Why aren't we talking about her game?

Why aren't we talking about her game?
Is it because of the VR exclusive, how many of the anons actually own VR sets.

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The art style has turned to cartoony shit, so people have dropped it.

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I thought Despereaux was a guy this whole time.

Don't tell me it's Ghost of a Tale you're talking about, is it?

Might help to mention what game it is, I'd say Ghost of a Tale because mice but it's not VR exclusive so I'm curious as to what you're talking about

>games about mice and other rodents will never reach the hyper-violent redwall-inspired soulsborne zenith they deserve on account of cutesy shit and furries

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Oh thank god. It turns out Moss is just a toony rip off of Ghost of a Tale. I was worried they renamed it and bastardised the graphics so it would run on psvr.

>falling for the VR meme

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At least there's been an influx of redwall games recently, maybe one will get it right

I will stick to Redwall thank you very much

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What's with the influx of rat fuckers.

Brian Jacques the writer of the Redwall books which were about mice and rats passed away in 2011 so I guess people have been inspired to make games in similar universes to Redwall since the books were pretty popular. Take this all with a grain of salt for I am drunk.

Man, the new Tales of Despereaux video game looks great.

This changes everything.

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the game was fun for what it is. a little on the short side though.

>a little on the short side though

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Fucking Carlos.

screenshots of previous design?

>shitting on desperaux
redwall is way furrier fren
still good though, but like animal crossing, its been tainted

I'd rather play Ghost of a Tale.

Since this is a dead thread anyway, Vive or Oculus? Even with the Vive's better headset and price drop those Oculus Touch controllers look too good to pass up