Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread

Previous Thread:
>Post character name/franchises and references and keep them in a single post
>Keep it vidya
>The character(s) must be of vidya origin
>Post an art sample with your "taking requests" requests
>No bumping your requests
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>No OC requests. You can, however, request the creation of vidya characters
>Everyone posting "LOOMIS" without explanations and proper criticism is just spam, which should be ignored and reported.
>Please bump if the thread reaches page 10
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW: (current) (backup)

Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!
NSFW Deliveries should also be posted in
Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky
Drawing Books:!2RARFaLA!VTiQb6eRXfV4V6mYQ6FJTA

Attached: 1521598648898.jpg (2744x2504, 657K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Requesting anything of Bunny Kagero please.
Like lewdly licking her carrot and putting it between her breasts.

Attached: Bunny Kagero.png (2400x760, 787K)


Attached: 83f409234e9a0c322eee871c6263439010048afa.jpg (1100x2000, 340K)

Requesting a fusion

Attached: small sassy sidekicks.png (2500x2500, 902K)

Draw Korekiyo Shinguji.

Attached: self hatred.png (556x556, 214K)

Requesting Soleil smacking her own ass in a teasing manner.

Attached: Soleil .jpg (3892x1781, 1.12M)

Requesting my MMO character from the game "Mabinogi" wearing her "Luxurious Crystal Set" to welcome the Spring.

My main ideas were sleeping under the shadow of a large tree, sitting on a giant flower, offering a cute flower garland to the viewer or happily running around on a flower field, but feel free to do any cool and/or cute idea you have related to the coming of the next season.

Character reference:

No lewd allowed, it will be ignored, instantly rejected and sealed away.

Please and thanks!

Attached: mabinogi_2018_03_18_005.jpg (1906x1003, 311K)

That is a cool-ass rendition, my dudes. Rock on.

Requesting Morgan being bent over and fucked by Grima possessed Robin or Morgan on her knees, sucking his dick while getting head-patted.

Attached: Grima Robin and Morgan.jpg (3324x3840, 1.72M)

Fuck off


Attached: Kumatora.png (1024x1299, 683K)

Have I offended you or something?

Requesting colors, reference:

Attached: 53fba7d0b60e5d1063c67bc0a903691a9ffba452.jpg (840x700, 175K)

A lewd request of Jennifer Simpson from Clock Tower with a massive butt expansion stuck from going through the door while Scissorman's shadow appears from behind.

Attached: ctberequest.png (1922x1250, 1.93M)


Requesting Shulk at the movies, watching a film and enjoying some popcorn.

If not that, then requesting Shulk singing 0:41-0:46 from this song, referring to Mecha Fiora. Sunglasses a must, funky outfit optional. [Open]

Thank you in advance, and I hope you have a great week!

Don’t mind him, it’s just the autistic Tharjafag being a cunt over someone he believes is his biological daughter.

Attached: 7B56CB82-64D9-44DF-83A5-7788E0DA9930.jpg (3218x1536, 791K)

>husbandofag calling a waifufag autistic
o im laffin

Attached: the-person-above-me-receives-anal-25775334.png (500x522, 104K)

>he doesn’t know

Jokes aside, never said I wasn’t. It’s just that his behavior is really disgusting, from what I observed. If I ever reach the point where I’m like him, that’s how far I’ve fallen.

Nailed it

Shulkfag is unironiclly the calmest waifufag.

Requesting Roll watching a human woman get her hair done, then Roll showing her her closet full of different hairs she has

Attached: roll.jpg (702x800, 58K)

While I don't have a daugheru, only a waifu, I can understand getting upset at people requesting gross shit of them.

You don't own the character, he doesn't own the character, the character is neither of your property. I can't stop people from requesting Aigis and he can't stop people from requesting Morgan doing whatever. He needs to get over it.

In the end though, it’s just a picture. I don’t think it should affect how you feel about them overall, so you shouldn’t take it seriously. Just as long as you still care for them in your own way, nothing can hurt you.

That’s just how I feel though, so I could be wrong.

Could you not lewd up my waifu please.

Attached: 241c8b373eac4856bc9f670604ca8e06.jpg (850x666, 134K)

Aigis is a popular character though no one actually cares about morgan

How do you do it

Both are fictional characters that no one in this thread had any part of creating so there is no difference.

Not owning the character or being unable to do anything about it doesn't change getting upset about it.
It depends on how much you care.

Do what exactly?

