Hi there, I'm just the game that will save fps

Hi there, I'm just the game that will save fps.

Attached: 20180321164814_1.jpg (1920x1080, 465K)

feminist cuck shit 2bh

fuck off shelly is cute


>early access

why does this faggot dev shill his trash game?

>low res textures
>high res HUD
eptiome of soy

>I'm just the game that will save fps.

>Literal Duke3D Clone

Duke3D didn't save FPS, neither will this.

45 mins worth of game. they fucked up.

Why does 3d realms shill on Sup Forums bros?

just totally KEK my SHIT up bro

Its a preview campaign. 5 episodes will release later. That being said, it shouldnt be worth $20.

reminds me of that shitty ass "Dusk" game trying to be Quake but it sucked fucking cock. God I'm fucking pissed I spent 20 bucks on that garbage. The multiplayer Duskworld so bad it's like a fucking retard made it in Roblox. Literally the first thing I did when I tried to play multiplayer was step backwards and fall through the map, and then when I played it's a bunch of people sliding across shitty as fuck TINY ASS horrible maps picking up all the weapons and god it's just so fucking shit whoever made it should die.

Waiting on the rest of the game before purchase. They should have used the shareware model.

All the enemies are just humans who shoot at you from such distances they are just rendered as a dot on screen.

It gets pretty boring.

shareware model hasn't been a thing for over 20 years and demos are a rarity, even if they have one it's released after the actual game.

Can you prove this? All shill accusers can't prove shit

Is this a copypasta? This is pretty funny

>female DOOK
blow it out your ass

It's the reality.

>shareware model hasn't been a thing for over 20 years and demos are a rarity

Literally none of that excuses why they didn't do it.

Sad part is Shelly is older than most of Sup Forums at this point.

>only one level is big enough for that to possibly occur
>all the enemies are robots / cyborgs

Come back to us when the game is finished!

i dig the color palette

>Duke3D didn't save FPS, neither will this.
You can't save a genre if it's in it golden era

So any new mechanics or weapons or is it just another nostalgia pandering game where you find yourself asking why you aren't just playing the games its copying?

No you are not.
Good FPS are those where you can dodge all projectiles. In theory. The very first enemy in IM breaks that rule.
Also fuck that jewery, they distribute an EA game while all they have is a short demo instead of making a demo free to try and allowing to preorder. Those fuckers will never finish it.

This and Amid Evil are great. Can't wait for their full releases.

Attached: Hexen mana.webm (1920x1080, 966K)

There's zero hitscan in IM, fuccboi.

Elaborate, how does that first enemy works and how does one dodge his attack. Killing one before it starts shooting does not count.
Better yet, provide video.

I think Amid Evil looks a lot better, I played Ion Maiden and it didn't really catch my interest, and the shit ass one liners didn't help either. I'll probably get around to playing the full release but idk if I'll buy it on release. It was really easy too.

The weapon balance is off definitely off in Amid Evil, it's basically Star of Torment: The Game.

how can you tell who is under 21 years old in this thread? see if they hate the following: Dusk, Ion Maiden, Amid Evil.

only underage babbies that can't even finish the preview campaigns in these games will complain.

this is a fact

All weapons, including your own, are projectiles that travel through the game world. They travel fast, yes, but they're not hitscan.

Attached: ion maiden.webm (960x540, 2.03M)

Attached: hover.jpg (687x611, 177K)

the most interesting weapon is the bowling bomb which rolls along the ground and homes in on enemies.
imo if the rest of the game keeps up this level of quality and they fix the technical issues it will be worthy of standing equally alongside duke, SW and blood
I dunno if they are actual hitscan or the projectile just moves really fast (there is a projectile visual effect) but the enemies function like the pigcops in duke and shotgun cultists in blood at least where they lock onto (they make a reload type sound when they do this) the player position then fire giving you a chance to dodge
the red crossbow guys fire actual projectiles though

Attached: 2018-03-21-2013-52.webm (636x480, 977K)

I do hope we get a few crazy weapons to play with, like Duke's Shrinker/Expander or SW's Guardian Head. Right now the arsenal is pretty standard for an fps in the 90s, with a Crossbow teased which I assume will be like a railgun.


Dukette Nukem

That is not exactly what I was talking about. Being able to dodge enemy aim is fine but could you dodge that projectile after it is fired to where you are?

If you watch the webms then you can see exactly that.

>Good FPS are those where you can dodge all projectiles.
You can easily "dodge" even hit-scan enemies' attacks in Doom, Douk, BLOOD...etc, thanks to the clearly signaled attack intentions of the enemies + their tendency to "lock" in your last loacation.

>not even using build2
what a waste

>get told Amid Evil is inspired by Heretic and Hexen
>get excited cause Hexen is my favorite fps
>the only similarity is the colored mana system

Attached: 1459182510704.png (1000x1000, 314K)

oh for fucks sake. just play it before you talk shit, because I know you didn't by your post

No. I assume projectiles start flying once the gun start blazing. Every time that happena the player is not where the enemy is aiming at.

m8, I own it and played through all that's available. It's a great game but it's nothing like Hexen at all. No classes, no inventory system, no hub level design (Quake 'hubs' are completely different).

Attached: Untitled.png (264x127, 60K)

fair enough. i'd argue that there's more than just the mana system that's similar though. that's just the state of the industry now m8. we can never get the good games back, we just have to see the fun in the games that are facsimiles of them

>i'd argue that there's more than just the mana system that's similar though
Like what? Maybe I missed something. The point I was making though was that I'm tired of being misled. It seems like whenever there's a game in a fantasy setting people scream how it's 'just like Hexen.' Examples being Ziggurat, Hellraid F, and no Amid Evil.

not him, but what you're practically asking is "if I sit still and let the enemy shoot at me, will I get hurt?", which is just idiotic in an FPS game.

it's obvious even from the promo stuff it's more heretic than hexen

A new Star Wars: Dark Forces would be awesome

No. I am asking if I can dodge that projectile shot at you. Can I move out of the harm's way after an enemy shots at me?