What's the point of making a game so fucking scary if it makes you not want to play anymore?

What's the point of making a game so fucking scary if it makes you not want to play anymore?

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Not for kids and fags

>why is a scary game scary

It's not THAT scary, user. + for me it was the story that I was interested in, and the ending so that kept me going too.

What's the point in making a protagonist so perfect?

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I hate to seem like a contrarian but this was by far the least scary SH I've played. The story was just a silly teen slasher flick as well, not that there's anything wrong with that, I thought it had a lot of charm in its own way.

Generally I savor the atmosphere of horror games to a point where they rarely scare me that badly. That said, I think SH1's otherworld town and sewers got to me far worse than anything in SH3 did, but it's at least scarier than SH2 if not nearly as depressing.

You’re not a contrarian different things scare different people, SH3 is way more aggressive in its horror where something like 2 is more subtle

I suppose you're right, while playing SH2 I was pants-shittingly afraid to move one step in some places but I breezed through most of SH3 without much issue. Maybe Heather made me feel empowered

sounds neat, what game?

Where do you rank Sup Forums?

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i liked it least of the original trilogy. a submachine gun? the attempts at humor? revisiting like the exact locations of 1 & 2? re-using the merri go round fight location? lame
some of it was really good thou, nightmare/otherworld hospital. i liked robbie the rabbit but i dont know what the point of him was

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If you're not well versed in survival horror then the early Fatal Frame games are a near surefire way to drop a load in your pants.

Entertained master race reporting.

2-3 pretty much

2, maybe 1.

>being scared of a video game

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3 was a direct sequel to 1 so reusing some areas made sense. That said, it definitely left the least to the imagination and didn't encourage exploration as much as the first 2 did. But at least it committed to its craft so love it or hate it the horror was the most intense and abrasive of the trilogy.

>so love it or hate it the horror was the most intense and abrasive of the trilogy.
i would agree. the 1st time through the hospital was really difficult.heather vomiting god, fuck me. subway was pretty aight too.
1>2>3 always

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The SH's past the first aren't even that bad, it's all mostly psych-horror (a great example of it though) with maybe a couple jumps.

Otherwise, grow some balls and acknowledge games like Resident Evil and Dead Space aren't for you.

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Amnesia makes me alt+f4 constantly.
I'm a pussy, I know. But goddamn does that game make me feel incredibly stressed and tense.
Alien Isolation is pretty bad too. In games like Dead Space I can handle it, but Alien Isolation the paranoia of the alien being out there is worse than the alien actually being there.

the only thing scary was how _attractive heather was

I'd say 2.5

Someone post the pasta to get these bitches to run on PC please and thank you

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