Are these games any good? I don't think I've ever seen anyone here mention them despite being by suda51

Are these games any good? I don't think I've ever seen anyone here mention them despite being by suda51

Attached: Silver-Case-Ann_05-06-16_001[1].jpg (600x338, 24K)

please respond

they are trash
>bad characters
>plot is the good kind of crazy but it's not engaging at all
>gameplay specially designed to be as little fun as possible
>other VNs might have cliche and archetipes of characters that are not realistic but in this series the dialogues are so absurdly unrealistic that they destroy the atmosphere
>plot doesn't really go anywhere and it feels like nothing happens
>characters are so copypasted and similar you can't even tell who is who at times
>can't tell what is an absurd metaphor, suda trying to be deep and failing, a joke or crazy magical shit going on
>after 3 games it feels that the only thing they have done is worldbuilding and even then it would be poorly done
When plot, atmosphere, dialogues and characters are not engaging then a VN is simply bad
Music is amazing though

Attached: silver.jpg (226x210, 17K)

that's a shame, i'm listening to the OST right now and it's really great and I liked the aesthetics of it, hoped it would be good

They are if you actually into old Suda's work. Especially if you know that he didn't made shit after first NMH and that's why most of the games after it are garbage except Shadows of the Damned and Black Knight Sword
Overall it's good, I really like it tho I hate shit like VNs

the artstyle and UI and great too but after playing all the currently translated games of the series I only liked some very short parts of each game
People love suda and his games and say "It's not a game for everyone", "you just don't get it"
Maybe they are actually right, who the fuck knows
This was just my opinion

Also if you really like detectives and shit like Twin Peaks, Deadly Premonition and others, then it's right up your alley


I can't answer that question. To be honest, i don't understand what these games are. They make no fucking sense to me. Not the plot, the very fact they were written that way. It just doesn't mesh. Like some disjointed scribbles that just don't belong together. Like it was written by an alien or something. I simply don't get the fucking point. Maybe there is none, and maybe there being none is the point. I still don't get it.

>"It's not a game for everyone", "you just don't get it"
That could be countered with "Is this a game for you then?" and "Do YOU get it?" respectively.

I feel the exact same way
I like all the ideas and the setting but it is written in such a strange way that makes me dislike it

And it's not even that they are weird in an artistic sense. It's, like, to call them art or even an attempt at creating an artistic work is, like calling a random granite rock you just happened to lay your eyes upon an artistic work. Shit's just seems genuinely random, that's what's the most disturbing about it.

You know, a weird analogy just flashed through my mind.

Random newspaper's headlines.

Could they possibly be somehow imitating tabloids, I wonder?

Sup Forums too busy with it's underage garbage to talk about these games.

They are good, but also very obtrusive. They make Killer7 look straight forward in comparison.

Playing them for the first time can be exhausting, but play it again and you'll see the genius behind the stories.

Yeah? Then please, by all means, explain where the genius behind the story of the first The Silver Case was hidden the entire time. Illuminate us.

Ehhh too bad cause the aesthetic is fucking GOAT imo.

Have any of you guys actually played the game? I'm currently about 7 hours in and it's pretty easy to follow.
Few translation hiccups along the way but nothing extraordinarily bad.

The silver case it utter trash.
God may help you in the last stage in the buildings.
You will either trash your PC or yourself from the window.
It is interactive VN nothing else with a story have all seen a million times.

what hickups when it it fully translated in English on Steam.
The VN is garbo.

Let me guess you just really loved Allan Wake.
Jesus Christ.

This reads like a youtube comment.