Valkyria Chronicles 4

The game was delivered to everyone who ordered it this morning, and it's a day off in Japan. Why is there no thread up? Don't tell me none of you have the game yet.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'll post a few pictures I took while unboxing.

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Looks pretty, user :)
Tell us how it is

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>Why is there no thread up?
There was, it died pretty quick. Modern Sup Forums isn't really that interested in VC.

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Mini-timeline of the game series.

Jesus, when? I looked this morning right after the game showed up and I didn't see one.

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>make strategy game
>don't put it on PC
>act confused when it flops in Japan, the land of casuals & gacha

sega don't make good decisions

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>Mustard Race begging
Please don't ever stop.

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thanks for beta testing for western fags
Interesting this game was made for the PS4 hardware I can't wait to see Nintendo fags crying about the port

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>thanks for beta testing
Keep it coming.

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This guy. How does he manage to be such a scumbag while being so smooth? Also, the Imps in this really seem to go full SS compared to previous games, where they had some honorable or likable traits to them. They even use SS inspired rank insignia.

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wait it's out already? holy shit i thought it came out next year

>where they had some honorable or likable traits to them
Where? There was the one scene where Welkin and Alicia treat the wounded soldier and his CO lets you go, but that's all I can remember outside of the character focused DLC of them being decent.

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And have a little /m/ for the last one.

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What is this? Just some artwork?

>ha, i..
>a, rigato..
Is this supposed to show them stuttering out the words like they're being hesitant to say it? Why is it a comma? I'm barely N5

>Just some artwork?
As opposed to what? A hologram that you can fuck? Have you never seen a collectors edition of a game?

>their story will be on dlc
Damn it

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People talk about Imperials as just being soldiers on the other side, no more evil than the people they are invading, but I don't see it either. The Imperials are evil, their soldiers are evil, and their generals are evil. Even Selvaria, who people say is sympathetic, was pretty evil and deserving of death when you got right down to it.

>Even Selvaria, who people say is sympathetic, was pretty evil and deserving of death when you got right down to it.
You've crossed the line, you piece of shit. Selveria wasn't evil at all. She even went out of her way to save her own troops and the 7th Squadron.

OH man look at that heckin good boy. Dog confirmed best character in game

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Thanks for the pics OP.

Er, tell that all the soldiers she killed at the Citadel, or the genocide attempt she was complicit in. She's an unapologetic bloodthirsty slayer of thousands, a lover of the battlefield who describes conquering Gallia with a rape metaphor. She's not a good person.

>The commander killed people in battle so she's evil!
Are you fucking retarded? She never abused prisoners, she never used illegal nerve agents, she never actually hunted Darscians, and there was no rape metaphor nonsense. Hell, your own troops in squad 7 talk more about how they enjoy killing people in battle than she ever did.

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Which scene in the game was this?

She's a cunt.

No wait, a cunt at least have warmth and depths.

"Ooh the enemy use some chemical weapon in desperate effort to protect themselves, let me slaughter them to the last man without mercy in the name of faction that goes on imperialism spree, encourage slavery, genocide, and horrible human experimentation, look at me! Angst! Boobs! Angst! Did I warrant your love yet, fandom?"

Selvaria is well aware of all the atrocities that OTHER committed and enabled it by being Imperial vanguard. And people are like she's just doing her job, well that's like saying "Oh, the NKVD and Stasi were just doing their jobs." But oh, she's just doing whatever she thinks will make Max-sempai notice her. Barf. Selvaria can rightly fuck off, watching Emperor jackass throw her ass out barely phase me. Less crying fan and more like "She had it coming."

As for why? I actually played her DLC first before story proper. So "Not learning her motivation" is not an excuse either. In fact, it's funny that without her backstory DLC, Selvaria would be rightly more tragic in my eyes. I might at least pity her if that's the case because that way she would be less a character with agency, and more like actual pawn that cannot think a better way. The DLC gave her agency, reason and motivation to fight on her own. And makes it all the more horrible.

Such a massive hyppocrite too. She should stop pretending that she had righteous cause and reason to enable genocide because "Muh gassed comrades" and "Muh Maxikun."

I literally have no sympathy for someone who had power to change things and decided to fight for wrong cause anyway. If she were set on fire and screaming in front of me, I wouldn't even give her enough dignity to spit on her.

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>No fuck her, she COULD have done all these things I'm pulling out of my ass, and I can't actually point to a single instance of her abusing prisoners or breaking war treaties like other people in the game, and she never actually gets off on killing people like I claimed, but she's evil!
Okay, so you are an absolute fucking retard.

>She should stop pretending that she had righteous cause and reason
Literally and objectively never happens in the game, you fucking retard. She just spends the whole game trying to repay her perceived debt to the emperor.

>Literally and objectively never happens in the game

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Is this that one ghirlandio level from vc3? That background seems really familiar, i remember some real hard dlc missions using that level

Please explain what the fuck you just think you posted? What does that image have to do with you pretending that she ever claimed to have righteousness on her side? You're so fucking stupid I'm having trouble wrapping my head around it.

Darscen labor/concentration camp.

Explain in no ambiguous terms what that has to do with your claim "Such a massive hyppocrite too. She should stop pretending that she had righteous cause and reason to enable genocide" which is what I directly quoted.

Well I don't stay in Japan so will only get it on 23rd or something.

If you're side launches a surprise attack on a neighbor to take its resources, enslave its population, and exterminate an ethnicity, all the while indiscriminately targeting noncombatants to terrorize them, and you're one of the generals of said force, you lose all claims to being just an honorable warrior. Even Jaeger acknowledges he's a bad guy and regrets his actions (something Selvaria never does), despite being coerced into fighting for Max.

You fucking retard. When does she talk about being an honorable or righteous warrior? Why are you so impossibly fucking stupid that you can't answer that question directly?

How do you guys feel about Kai being Imperial nobility and the sister of the black haired guy?

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Nani the Fuck?

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Selvaria still the best

I need to know about all the weapons.
If it's all fucked up like in the first game then I'm going to be pissed.

Are there any new Aliasse drawings?

> still hasn't shipped my LE
>won't have it before monday or tuesday

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That's funny. Mine got here so early that the delivery man woke me up.

Oh well, it'll give me time to play VC1 again in the mean time. Now to get out of here before reading spoilers.

I'm actually replaying it now. Just finishing up mission 18, then I start VC4.

Have a good time playing VC4, user.

Thanks. Good luck enduring the wait.

Is it as good as the first game?

Like I said, I'm just finishing up a VC1 replay before starting it, but from my time with the demo I liked it a lot. To be honest, I enjoyed VC1 less on my second time through because of how much the bad anime cliches stuck out now that I'm playing the game in moon and I've heard or read this kind of stuff a thousand times. That and the comically evil empire coupled with comically innocent not-jews.

So is she still alive or are they retconning shit?

This one starts before VC1.

Fuck. I thought VC4 took place after VC1. I was hoping she'd still be alive and we could recruit her to the good side.

Is the game actually any good? Where does this game rank with the other games?

Why would I play it in Japanese? I can't read or understand moonrunes

>I can't read or understand moonrunes
I'm sorry to hear about your mental disability.

Yeah, it sucks!


>land of casuals
Not even close to be the most casual Asian country.