This is the greatest stealth game ever made

This is the greatest stealth game ever made

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Other urls found in this thread:'s_Splinter_Cell's_Splinter_Cell:_Pandora_Tomorrow

*blocks your path*

pssh... nothin personnel taffer

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Am i interrupting something?

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Agreed, shame it was all downhill for Splinter Cell after this

I dont even want to see what the new one is, just leave it dead at this point.


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Gen 6 Double Agent was cool though.

There are people on this board that think the Nu-Gen version is better, They are plebs

...Oh. You were saying something?

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Did i come late to the party?

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m+kb or controller for this game?

honestly both work fine. just a matter of preference.

Gen 6 DA didn't exist though.

But it did
And it was a very good game

I liked it OP.

>that final level

/thread in the first post

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Its up there

no argument here

>Splinter Cell games had that perfect ratio of seriousness to campyness
>After Chaos Theory they went dull serious mature stories for gamers such as ourselves
Sam fucking with the guards and bantering Lambert were integral parts of Splinter Cell.


I hear they might announce a new one this year.

It could have been, if it wasn't for the bathhouse level. And if Thief 2 didn't exist.

Big dick Splinter Cell arrived in town.

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>Fast paced "stealth" gameplay
>Ruining Sam's character even mor
>High chance they will make it Open-World
I have very low expectations for it.

Bathouse was easy, what are you talking about?

>there are people that think blacklist isn't garbage

Yeah, if you're a lethal playthrough shitter. The only way to get through the showers while ghosting is to cheese the AI. The only fucking thing worse than stealth segments in an action game are action sequences in a stealth game.

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Can someone explain to me the appeal of Metal Gear Solid?
I just can't seem to have fun playing any of these games and the plot always seems so silly.

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I think they know blacklist was a fuck up and want to rectify that.


I remember playing the original splinter cell game with my dad back when he still had an interest in video games. I really should replay it sometime to see how it holds up and to see if i remember anything about it.

Couldn't you skip half of the level by cutting cloth in the toilet and going through the big pool? It lead you to Doug's meeting place straight away IIRC.

The only problem with MGS is that at times it is more like watching a movie than playing a game. The plot can be wacky, but the depth is there.

Are the good SC games on pc without jumping through hoops?

They should turn Sam into Lambert 2.0 and make you play as a new guy/custom char.
Sam is pushing 70s and by giving him desk job they can bring back Ironside too without the mocap meme they pushed in Blacklist. They can retcon Blacklist Sam's voice just like they did with Lambert's voice from Pandora Tomorrow.

>It's Kojimasan! He made based Snake who is a deep total badass with his badass attitude and badass moves. Nooo, Kojimasan! don't leave my anime game! MGSV is dying without you!!! -A Hideo Kojima Production.

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All SC games are great on PC(except Double Agent, avoid that monstrocity like a plague)
The only games that can be wonky are 1st and PT, but i used guides and shadow fixes from here:'s_Splinter_Cell's_Splinter_Cell:_Pandora_Tomorrow
For CT you'll just need to install widescreen patch to avoid stretching.
First game holds up "okay" in my opinon. Solid, but compared to later games lacking gameplay and solid story with some cool soundtracks at times.

Level design is way too fucking linear for a stealth game. Has pretty much zero replayabilty. Way too many "Hey player, use this!" setpieces that take away a lot of player choice.

AI is so fucking bad that it nearly ruins the game. Enemies are fucking blind and can barely see 2 feet in front of them. Hardly any neat tools to fuck around with either so gameplay-wise its really weak.

Im getting sick of the "CT and Thief are the best stealth games" meme. CT has great mechanics but boring level design while Thief has great level design but boring mechanics. They were both two big steps forward for the genre but other stealth games have surpassed them both in terms of having a mix of both good mechanics and good level design.

such as?

what are better games then?

The first 2 Splinter Cell games were better. I didn't like how they changed it up in Chaos Theory. Sam controlled a little different and there were minor changes that I didn't care for, like the new lens effect when switching visors, the reworked HUD, etc.

fpbp, thread was over before it began

>Hardly any neat tools to fuck around with either so gameplay-wise its really weak.