Post first every thread


You can get upset about it all you want just don't bother someone else about it because of hurt feelings. Why can you request lewd shit of another character who might be someone's waifu or daughteru but when its his delusional mind's pets getting it, he gets offensive?

Keeping renewed hope alive.

Attached: 1521527465569.jpg (1115x789, 205K)

It does, but if you care more about that person that drew the character in the picture than the character itself, what does it say about you? Shit happens, if you see/read something you don’t approve of that doesn’t harm you intentionally, get over it and move on. That shouldn’t change your mind on that character.

Requesting Mai Natsume from BlazBlue with an idol outfit, not something lewd but rather cute

Attached: mai_natsume_by_fu_reiji-dazrim6.jpg (836x955, 80K)

You don't have to post the same picture in every thread, you know.
You can just maybe post when you've made notable progress?

Attached: 1488056644571.jpg (360x273, 33K)

Its fucking nothing
>20 days

I'm not the drawfag

>only 20

Thats not the artist you dumb cat poster

Ok i just read the last thread, lets clear some things up:

i know, i was telling him i couldnt make it because i didnt quite undestand the request
this is not me, its just some random guy
sorry, the OR can absolutely request again, i didnt do anything to fullfil his request
this is not me, i drew mercedes and got distracted listening to the song i drew her singing, i didnt draw anything other than that butterfly aigis, please dont falsefag its kinda rude
im not a bug expert sorry ill try and research before asking again
not soon thats for sure, complaining wont help either ill draw aigis as much as i want, i also write aigis in almost every aigis picture i draw, filter it and you wont see her 90% of the time, if its from me of course


and now to finalize, yes im a fucking shitposter i started drawing aigis to shit up the threads 2 years ago, and i still do it, but since its not against any rule that wont change, have a good night everyone

Attached: AigisHuh.png (246x321, 19K)

My point still stands.

Attached: 1498000514400.png (416x351, 70K)

I'll stop posting it when I'm dead. Or when I give up. Or maybe I'll just slow down.

Requesting Gordon Freeman hanging out with Stephen Hawking, to mark the latter's death.

Attached: freeman and hawking.png (877x388, 722K)

Requesting two characters from the mobile rhythm game "Show By Rock!!", Kabutomoaki (left) and Cream Teddy (right). Anything cute and wholesome is fine, but if you need an idea, have Kabutomoaki use his big gakuran jacket to shield Cream Teddy from sudden rain while they're on a walk together.

Attached: 18-03-19-03-21-10-304_deco.jpg (2560x1920, 1.62M)

Requesting the Valkyrie Drive twins, naked or wearing some sexy lingerie, on their hands and knees or just knees, with a strip of condoms dangling from their lips, a classic "condom crawl" on a bed with "come hither" or more predatory looks.

Attached: 27cbbe59-e5c9-4836-8734-505e97781ccf.jpg._CB279683236_.jpg (1000x1000, 98K)

Why are drawfags such shit posters?

That's all we have

Attention whores, no actual friends

Requesting Cog as a cute boy.

Attached: Cagliostro_A.png (780x780, 188K)

Requesting peep version of vidya characters microwaved. Causing expansion

Attached: 935A2172-6D23-45BC-859B-D94AEEE02273.jpg (620x417, 76K)

Because that’s the only way to make it on this board

Attached: BB45AC77-0868-4011-A3A0-DA4BA49F00E0.jpg (534x600, 41K)

Requesting Springfield from Girl's Frontline giving a back and/or shoulder massage to user.

Attached: Springfield.png (1024x1024, 290K)

I just shit post to cope with the fact that my deepest desire will never come true

I think you requested Airy in a straight jacket and accessories about a week ago. I took some liberties but I hope you like it.

Attached: ASJ.png (1920x1131, 174K)

Requesting a fusions of Lea(Highschool Romance), Rozalin(Disgaea 2), and Shantae(Shantae).

Attached: fusion request.png (2500x2500, 1.32M)

What happened to Clay user?

OR of the request. Ended up going to bed before I could answer the question, and seems like a bit happened while I was gone.
But yes, butterflies and moths have scales that are easy to take off, to the point that even brushing your finger on them can take some away

A video that shows moth scales in action as a sample

If you're still interested in trying it out I'll look forward to it!

Attached: Peppillon.jpg (640x563, 61K)

Just change the bottom left girl already

He looks silly and gay

Thanks for the requests, guys. Hope you all have a nice day.

