He's gonna be in smash guys

he's gonna be in smash guys

Attached: Wayne.png (640x400, 41K)

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Lol is the Big Mac Tonight?

it's Wayne from hylics

Attached: Faces.png (384x192, 12K)

Ratboy genius?

As if Wayne would get in before Coolie

Attached: Coolie_manual_r.png (692x916, 158K)

me on second row, middle left

neko OwO

Move aside, assist trophy.
We all know who the Clowder rep is going to be.

Attached: Kharms.png (79x82, 16K)

Freddie Freaker is getting in Smash? damn.

Attached: !$HeadMelt1.png (978x1568, 99K)

I can't believe this banana is fucking dead.

Switch port when?

He’s dead set on being his own publisher, not going through any other channels besides hinself at any point. Not sure how that would work out.

I can't wait to see all the new battle animations that will be in 2. I especially like the kissing one towards the end.


I can respect that. At least the sequel is coming out soon and it seems to me like it's gonna be an actual game instead of a short art project

The savepoint dude?

I don't really like how Wayne's battle sprite looks desu.

i can't wait for this game i fell in love with practically everything the first had to offer until i saw that he updates his tumblr every so often with new artwork for hylics 2. its really shaping up to a really good sequel.

I need a tab before I play this game. I'm gunna wait.

do i need to play hylics 1 before 2?

2 isn't out yet and even if it was i doubt there's any order to the series.

No he's not, but that would be awesome.

His special would be a giant clay glove morphing into a puddle of water that splashes all over the arena that turn into piles of corn that does high damage.

So uh I own this game and I don’t remember why. Every time I think about playing it I get scared for some reason.

Help me out, Sup Forums.