>water arrows to douse light sources and to wash away blood
>moss arrows to create silent surfaces that muffle your step
>ropemaker arrows to create a path to an otherwise unreachable place
>noisemaker arrows to create a distraction (of course, you can also throw any object in the environment to create a distraction, something you still can't do in many stealth games like MGS)

Thief still has the best gadgets of any stealth game. What games let you alter the level design to your advantage?

well guess I don't have to replay it, thanks

>come on, Lambert, where's your sense of humor?
>we've got a contact waiting for you topside, by the name of Bellagio Sampler
>Bellagio Sampler?
>you asked where my sense of humor was

>Lambert, now that I got 50 million bucks with me, it's time to talk about a raise.
>Hmmm. 25 cents an hour and not a penny more.
I wonder how much Sam made from his job. He wasn't doing all that shit for free, right?

something tells me you're full of shit.

Yeah because tranquilizing a poisonous snake, putting it in your inventory and then being able to throw said snake at a guard to have it poison him is so much less interesting than being able to pick up and throw potted plants and plates to distract the already blind/retarded guards.

The only cool and unique gadget thief has is the rope arrow. The rest of them are generic stealth tools that you can't really get creative with.

Did I hurt your feefees? Sorry user :(

how about you answer his question?


>in many stealth games like MGS
EVERY fucking MGS game has this.

thif and sc are god tier because of their hide in the shadow mechanics. mgs has guards has blind and deaf guards.

>Say game
>Lol that game is shit lmao you lose haha
Not falling for that one faggot

You haven't played MGS2 or 3, have you?

can't do it can you? fucking coward. you really are full of shit.

why is it so hard for you to explain why a different game is better?

>Still hasn't refuted any of my points

Why should I? How about you defend Thief or CT instead?

Not either of the guy's you're trolling but you really can't name one game that's better than thief or splinter cell?

If you explained which games do stealth better, maybe I'd take you seriously.

Hey guys am I late to the party?

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>greatest stealth
>wallhack as main mechanic

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Splinter Cell would do really well with a reboot. Keep the core gameplay, new characters and gadgets of a 2018 world.

>the best stealth game is one with constant expository cutscenes, forced combat, and no way to ghost

lmao MGS kiddies are funny fuckers.

>Chaos Theory

CT is pretty good, but the linearity is suffocating. I think it's undeniable thief 1 or 2 is the best, even though they are admittedly flawed.

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I think you just have ADHD

I realise this is probably bait, but I didn't mention pacing or speed, I said linearity. CT and splinter cell games generally are not as immersive, tense or reward player agency as much as thief does.

Wallhacking. That minigame where you bruteforce a keypad or retinal scanner. There's usually other ways to get passed those though. Sometime you can drag a guard to the scanner. Or read their email and find the code. Sometimes there's an alternative way through, such as a vent. Other times you can listen to guards conversing and overhear them talking about the door code.

I always found the minigame fun, personally.

As someone who fell in love with the first MGS on the PS1 when I was like 11, and has been a fan ever since, all I can say is that if you don't see the appeal, then no matter how much I will try to explain you still won't see it. So why bother, just move on.

Even though Syphon Filter is pure kino, it isn't exactly the pinnacle of stealth. The stealth sections are trial and error beyond comprehension and they're quite hard as well. The action in it however is miles above Splinter Cell, MGS, and Thief etc.

>getting a prepubescent hardon in the second level of SF2 as Lian changes dress
>SF2's entire intro
>killing Russian mafia in a Moscow nightclub

It's Max Payne, but with stealth.

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Yeah, I understand what you said. I still think you have ADHD.

>but other stealth games have surpassed them both in terms of having a mix of both good mechanics and good level design.
Name 3


Splinter Cell is deader than Jimmy Joffa, u mad?

