It's been over a year since the switch came out

>it's been over a year since the switch came out
>it's the most successful console ever in the U.S.
>still no virtual console


Attached: vc.jpg (4562x1018, 688K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>that N64

Attached: how very peachy.jpg (500x500, 40K)

Buy a used Wii off eBay and hack the fuck out of it and there you go presto instead of being hung up on still on wanting Switch Virtual Console
Now stop being a little bitch about it

Should I buy a 10" flatscreen and car battery to plug both of those into on the go too?

Probably just waiting to shutdown wii's store first so they don't have to maintain both at the same time.

>tfw this will never happen

Attached: untitled.png (1200x800, 670K)

>tfw we’ll never have NES, SNES, N64, GCN, Wii, GB, GBC, DS, 3DS virtual console on one portable console despite having all the tech necessary to do it.

Attached: 1503032623381.gif (380x285, 1.97M)

There won't be purchasable VC games anymore
There WILL be a subscription service for classic games on demand, launching this holiday season

jailbreak soon

>all those wasted space

no virtual console but they'll charge every buyer a subscription after the fact

>inb4 Nintenbros are so desperate for games they want to play all this old crap!!

>this will never happen

Attached: 720X720-18159502-10213316960706943-729485162-o-1[1].jpg (720x720, 40K)

it's amazing how successful the switch is despite how shitty it is

asymmetrical analog sticks are awful.

it's the brand

>it's the most successful console ever in the U.S.
This claim gets a bit more reaching every time I hear it

>Nintenbros are so desperate for games they want to play all this old crap

yeah they really dropped the ball on virtual console GC/wii games

why did wii u fail?

>it's the most successful console ever in the U.S.
Pretty sure that's the PS4.

That's why the Wii U was a smashing success, right?

What do you mean shitty? When it comes to hardware it's the best dedicated gaming handheld ever, as a home console it still is good enough, and when it comes to games it had most of the best games released last year, so its success makes absolute sense to me.

I can't imagine that being comfortable for long periods of time given the angle and weight balance.

>putting the d-pad in the primary position for the N64, but not for the SNES or NES


wii u had horrible branding. And despite everyone going "hurrdurr people thought it was an accessory", it was actually pretty true, ask retail workers from around that time, most of the parents doing holiday shopping (you know, well over 75% of large purchases) had this notion that it was a tablet for the wii, and they would see their kids not using the wii anymore, and didn't buy it. Or got a cheaper tablet like a kindle fire or whatever the fuck since they were like $100.

>not simply emulating the games
I would give you the links to the sites that still have them, but I'm afraid of Nintenjews shutting them down

I can understand the N64, since that's how the controller looked, even though it wouldn't make sense given the layout of the joycons, but the other 2 should be flipped as well indeed.

The name was only part of it, which is what no one wants to admit. Switch has had a huge measure of success because Nintendo got all their duckies in a row. When's the last time MK, Zelda and Mario games were available in launch year? Hell, the Wii U didn't have ANY of those in its launch year, let alone all 3 of them. Problem is, going forward every year won't be 2017. Will sales be as high without that kind of perfect storm? We'll have to wait and see

>I don't know what aspect ratio is

I would buy the Switch in a heartbeat for this, being able to play Metroid 1-4 all on one system to gear me up for Metroid 5 when it's announced for the Switch.

Save your money for September then.

Hack a vita.

Absolutely there were other factors, but I would argue that was the name anything else, even despite the lack of a major mario/zelda at near launch it would have done a hell of a lot better than it did. People ride the fear of a name in a brand a lot. Look at the note series. the note 8 did so poorly after the note 7's whole exploding bit that they were debating not even launching a fucking note 9 this year.

At that point you may as well build your own handheld and it'd be infinitely cheaper.

You could probably just mod/homebrew a wii u and get most of that. DS and 3DS would need a be best on a moded/homebrewed 3DS, and even GB and GBC if you wanted.

Will the Switch have NES, SNES, GB, and GBA games on there?

I just think you're really overestimating the influence. When you look at the difference between the Switch and the Wii U, why one succeed where the other failed, I'd put the name at the bottom of the list. They're really not even that similar, they just appear superficially the same

All those are 100% guaranteed. The ones we don't know yet if they'll be there or not yet are GCN games.

You mean I will be able to play Metroid, Metroid II: Return of Samus, Super Metroid, and Metroid: Fusion all on the same system and keep those games permanently?

No I think he's right. Literally no one I know even knows the Wii U exists, because they all probably saw it in the store, and thought of it as another random Wii thing they didn't care about. I've heard multiple people say something like "Wii was the last Nintendo console before Switch, right?" - No one knew it existed - The Wii U suffered awfully because of poor branding. Of course, the biggest factor was probably the shitty gimmick no one wanted that was a few years too late

By the way when I say 'literally no one i know', I exclude my friends who play games a lot of course, but any other person if we strike up a conversation about video games won't know it


Oh wow, Pogeyman Cristal was the last release back in January, one of few in months prior.

thats amazing because im still waiting for it to take off