Attached: angle or devil.png (1000x988, 369K)


Attached: no.gif (352x200, 7K)

I might try the bottom left as Samus or something idk we'll see.

Requesting Peppillon with it's engorged dick hanging out like pic related

Attached: 1521601194156.jpg (1072x1440, 332K)

To celebrate his recent inclusion in Dissidia NT, requesting Vayne Solidor ( doing pick related with the caption "YOU ARE TEARING ME APART, LARSA!"

Attached: tearingmeapartlisa.jpg (500x333, 24K)

Thanks user, you just activated my fight or flight response.

Attached: 1520918572722.gif (460x341, 2.95M)

Requesting Laevatein with the Múspell symbol tattooed on her womb. It is the symbol on the top right.

Attached: Laevateinn Múspell.jpg (3173x3699, 2.74M)

requesting the picture on the right with Michael and Lovrina from Pokemon XD gale of darkness

Attached: low quaility reference.png (1247x965, 981K)


Requesting BIG Aht putting her big titties on top of Stocke's head or squeezing him with her big curvy body.

Attached: Aht drank some milk.jpg (3049x984, 566K)

>getting cringed and some bugs air sacks for attracting mates/matting LMAO

Why is this place filled with retards

This is great, thanks skits.

Requesting Yukari as a giantess and embarrassed by everyone looking up her skirt.

Attached: Yukari.jpg (2728x1447, 1.15M)


Attached: 1507672650414.gif (531x354, 3.6M)


Requesting Athena in her Tag Frenzy outfit, lifting up her skirt and showing some flashy panties to match her new flashy outfit.

Attached: SNK_Heroines_Tag_Team_Frenzy_Athena.png (1013x1866, 385K)

probably people want to be around those similar to them and you're just following suit

pearl, a most delectably acquired taste

Requesting Morgan being babied by his mother while sucking on her tits like a baby.

Attached: Momma Boy.jpg (4448x3488, 2.39M)

Relax buddy. I too was freaked out, but then I did my research

user please. I can't unhear the party horn noises

Attached: file.png (250x250, 82K)

Thats not a dick, thats a pheromone dispenser. Think of it as a perfurme maker. Moth penis is actually a lot smaller

So you're saying it's the moth Tits and Ass?


Tell me more about moth penis.

Attached: 1520122532335.png (324x388, 155K)

f fairy

.....close. Close in the sense that its what attracts moths. Its real anatomy equivalent, though, is human odor. So basically if you like the smell of a woman from her sweat and fluids, its the woman's pheromones doing the trick.

Mind you, its debated whether human sexuality can be influenced by pheromones, unlike insects:

Requesting Spyro struggling to get the hang of roller skating.

Attached: Spyro_attack.jpg (1000x1052, 115K)

Requesting classic Lara croft with a loose hair and in a night gown.

Attached: TombRaider_75.jpg (600x800, 107K)

Fan girl del trabajador místico...

Attached: gimme gimme powah POWAH POWAH POWAH.png (1200x1400, 142K)

wouldn't mind getting my tongue in those pits, if you catch my drift

>Mind you, its debated whether human sexuality can be influenced by pheromones
I suppose, though there is the observable phenomenon of people being attracted to/turned on by the smell and stuff like that so regardless if it's pheromones or some other factor such as attributing memories and feelings to smells there's a real function like that. I guess the only ones who'd care is people rubbing their hands and selling perfume.


Engorged Peppillon armpits when?

>page 10

Attached: 5089.gif (360x270, 319K)

To celebrate Soulcalibur VI's new entry I would like to request Geralt of Rivia fucking a defeated Ivy Valentine after a hard fight.
Even better if she's mind controlled/confused under the influence of Geralt's axii sign.

Attached: SCVI_request.jpg (1580x878, 1.01M)

Requesting Viridi from Kid Icarus Uprising with an adult-like body seducing Pit into working for her. Whether the angel reciprocates her feelings or not it's up to the artist.

Attached: KIU-v2.png (2069x1676, 2.36M)

Requesting Robin getting a surprise kiss, hug, or present from Lucina or Morgan(either). That or Lucina and Morgan instead. Please and thanks!

Attached: a2rrewfs.png (1110x678, 874K)

Requesting Morgan performing cunnilingus on Noire, with handholding.

Attached: nomo.png (901x802, 729K)

Requesting Sister Friede from Dark Souls 3 [left] hanged on a gallows [right]

Attached: 1521475846136m.jpg (1024x614, 74K)