Smash Leaker

why did the thread get archived? how legit was it? did someone make a list of everything he said?

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Other urls found in this thread:

this was the thread btw for context:

>why did the thread get archived?
It reached bump limit i'm pretty sure. Still waiting on those photos but it's late. Guess i'll know if its true in the morning

why what happens in the morning?

He posts a picture with Sakurai

the guy said he'll take a picture of sakurai

>how legit was it?
He didn't mention whether his dad works for Nintendo, so I wouldn't trust it.

That "leaker"...can we trust him? The "new Pokémon" seemed sketchy.

>Why did it get archived

Is this smash 4 season again?

Archived means Fucking nothing, it either didn’t get a post after page 10 or reached bump limit

if this is real i will shit bricks

Well, we just have to wait and see if a Pokemon by that name ever gets revealed. I hope it's fake.

If wonder red is in smash I fucking N U T

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My dick confirmed for Smash! Quick, write it down before the thread gets deleted.

for smashanon from previous thread

why no saki amamiya from sin and punishment as a character?

will online mode have item select this time?

will replays will break everytime the moves are patched? or you will keep the old moveset timings for the replays to work

will meteor attacks and throws be slightly more powerful like in 64?

tell sakurai, we still want all cut smash4 characters as DLC, mewtwo is fun, cloud is important

tell sakurai to come here and post after smash comes out

tell sakurai to make a kid icarus sequel for switch or something new after smash

tell sakurai to listen to this

>falling for """"leaks""""

holy shit Sup Forums why are you so naive

I feel like the waves upon waves of fake smash leaks just happened recently.
And like last time, I'm sure only a single leak in the entire bunch until the game releases will be legit.

>no new DK rep
>no new DK stage
>new pokemon sounds like shit
>literally none of the newcomers appeal to me
gotta be real

>Nobody asked about the smash ballot
We are all in agreement that Bayo likely couldn’t have won that ballot right? Even if she did, Sakurai would have to take into account the runner ups too. It would be completely stupid of him not to.

>Implying anyone believe it's true.

Those are just fun threads user.

I want this to be fake because no Wah.

If i have to be honest, if it's fake is damn well constructed. Either user is legit or he has A LOT of free time.
I'll remain cautiously optimistic for now.

It’s well constructed for sure, but one thing that stood out to me is how they said that the roster has 45 characters, yet only listed 4 cuts (Robin, WFT, Mii, and Cloud.) Multiple people in that thread pointed it out but the “leaker” never responded.

his answers are how a native japanese speaker would respond, his answers are candid, sensible and plausible

and if he's not real
I'm sure bill trinen will read our hopes and desires for smash and tell mr sakurai
I know you're reading this bill!!

You guys are gullible as fuck. Someone speaks in broken English and you lap it up.

>american hours
>people actually fell for this

If it does end up being real I hope Duck Hunt didn't get cut I love them

>Kumo for bear

Yeah no. This is well put together yeah but shit like this is not hard to do. A game like Cross Tag Battle had like 2 """leaks""" on Sup Forums and everyone belived it because of the way they were structured, news articles and everything and then the dlc shit happened. People are too gullible today.

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According to the leaker Duck Hunt isn’t cut.
With the information he gave about the roster maybe the 45 character thing was a typo and he meant 48? Giving the leaker the benefit of the doubt, 8 is under 5 on the number pad of a keyboard. It would make sense because Smash 4 roster had 56 icons and assuming the cuts (Cloud, WFT, Mii, Robin) and the selects being moved under one character (Dark Pit, Lucina, Toon Link, Dr. Mario) which after doing that leaves 48 slots.

It's believable enough that I'll cautiously believe it until it gets disproven
But I won't be talking about anything said like it's fact

The best thing about Smash is the wild ride of hopes and dreams before release. Brawlhype was actually how I discovered this board.

eh who cares, it's fun either way
besides hi bill trinen

Does smash just bring a lot of newfriends or what?

Where's my Sakurai pic?

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Leaker here. Sonic will be confirmed as gay in the new Smash game.

Not happening

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Soon. The leaker said they might take a picture of the office/building to not compromise their job, but who knows. If we get nothing today, then it’s fake.

About as legit as that rayman leak. If that fag doesn't post his """proof"" in the morning like he said I'll shove a Qtip up my dick and post it in his faggy thread before it archives. Screencap this.

Do it

>that part where he describles Inkling's swim mechanics as diving into the ink you make by rolling
Fuck, that sounds convincing. I hate stupid fake leaks but....I really wouldn't mind if this stuff turned out to be real.
He put a lot of detail into the Pokemon bit, if the Gen 8 starter is a bear then that's pretty much it.

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What's this meme of adding Bomberman but not bringing Snake back?

sakurai caught him and TKOed him

Its not happening, he had until 5AM to deliver, the leaker was unsurprisingly full of shit.

Bomberman doesn’t stick out like a sore thumb and as a character has stronger ties with Nintendo than Snake does.

Yes but these are just fanbase reasons that don't really reflect anything Sakurai's ever said or done

>cloud got cut
>but the game mechanics he explained are pretty cool

>every single smash we get fake leakers
>Sup Forums is hooked every single time
Can't wait for the first blurry, overexposed screenshot

was it autism lads?

When did the leaker give a timeframe of the picture besides in a few hours that they would be going into work?

I unironically love all this shit because they throw me off. When an actual real leak happens I might be inclined to think it's fake.

>yet another random jackoff posts a bunch of "leaks" that he can't verify because he's "not at work"
>th-this is probably fake, but I'll ask you 30 questions just in case it's real...

We go through this retarded song and dance every single time a game is announced. How do you gullible dipshits keep falling for this schlock over and over again?

