Console-tan Tuesdays /ctt/ After Dark



Console-Tan Tuesday Thread After Dark

Attached: GBA tan.png (355x320, 54K)

Other urls found in this thread:

1rdst for Xbone being fat

2ndst've for Switch being L


Attached: 1520396121450.png (269x346, 58K)

friendly reminder to not lewd the Cube

Attached: Very fast cube dancing at Incredible hihg speed.gif (210x135, 22K)


Also, this Tuesday is the Tuesday of PS2. Beware of kicking.

Attached: 1493741990028.png (398x941, 144K)

Is there even a notable SP tan?

Attached: GBAss.png (534x727, 347K)

Maybe one day I'll feel like drawing some more
But teasing is much more fun

Attached: tard.png (750x750, 175K)

Fatties get off my board

Alright so I saw an E3 pic (left pic) a while ago and an anime breast press stare-down came to mind sooo.. fuck it.

Requesting the right pic but with Switch-tan (any version) and PS4-tan.

Attached: 1521592476976.jpg (3156x1320, 735K)

Does Switch-tan have a soy mouth?

Best tan, best armpits

Attached: 1501032948897.png (1000x1000, 313K)


She's not actually that much of a talker

Attached: 20171013_153849.png (336x478, 94K)

Attached: Butt.png (960x1200, 219K)

The dark skin is so weird to me

Dark skin SNES is the best SNES

Attached: SNES and Genesis.png (667x787, 240K)

Yo man you can't just throw these sick requests at me right before bed.

But have an older pic by Zero. hope you don't mind the substitution of a dead console

Attached: 1491920577048.png (540x640, 121K)

Oh yeah that's Switch-tan's big sister. U-tan. Preddy gud. Also I can wait for my request. Don't worry.

...lewd version sometime?

Post lewd ideas and scenarios so that they might get drawn or written about.
Someone give GBA a birthday cake.

Attached: 1514318671941.png (2450x3150, 1.1M)

Scorpio giving PS4 a nasty sting

Attached: adiane_s_venom_by_depraveddefense-dbfwnn0.png (800x984, 372K)

I've been requesting GBA and GBC comparing muscles, tits, asses, and dicks for a while now

Someday my dreams will come true.

Who would win in a fight

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why is yoko so buff?

Who Dat.


Attached: ss (2018-03-21 at 02.10.43).jpg (489x460, 71K)


Attached: ss (2018-03-21 at 02.17.14).jpg (660x430, 74K)

She got bit

New official design for N-gage tan, say hello

Attached: 1521597091693.png (525x1067, 24K)

It's enough for now. Thanks user!

That Toasty is adorable

>a soy mouth?
Is that like she steals your dick size by blowing you or something?

Attached: 0cf0b1aab3[1].jpg (476x288, 26K)

You become more feminine

>Someone give GBA a birthday cake.
Why not give her a christmas cake?

GBA scizzoring with a Milf-ed up Saturn

nice it's after dark and GBA's birthday, say something nice about her /ctt/!

Attached: 1513813458947.png (1575x1750, 796K)

She's pretty

Here's GC's gift to GBA.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1346x910, 118K)


Not bad, she should have abs to represent all the buttons on that thing.

and pubes/armpit hair...

does she get to wish something now?

She'll always be my favourite console

Attached: hana_approves.png (300x300, 150K)

she has VERY lewd armpits!


Attached: bonezz12.png (277x465, 58K)

dat tank top isn't torn enough.

Attached: xbot.jpg (164x303, 19K)

how lewd?

>NGage with 20 rows of tiny abs
Questionable boner

As lewd as you want user...


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I thought we died this week

Attached: flockmod-tablet_2018-03-21_02-27-33.png (559x735, 332K)

GBA has the best armpits

Attached: 1503458845651.png (943x865, 70K)

also requesting Saturn giving GBA a cute birthday gift, they can also do lewd things later if you want

Attached: 1519775018374.png (672x899, 225K)

The Sega sisters have a questionable competition of seeing who can stuff the biggest dildos into their pussies or asses.
>Genesis is trying to painfully out-compete the others with the largest dildo
>Master System is struggling to get halfway down
>Saturn is doubling down and regretting it
>DreamCast can barely get past the tip
>GameGear is asleep with a dildo halfway up her ass

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How are her feet?

Attached: 4332srd.png (238x271, 32K)

That's what I want to know

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Attached: Prom.png (177x212, 18K)

To that one user last thread who asked about me:
Here's the first sketch of Part 2 to the Concert comic, things have been a pain but hey, I got some time off now

Attached: ShittestWIPIamliterally75percentdonetho.png (721x714, 253K)

Still wish someone would finish this drawing...

Attached: GBA tan.png (560x437, 182K)

Looks cute, Spade, gambatte.

Looks a bit like that one of Hank Hill in the shower.

Sorry for not being around, busy weeks.

Attached: saturnpisu.png (1284x2112, 514K)

Welcome back, regardless.

Best lesbians.

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>GBA-Tan focused thread

Today was a good day. Posting stuff of that design I like and/or rarely gets seen anymore.

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Attached: ss (2018-03-21 at 12.59.42).jpg (329x605, 47K)

Attached: 0815d73a8b31e355a86853dfd37e025bab853f86.png (1163x834, 484K)

This isn't a dumping ground fellas

Attached: 21daf25b103324442e8849f710e23ade1a1b2d34.png (333x474, 46K)

It's a fresh thread and everyone's asleep, no worries.

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Attached: gamecube is communist.png (555x555, 85K)

sorry GC.

Attached: 2223ard.png (238x416, 17K)

Attached: burg.png (257x252, 17K)

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Attached: 1521605946025.png (450x300, 46K)

Have a comfy sleep /ctt/

Attached: comfy trio.png (238x188, 17K)

Here's next WIP before I head to bed, did my best to get as much progress done to catch up on requests before Spring Break arrives around the corner
Enjoy your comfs and goodnight, /ctt/!

Attached: Switchsneakstotheconcertpart2.png (2000x2000, 1.43M)

>That leg-crossed Wii-U
Muh dick, that's the good stuff right there. Looks good so far, my only minor critique is that I read the middle panels as top, left to right, bottom, left to right, instead of the intended left, top to bottom, right, top to bottom, which messed up the flow for a second. Maybe rearrange those panels? Good stuff though, keep it up.

Yeah I agree. The panelling is hard to follow.

Those sneaky handhelds.

This is adorable. Please tell me there's more of her.

>you will never be Tablet-san

Attached: ca4.jpg (1080x1525, 1022K)

There’s always plenty of the Cube!
but never enough

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Sleep tight, thread.

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Hey kid, wanna /Sega Saturn/?

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I wanted to try colors/abs

What does that entail?

I'll never not be angry at how this design didn't take off for the switch's tan.

>3 characters

it never had a chance

it's alright but can you try it with the colored design form last thread?

Its so much better than the current abortion, and it has two characters. Does three really make the difference.

If nobody's gonna draw it. It's never happening.

Attached: 1514745236779.jpg (311x306, 21K)

It's 50% more characters

Console-tan power tier list. Is PC or PS2 at the top, or does PC not count?

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