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Fluffy Servant

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Gacha is not video games

>Fate invents a shitty servant for their Gacha game

And this is news why?

It validates their gambling addiction.

>pure slut

Medb is pure and innocent. OFFICIALLY.

Slutmemefags BTFO.

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Japan delivers by.....shitting out NTRbait? Great. Lovely.

Looks like shit

>special power is literally to be a cumdump and make blood children from the all genetic material she takes in
Top cuck

How does FGO always manage to have top tier designs?

>insecure virgins can't handle the sexy Lady Queen

Go play some mario or whatever shit you like.

Attached: __medb_fate_grand_order_and_fate_series_drawn_by_shimo_s_kaminaka__e733140ad7832bef4ef23cc44e223224. (1000x1309, 204K)

How? Sluts gonna slut. Are you one of those incels that think having non-committal sex with a woman that has had sex before makes you cuck?

>Play America arc
>Medb has zero redeeming features.
>Maximum turbo thot until she finnaly dies
>Fanfiction Cu gives no fucks at all, ever.

I'll take Stheno anyday over Medb.

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Nobody gives a shit about Fate. Post Jeannes

Fate outsells PUBG like x3 times.

Fate is the BIGGEST VIDEO GAME in the world.

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Art is terrible.

Looks like shit.


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Japs have a crippling gambling addiction. Nobody gives a shit about fate in the west other weebs trying to be hip and cool by eating whatever shit the japs eat. Post Jeannes

No not really. Unless it's done by Takeuchi himself, that art is shit.

Her face looks really dumb in the first two and those boots (socks? leg warmers?) are a crime.
I'm not a fan of that washed out pink dye hair either.

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My wife Tsukasa gets very involved in cosplay sometimes

What is that thing attached to her riding crop?

Euryale > Stheno

Handguard that's looks like a bit like dildo. She's a mega turbo slut, what you you expect?

MedBee is a thot

Agreed. I don't care for either but I'd take both over the super thot.

Takeuchi's art has only gotten shittier since 2008.

this is literally haggar's level 3 super in mvc3/mvci. what game is that?

Her face is very flat and feels generic. Her clothes look like they were put on her in one of those old flash dress-up games. Her knees are fucked. Also she gets thicker going from 2 to 3 which makes her thighs look weirdly large on top of her knobby knees.

Also the anatomy is fucked in that last picture. Look at where her torso sits down and where her legs seems connected.

You do have enough quartz to roll her, right Sup Forums?

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Art is shit but she still can ride my carriage if you know what I mean

Fate Unlimited Codes for PSP

Eh she'll get a few tickets. Saving for others.

350 quartz please come Jeanne

We're all gonna make it bro

Attached: jannu horta pet.jpg (850x1200, 96K)

>No not really. Unless it's done by Takeuchi himself, that art is shit.
>Her face looks really dumb in the first two and those boots (socks? leg warmers?) are a crime.
>Her face is very flat and feels generic. Her clothes look like they were put on her in one of those old flash dress-up games. Her knees are fucked. Also she gets thicker going from 2 to 3 which makes her thighs look weirdly large on top of her knobby knees.
>Art is shit but she still can ride my carriage if you know what I mean

Tasteless kisamas I really wish I could just kick you in your ugly acne face right now.

Medb's ART was made by Amagami's godsend artist and only lowly cockroaches like you would dislike it, get the FUCK OUT of Sup Forums and never return. It's insulting to know that there are faggots like you on my imageboard.

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>Nobody gives a shit about fate in the west

This delusion of a newfag.

>types up a "2/10 would not bang" post for an anime girl
this is beyond sad

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Oh, that explains it, those character designs were the epitome of generic schoolgirl. Nearly indifferentiable from each other.

>Also she gets thicker going from 2 to 3
It's a corset, so that makes sense. You're right about the rest though.

>taste this shit
Gas yourself desu.

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try reading the whole thing next time, Pedro

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I hope 150 is enough.

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You know what you have to do

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>triggered over generic sluts

Her face looks retarded.

Fuck off priest

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NA FGO is incredibly popular already, dumb faggot.

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Your face looks retarded.

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320 quartz and 50 tickets. If not i'm just gonna find another gachashit to play.

It's not even worth engaging with gacha subhumans, my friend

Literal sameface

180 quartz and 20 tickets.

I'll get her within a few rolls like I always do.

You just described women in general

I want to rub my hands through that fluffy hair

Better than the ones trying to defend the anime girl in the first place. Especially one that is also a thot.

>tfw you have to sell your soul and body but you finaly get her

Attached: latest[1].png (704x386, 143K)

No Priest, I have to wait and save! Please!

>Japan never fails to deliver perfect sexy females
>meanwhile the West makes girls uglier on purpose nowadays

My sides.

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Been saving since the beginning. Around 900 quartz. If I don't get her I'll just quit.

Dear Lord. This is the definition of entry level, basic bitch tier taste.

>that fucking clover

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Spook all the other Anons in this thread, Kirei, but not me this time.

You are the only entry level here, Sup Forumsermin scum.

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Godspeed user, may a Jannu or two visit you in the future!

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>still no Odysseus Servant

Attached: odysseus.png (620x372, 368K)

Not just ugly, but soulless husks. No emotions during talking scenes, barely any reaction to the events around them. It's sad that the eastern robot is more human than most of the western humans.

I like the artist for Amagami but don't like Medb, which is the only one they've done. If the artist does another servant that would be great.

I did the same cause I wanted to get np2 Scath at least and I didn't even get a single one lol

Thanks user!

Yep, that's the fear. We'll see. I wish the best of luck to those that roll for her.

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Dont listen to my Father , you can do it Anons

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You're even worse than your father, you sleep with fat old men and evil incarnate! Don't trust a word this THOT says anons!

I could actually fuck Caren and she wouldn't deny me...

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Some vibrators have little things attacked them to stimulate the clit.

Type-Moon likes slutty girls after all.

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>DUDE gacha soon
>Cu Alter + Edison after that
>only have 420 quartz
not gonna make it am i

>rolling for Alexander

I already have a ton of gameplay-oriented characters and the reason I got into Fate was because I liked him so I watched Zero when it aired. After that I played F/SN.

>tfw still don't have enough quartz/tickets/crystals for this hunk and johndork alter even after saving since GUDAGUDA
>life might make me miss the da vinci event

just fuck my shit up senpai

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How many you got? Remember, user: he who chases too buff baramen captures neither.

Cute Zero Two

>not rolling for you husbandos

I can't wait for Orion. I can finally replace Demiya.

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Fate/Unlimited Codes by Capcom for PSP/PS2/ARC

40 tickets and close to 200 quartz. I'm only planning on rolling singles.

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at least you have a (albeit less than 50) percent of winning when you gamble, gacha in return is just a money sink for addicts...

>tried to take the life of /our dog/
She is shit.

Cu is shit and deserves to die with his shit luck anyway.

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this, no one insults amagami on this site


I already gave my wife all my grails, Medb is not welcome in my Chaldea.

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Ass too fat

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She can't kill servants with such fat ass.

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I love when you autists come out of the woodworks to defend your generic garbage.

>No Arc servant
Fuck this gay game give me my sweater puppies

Having a cold air effect around her in the last picture was a mistake. Could easily be mistaken for vapour considering she has her legs open. Wish her final art was better then she would be worth it.

It's actually implied body heat you dumbass.

Which is visible due to the cold air, yes. I'm saying it could comically be mistaken for a smelly vapour akin to the vapour coming off some cartoon cheese.
Do I need to spell it out further or do you comprehend it now, you colossal retard?