New characters for Boku no hero Academia

Will you buy it?

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>frog mutant with all the abilities of a frog + some made up ones like turning invisible
>electric human that can fill the air with 1000's of volts
>A F U C K I N G S T I C K

I love the game's aesthetics

Is the manga any good? Might order some comics.

>frog mutant with all the abilities of a frog + some made up ones like turning invisible
>what are chameleons

Why does Momo straight up summon those cannon? Thats not how the quirk works in the manga

>+ some made up ones like turning invisible
some frogs can change colors, dipshit

how does her quirk work in the manga then

>latest shonen flavor of the month shit anime game
no, no i will not
and you should grow up, get a job, and stop watching anime

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>even considering getting the first game
o i am laffin

The first game for any show is always hot garbage. Wait for the inevitable second one if you want a vidya.


It's a pretty good shonen series, it's basically naruto, except not shit, and with superheros rather then ninja's.

Art is really, really good in the manga as well, pic related. That being said, the anime adaption is really damn good, I'd say you are better off watching it then reading it.

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There was already one for 3DS. This one doesn't look any good either though. The arena fighter formula for anime games needs to stop. It's becoming more played out than musous at this point.

some of us are above 18, user. 'epic' anime fights and japanese tropes out the ass start to get a little old.

What a shit trailer.
Thanks nintendo.

>the absolute state of modern anime

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changing colors isn't fucking invisibility dipshit, she literally mirrors her surroundings including her clothes

they aren't frogs and they don't do that excepting like one sub-species

It's almost like the world is catering to people who have children and not producing progressively more mature things for lonely virgins who will never pass on their genes or have a good time with their own offspring. Have fun being bored, genetic dead end.

>no bird

>Wasting time posting in a thread for something you hate
What a loser.

OPM is better it's seinen tho

*blocks your path*

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BNHA is a bottom tier entry level anime. I'm not surprised Sup Forums likes it.

I like gash, but it's pretty bad manga if you ask me
Like a cheesy preschooler cartoon

Stuff she makes emerges from her skin. She can essentially make any non-organic thing if she knows it's chemical composition and structure to the finest detail. Her creations are produced using food she eats, probably from an inexact ratio favoring the creations

I can see why you'd say that in regards to the anime, since it's heavily kidified, but the manga?

The Manga DOES have light cheesy elements, but foor every goofy childish thing it does it has something else that's superr dark and hits you in the gut. It's why it's so good, it rides on that contrast and tthe darker stuff makes the light stuff feel that much moore uplifting, and the lightt stuff makes the darker stuff that much more of a hit to the feels.

You really think a manga that has abusive parents working their kid to the point of suicide, terminal illnesses, existential crises, etc is for preschoolers?

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Also it gets pretty bloody at times

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