Ten years old April 29th. What are R* gonna do?

Ten years old April 29th. What are R* gonna do?

Reminder, they've done something to commemorate every GTA's 10 year anniversary.

>GTA 3 - Mobile Release
>VC - Mobile
>SA - Mobile and Xbox 360 Remaster (was shit)

I doubt they'll be able to port GTA IV to Mobile. A remaster on PS4/XB1 is more likely. But you never know. Wishful thinking is, adding a remastered Liberty City as DLC for GTA 5 / Online. I'd actually pay for that

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I wish they fucking finally fixed the horrible PC version but I doubt it will ever happen. It feels like GTA IV and RDR will never get re released or fixed because they're such a mess that no one wants to bother.

>they remaster it
>using the shitty gimped physics from gtav
i'll kill myself

I finally found a fix for Windows 10.

works on my machine :^)
because i pirated it after unsuccessfully fucking with a legit copy

underage confirmed for not playing earlier GTA titles

why would anyone play Realism: the game?

Remaster and LC for GTA Online

You don't mean physics, they tweaked Euphoria (an AI engine) to be less goofy.

you can't fix it. gta4's version of RAGE is woefully inefficient and being limited by dx9 doesn't do it any favors either. its like saints row 2, you just have to put up with the janky framerate.

Remaster on Switch fucking please to bring back the goat online. Fuck GTAV.

Because it's interesting and immersive.

have they even acknowledged this game in the last 5 years? it seems like their ashamed of it.

>GTA IV and Saints Row 2 are my two favorite games
>primarily play games on PC
>can only play GTA IV on console because of shitty port
>can't play Saints Row 2 at all because of shitty port and no backwards compatibility
life is suffering

Get a load of this faggot. Even if nintendo bitch had the power to run it, it would never happen. R* hates nintendo, employees literally send bags of shit to those gooks on Christmas.

They just released some mysterious update for the backwards compatible version of GTA 4 for xbone and (I assume) PS4. I have no idea what it does, and it didn't seem to have any noticeable effects on the game, so I wonder if it's related to whatever they're doing for the anniversary.

The chances of anything remotely good being added to GTA 5 has been completely killed off by shark cards.

youre right i do mean the procedurally generated animation engine but i thought i'd just say physics cos it's easier for brainlets to get the point and it was far easier to greentext
people have been saying gimped for decades user and i was playing dma games back when they were still called gremlin graphics so i was there for the debut of gta

>mfw I still bail out of cars when they flip over in GTAV

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This made me audibly expel air from my body as a reaction to humor.

They updated the PC game last year that fixes most of the PC problems and this year alone they have modified the game files twice according to steamspy, so probably a new update will drop soon.

>This made me audibly expel air from my body as a reaction to humor.
As an internet anthropologist, I'd like to draw attention to a characteristic that's nearly universal in the style of writing commonly found on Reddit(formally known as Typographical Attributes of the Reddit Demographic, hereafter referred to as TARD). Most people recognize excessive puns and self indulgent "cleverness" in place of actual humor as being a part of the TARD posting style, along with smug superiority and virtue signalling. The quirk in the quote above - restating common words in an overly technical way in order to make an ordinary activity sound ridiculous - does not seem to receive the same amount of attention as a reliable TARD indicator, even though it demonstrates those main qualities that define TARD posters. Such constructions belie not only a sense of superiority towards whoever the post addresses, but also a desire to convey how much intelligence and knowledge the TARD poster possesses. Combined with the absolute absence of humor, this type of post is as TARD as TARD can be.

>backwards compatibility

Attached: uZdl9I6.jpg (1306x980, 209K)

EFLC files were modified 4 days ago so yeah new update soon.

Does anyone else beat the shit out of the guy yelling across the street every time they come out of safehouse in Bohan?

Attached: Screenshot (276).png (1920x1080, 2.4M)

not really, im usually too busy duping cars there.

i see, let me interest you with paint drying: the game

I'm saying you're retarded cause of how it drives is "gimped", also
>that shit ever been relevant

Pirated GTA IV works better than the steam version because there’s no GFWL bullshit or any mod errors. Sadly, no online multiplayer.

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u monster, liberty city was supposed to be new start and you beat up old black christian man u fool

While that is all really interesting the irony is that your post is also a TARD post...

I think that's part of his joke.

user are you okay?

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I must have started GTA 4 at least 5 times by now, since release, and still haven't finished it. I usually get pretty far into the game, but then just completely lose interest. I think overall I have over 100 hours in the game but still haven't seen the actual ending.

Yeah, but it's not really funny.

>tfw had to make a dual boot just to play this
>went through hell getting LIVE to work
>online is almost deserted
a_at least I got achievements!

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Say what you want about this game being too grimdark edgy with boatcar physics and NIKO GO BOWLING but this game was very magical to me when I first got it. Maybe i wasn't too experienced with gaming back then, but I felt like it was a huge jump in gaming immersion. It really felt like I was in this big breathing city and people had shit to do and places to be and it just felt so grounded in reality. You could watch TV, get smashed with a buddy, or buy a hotdog from the street vendor. You could even ride the fucking subway (as useless as that was). In the beginning you were literally dirt fucking poor. The world seemed big but you had this tiny little corner in hove beach to call home and no one gave a fuck about you and you couldnt buy shit because none of the jobs didnt start getting lucrative until you started killing people. Every mission had 2 sets of dialouge in case you died to spice things up. Missions like the bank robbery mission were intense. The story was really mature and grounded for it's time and the diamond and heroin plot devices were complex and tied everything together.

The game kinda dragged on for a bit and the gameplay was pretty tedius but it had a lot going for it and was really ambitious and I really appreciate the length the devs made to really bring new york to life.

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I don't even like IV but yeah it's an incredible technical achievement and is one of the most immersive games around. Even today it's a very impressive game.

That's because Rockstar games tend to have weird pacing. GTA 4 is notorious for dragging on, some of its missions should have been merged, compressed or outright omitted. But it isn't just GTA 4 with this problem. RDR has a pretty big break in the story when you reach Mexico, essentially a second tutorial. San Andreas also has the awful Catalina mission chain.

>adding a remastered Liberty City as DLC for GTA 5 / Online.

Million dollar plane ticket to get to liberty city in online

I will literally write a letter to Rockstar about how disappointed I am in their recent behavior while I'm reinstalling GTA V.

For 3 they did this

Attached: 104E619E-44CA-4B05-9A3D-A353D80B1F29.png (1345x729, 809K)

>Grand Theft Auto IV 10 Year Anniversary Collection
>includes Niko action figure and 10 scale bowling pins and a bowling ball

>not a cellphone replica that rings every 8 seconds with roman asking to go bowling

Too bad I had no money when this came out. Definitely a toy I would buy.

>million dollar
that'll buy you maybe half of a sports car

A jacket like niko’s would be nice

Same. Now is imposible to get

Do you even V?

what he said>>

Liberty City in GTA V