are pretty much entirely just "walk to the right" with the occasional enemy kill room, which your allies will wipe out almost immediately. You kind of have to enforce your own challenge, which is kind of lame.

HAL makes Kirby games, not Nintendo. And Kirby games are REALLY REALLY REALLY cheap to make so they profit even with weak sales.

You can play the game solo the whole way thru, everytime the game will actualy need you to have 2 or 4 guys for a special minigame thing it'll provide some fuckers standing by the door on the spot.

AI is actually pretty smart. In all honestly the main story is like 40% of the game. They do murder most non boss things. Just wait til the end of Guest Star mode and have friends you hate.

muh nignogs

Has anyone here actually played through Amazing Mirror with 3 other people?

Is it worth getting 3 GBA's and copies of Amazing Mirror for?

>tfw 200% cleared the game + 100% completed Meta Knightmare when I was in 2nd grade

I've heard it gets very laggy with a lot of people at once

best kirby game

I'm inclined to say this is the best Kirby game, but it's conflicting. Super Star is unarguably the definitive Kirby game, and Super Star Ultra is a god-tier remake. I still love everything about Kirby 64 though, the visual style (which has aged really well), the music, the 2.5-D level designs, the characters, the cutscenes, the final boss, etc.

But it's also like the game where the Kirby series stopped progressing gameplay-wise. Up until this game, you can see the Kirby series developing like Mario and Zelda did. But then the series basically reset with Nightmare in Dreamland, and now it feels like the main series is hesitant to deviate from the Super Star style of gameplay, just with a new gimmick added in each game.

I'm not saying Kirby games aren't good anymore, it just feels like the series doesn't want to try anything new. Kirby 64 was the last Kirby game to take the main series in a new direction.

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I feel sort of the opposite, where the modern games usually have a gimmick to try and differentiate each game:
>RtDL had super abilities, albeit minor
>Triple Deluxe has Hypernova, albeit minor
>Robobot had mech kirby
>and now Star Allies has what I'm referring to as a "new" ally and ability mixing mechanic

I'd say Amazing Mirror was a pretty fresh entry.


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3D Kirby game is being made out of Air Ride btw