The Simpsons Hit & Run? More like The Whimpsons Shit & Done!

The Simpsons Hit & Run? More like The Whimpsons Shit & Done!

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Jesus Mungposter, they had a family.

i didnt know mung dall was real

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Mung Dall? More like Dung Mall!

looks kinda peaceful...

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you ain't welcome here Niggerguy

Mung Daal? More like dung called, they want their jokes back!

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Go back to Sup Forums, Nigger Guy

Okay, that's not even fair because hit and run was a fucking golden game and you have no right to talk about it like that.

I wanted to fuck her so bad

hey don't say that

this is a good thread


>Sup Forumsposting

Ever since Sup Forums embraced Tumblr it's been a fucking shitshow. And this is from someone who remembers a time when it was the famously welcoming Sup Forums board.

You shat in your bed. Now go sleep in it.

Nah bro

I wanted to put a baby in that sweet orange creamsicle

Formerly Chuck's


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that wasn't a request, it was a demand.
you will cease immediately

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>Not Panini
Panini was legit the only cute female on that show. Too bad she was too busy lusting after purple cat bunny dick and actually got it

>it was the famously welcoming Sup Forums board


never stick your dick in crazy

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What if the crazy is cute tho

NEVER. especially if she's cute

Tell that to Chowder, who stuck it in there and ended up with 50 hellspawn

Don't do it mate. That shit'll fuck with you, I've done it and man did I regret it.

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Elaborate plz

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It's not all that exciting
>be me
>2nd year of Uni
>a friend of mine broke up with her bf
>don't know why
>didn't wanna find out
>one knight she asks if me and my best friend wanna come watch a movie
>best friend leaves
>it's just me and her now
>I'm thinking of leaving soon
>her and I get to talking
>after about half an hour she looks at her phone and then tells me "Hold on I'll be back"
>she goes to her room
>she comes back
>She's in bra, panties, and a bathrobe
>a few minuets pass
>she's blowing me
>we fuck for about an hour
>she calls me the next night crying
>she's crying
>talking about ending it all
>go over to her place
>it's like 4 in the morning, I've got work at 8
>i spend the next few hours listening to her cry and talk
>she let's me stay the night
>get 2 hours of sleep
>get up to go to work
>she does this for like 2 weeks straight
>everyday it's the same thing
>talk of suicide
>she tells me I'm the only person she talks to
>I feel obligated to keep up with her
>I'm not getting any head
>I'm not getting pussy
>all I get is suicide threats and stress
>I tell her to get help
>she refuses
>I eventually give up
>she goes silent for a few days
>she starts dating some dude I know from a few blocks from me
>he's absolute trash
>she seems to stop being hysterical
I stuck my dick in her once and it haunted me for nearly a month.

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Odd is a good way to put it. That night was good but man was the weeks after an absolute shitshow.

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Dungposting should be bannable