>no replies
Shitman fans on suicide watch

>getting this triggered over vidya

Ground Zeroes

Get the fuck out of here

Not an argument

They will announce the new one this E3. It probably won't be good though

Why did that make me laugh

>nuGarrett poster thinkg their opinion is not automatically invalidated by being a nuGarrett faggot

>Ground Zeroes
>A game that literally copies classic Splinter Cell gameplay with light/dark stealth mechanics


people like him probably get paid based on the difficulty of the mission. third echelon isn't supposed to exist so i doubt he has a government salary.

never played a splinter cell and thinking about playing this. is the GC version acceptable? it's all i have access to

That's not splinter cell blacklist

>>Splinter Cell games had that perfect ratio of seriousness to campyness
>>After Chaos Theory they went dull serious mature stories for gamers such as ourselves

Only Chaos Theory has any real levity. The first two games play it straight.

No, it's a cut down version of the Xbox and PC version. Sections of levels usually missing, some levels entirely cut from the game. Just get it on PC, any junk computer can run it.

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>no russian hitman jank

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At this point I'm not even sure if you're trolling or not.

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I played Splinter Cell way back on the PS2 days, then eventually bought the HD remaster of Chaos Theory for the PS3. I remember enjoying this series, but thought they never touched MGS in terms of moment-to-moment gameplay. Couldn't put my finger on why exactly, but it had something to do with impact of animations and general feedback.

Fast-forward a few years later (so this was several months ago), I tried playing CT again on the PS3 to unlock more trophies and clear my backlog. Having more knowledge of things than I did years ago, I started making some experiments with the AI, such as shooting a light source near guards to see how they would react, etc.
I shit you not, in the room where a prisoner is being tortured near the start of the game, I remember shooting at the light bulb, and in the pitch black darkness (or at least as the bar indicated), the guards knew immediately where I was and zero'd in my position with perfect fucking accuracy. This was on the highest difficulty, and I haven't touched that game since (although, I'm still planning to).

Now I realize this is the kind of stuff that bothers me about games like Thief and Splinter Cell. Sometimes, there's no sense of "momentum", if that makes sense. Things just happen with no clear indication.

Another example: in Thief, hitting an enemy with a weapon feels like you're hitting them with a wet noodle. In MGS1, when you punch an enemy you FEEL like you're actually hitting something. In general, this is why I tend to enjoy the japanese, arcade-y style of gameplay, while the west focus more on over-arching game systems.

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>hitting enemies with weapons

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>I remember shooting at the light bulb, and in the pitch black darkness (or at least as the bar indicated), the guards knew immediately where I was and zero'd in my position with perfect fucking accuracy.

How close were you to the guards when you shot the light? Your weapon in not 100% silent and guards will hear you shoot if you're not far enough. They don't have to see you in the dark, they just go into their panic state and shoot blindly in the direction the shot came from.

PS3 HD remaster is a remaster of PS2 version or port of X-Box/PC version?

When you come down some stairs, there's a corridor that leads to that room, right? I shot from as far back as I possibly could, but it took them no time to figure out exactly where I was.

Aside from that, it's also the odd feedback of gunshots. You hear weapons being fired, and next thing you know, your health bar is at 0. There's likely some things I'm forgetting of course, bullets probably have a tracing effect, and so on.
I still need to get back on SC and experiment with more stuff, as well as Thief II. These series have implemented really impressive systems, especially for their time.

That I don't know, but I'm assuming it was based on the PS2 version.

this cracka know what's up.

It's really not.
It's a fucking hallway simulator. Even Metal Gear Solid series has better stealth (outside of V where it's actually a viable stealth game and not like the others).

Blacklist was far superior. Even if you took out the wallhacks in both games, Blacklist does it better. I liked Chaos Theory too since outside of Thief 1 and 2, there was nothing really else that was even close to it. But ultimately the older Splinter Cell games are terrible. They tried to make a modern Thief and failed. Even Mark of the fucking Ninja is better and that's one of the worst games playable for stealth.

Goggles let you fucking see on the other side of walls, user. Let's not be retarded here