Mfw no Dune game

>mfw no Dune game

Attached: thepain.jpg (1132x816, 48K)

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There's like seven of them. stop being a faggot

Finnaly someone who understands my struggle

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shiggy diggy

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>he doesn't play emperor
apply yourself

>mfw no Dougie game

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There are a couple Dune games. But we will never get the giant sprawling RPG we deserve

>no lynchian point and click puzzle game

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Maybe with the Villenueve movies coming out we will get an RPG.

No, you'll get an open world collectathon

Time sucks, why the hell do we age so fast.

Emperor: Battle for Dune is the best Dune game.

>Collect spice in this generic sand region here
>Oh hey you done? Go collect more spice in this other generic sand region over there
>Time to dodge the EPIC Sandworm for the 6,503rd time!!!
>Haha time to drink recycled piss! What a meme amirite streambros??!?!

>not knowing about the movie based game DUNE, the sequel which is an RTS DUNE 2, the remaster of the rts DUNE 2000

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There is a dune game it's called spore.

Otherwise it's Telltale Presents:

There are Dune games, and a few are even pretty good. However I honestly dont think Dune would make a good game, unless it was just set in the same universe and didn't really have anything to do with events told in the books. Butlerian Jihad game, or during Leto II's rise to power (IE Crackdown: Fish Speaker edition).

I'd rather play Dune 2000 though

But what about the porn game?

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>Shooting shields with lasers makes everything explode because uh.....
EPIC writing my friend, truly a cult classic my fellow redditors!

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What would a Dune game even be about? Press X to betray Leto Atreides?
There's a reason why all Dune games so far were RTS, RTS doesn't need plot or characters to follow, just tanks and sandworms

how is that coming along anyways? I cant afford patreon stuff so i havent bothered checking

Its the setting I think most of us all love, and want to explore. The plots themselves are as they are and you cant do much with that ill agree

There's a porn game.

What setting? It's a boring ass desert planet with giants worms that poop heroin. There are dozens of more interesting science fiction universes

There's more to it bro

>Dune is just the planet arrakis
>not the whole space setting with all the factions

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>ywn be a fremen naib with 10 wives and an entire gallon of water

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I should get back to Dune. I got 100 pages in and the events in the back cover blurb still hadn't all happened, so I took a break.

>wanting to drink regurgitated piss your whole life