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Smash causes Sup Forums to be flooded by new posters or at least people pretending to be. Case in point, not understanding why threads autosage and get archived.

Yeah don't get me wrong i love it too, ranking them from plausible to ridiculous is fun

Yeah the leaker isn't going to post his pic.

Pic related might actually get in

Bethesda has been supporting the switch pretty hard and there are no iconic skyrim characters

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is there anything inherently wrong with it?

you guys are getting the wrong idea if you think console support really matters that much

>calling moot a newfag

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>"Leak" has half as many newcomers as 4
even if amped up custom moves that better represent individual games are added that sounds lame
and fuck Isaac

Fuck you

I hope they don't waste time with custom moves again.

I wouldn''t mind if there was a proper single player/co op mode to go with them like subspace emmisary

The whole hunting for equipment was awful. There was a lot of equipment power ups that should have just been settings you can tweak in special smash rather than something you have to grind for.

>muh animu swordsman
>muh unique magic makes me different from every other shit swordsman
the leak is probably bullshit but the what it mentions sounds like a cool alternative (custom moves are actually different, selectable, MK style sets that represent a different game in the series)

Hey hey, this post got me thinking. Has there ever been a Smash leak this far away from release that was legit? The Smash 4 Gematsu leak was really close, but it was ultimately a string of lucky guesses.

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cry more fag

This, it's more dependent on what Sakurai plays. He's a big fan of Fire Emblem which was why we got a so much of them in the roster. He praised Minecraft so that's more likely than anything right now.

I would only want them if we could actually use them online.
It seems like such a waste to have all those moves in the game and not be able to use them.

Lucina is a moveset for Marth
but leaker specifically says that Lucas isn't cut but why is he not a moveset for Ness? All the other clones got turned into movesets.
Also when asked why he was leaking info he said it was to get feedback to see if they changed too much, There is no way he could use this feedback to do anything since he would have to explain how he got the feedback.

Indeed, just follow what Sakurai is up to to make predictions. He once mentioned Human Revolution so Adam Jensen is in, and name-dropped John Carmack in one interview so Doomguy is definitely in. gg everybody.

>why is he not a moveset for Ness?
because Lucas plays different from Ness? did you even touch brawl or smash 4?

fuck you

>but leaker specifically says that Lucas isn't cut but why is he not a moveset for Ness? All the other clones got turned into movesets.
Because Lucas isn't a clone, dumbfuck.
His normals are completely different, he fights with kicks, has a ranged grab and is generally focused around multi hits while Ness is just about getting in big damage with a single hit. He's not even Ness' "Luigi", he's completely separate with only vague similarities in like 3 moves.

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>that bear design that manages to be somehow simple yet overdesigned
That definitely looks like a modern Pokémon.

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Inb4 there is a photo of the back of some Japanese guy

Acquaintance who works at id pretty much confirmed Doomguy is not happening

Not him but his specials are basically luigi tier while his normals are nearly completely different outside of like fSmash/uAir/dAir I think?

Glad she'll be gone. Literally the most needless addition ever.

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Dammit I just read through it and I'm a big enough idiot to want to believe it. This man is an expert bullshitter, he must have been planning for this day for a long time to be ready to answer these questions with his lies.

woah that was kind of mean-spirited

fake or not it's a pretty cool design desu

Reminder that Sup Forums is full of people who jump to denial.

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I still remember the "Shulk has Little Mac's face" posts.

Leaker said he was going to take a picture of sakurai but then says "We can't bring devices into work space"

so are we in the reactionary phase of accepting every "leak" just so our posts don't end up in an epic screencap?

>far away
It's less than 9 months now

They behave similarly but in execution they're completely different save for PKT.
>Ness' PSI Magnet is almost completely useless outside of it's intended purpose I think Smash 4 added a windbox? Can't remember.
>Lucas' PSI Magnet lets him change direction in midair, and it has a hitbox that lets him get cheeky offstage kills

>Ness' PK Fire locks the opponent down, allows Ness to get in and get a grab or an Fsmash, great for putting people offstage in a terrible position if landed, but slow as fuck
>Lucas' PK Fire is his "get off me tool" and his go to option in neutral

>lol PK Flash
>PK Freeze can be used for offstage pressure, or maybe punishing bad ledge options, but is also kind of useless

Meanwhile Luigi's Fireball is the same as Mario's but travels straight. Ness and Lucas are totally different.
Typing this out made me realize how useless 2/4 of Ness' specials are, kind of hope the leak is real so Ness has actual usable alt movesets.

I'm sorry

>Lucas' PK Fire is his "get off me tool" and his go to option in neutral
No lol, way too slow and punishable on shield. It's a "I want to force an approach" tool.
Also the biggest game changer is Lucas' tether since he actually has an option to switch up recoveries and not just outright die against certain characters.

Is that really such a bad thing? No one wants to give in and be tricked in the end.

>not accepting the delay to 2019

Name 1 Nintendo produced game that has been delayed in the switch. I'll wait

I don't know, I don't play video games.

You don't need to play them to know the release dates. No one here actually play games

If he follows carmack then carmack is confirmed. Also, he follows his wife everywhere she goes so i guess she is confirmed too.

I don't know how I feel about that stamina mechanic. It sounds like it could be good to stop spamming rolls and air dodges or it could be a hindrance for average play.

oh man, just looking at this takes me back, people were REALLY grasping at straws

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the best thing about this leak was how it was mostly legit but he had to go and throw in a fake dlc list anyway
really optimizes my chestnuts

Do you think we can expect a gamexplain video talking about this?

Sakurai mentioned in an interview that he bought a toy so he could use the gun it came with as reference. None of the characters in this leak have guns