/bst/ Battlestation Thread

Post, rate, gay it up.

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I like the color coordination on the casters for the chair


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sorry for the bad pic

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In-progress BST. Just needs some sprucing.

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That's a meme, right?

god this looks comfy
>girls last tour
my nigga

>and this is our son anons room

It's not over yet...

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what's wrong with whisky, anime and historical armaments?

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your browser?

that's firefox user

>Joycon collection

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you seem like a really short person OP, are you?

that low ceiling would really bother me. otherwise not bad.


man im not even aweeb but that looks comfy as shit
how much do you make to be able to afford all that shit

xd s o y

not a lot, just save up for the stuff you want and starve yourself

If you consider 5'2 short

why do weebs have to plaster their weebshit over every inch of their personal space? have they never heard of minimalism? is this just another symptom of their shit taste?


>why do people who like this thing want to decorate their living space with this thing they enjoy
well gee you fucking stumped me there bud

use it

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because it's my personal space

I wish I had some big ass speakers on my desk but I'm stuck with tingy laptop speakers for when I don't want to wear headphones. Do y'all have a recommendation for good computer speakers? Thanks.

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>Why do people have more spare change than me

>tacticool gun
no thanks

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so you dont understand the concept of minimalism, gotcha

The fluances I've got there have been pretty nice for the price. Been using shitty laptop speakers all my life too so it's a huge difference.

minimalism is for reddit posers

What is there to understand? You seem to not understand that some people can like it and some people don't.

my desktop is pretty minimal, I have nothing against minimal set ups but it's my room so I will do whatever I feel comfortable with to it

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Why the blank Daki

if you squint really hard and look at just the right angel under the right lighting conditions you can see that, there is, in fact, a cute girl on the daki

You gotta give your tower more room to breathe OP, you're asking for heat issues hemming it up in the corner like that

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it's just too much. if you're from a rich family fine, be as tacky as you wanna be, but if the money you're spending on those rows of manga and anime and figurines etc is actually something you have to work for then god, why?

it's conspicuous consumption, it's the fetishization of commodities, it literally looks like you're buying stuff to convince yourself to have a personality. you have a personality, you don't need to make your room a museum of you to demonstrate it.

also, the only people to whom the presentation of your room matters is people you want to fuck, and very very few people are going to be impressed by that.

i get you want to customize your space, but when customizing your space means "buying shit" 100% of the time, then that doesn't say much about you.

and this is a phenomenon that is clearly in overdrive with (american) weebs, so what does that tell you

Nice mousepad.

I enjoy the cluttered aesthetic and I like stuff

you like your ultrawide, thinking of getting one?

why do you care what some weeb fuck does with his own money?

it's just that every weeb room looks exactly the same, they are all cluttered with figurines, they all have the book case full of manga on display, and as much wallspace as possible taken up by barely differentiated anime women. its practically pathological.

and it says something about them, and it says something about the culture they're a part of where they see themselves in it. it's anthropological.

Cool I'll check em out, thanks.

The way the ceiling becomes lower suggests a manlet lives in that PC corner.

Frame your Eva poster.

>general shit on Sup Forums
>making battlestation threads at all
lurk moar retard

He's been posting BST threads on Sup Forums and Sup Forums constantly for months now.

Neat. What speakers are those?

Fluance SX6

what speakers are those? nice set up

What Amp/DAC you use for them?

Lepy LP-2020A which is the cheapest one I could find. Will probably get something better soon.

Mackie CR3

As the other user said, and as a psychologist I can confirm this is 100% pathological insanity. Development issues, for sure. Insecurity. Smothered as a child.

you first, fucco

I don't see it.

but I wasn't smothered at all as a child

check the edges, you might be able to see some faint lines of a girl

small white dick spotted

You have an unhealthy fixation on what others do for fun, go see a quack.

do you remember where you got that little shelf for your desk? I've been trying to find something similar to that for the past month or so.

Just gonna repost the collage i worked hard on.

It's okay user, i still think your room is comfy.

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would hang out with, what keyboard?

pok3r with some shitty chink eva-01 themed keycaps + almost every evangelion artisan keycap that exists.

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Made some changes

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Had this setup for a while, it's done me good for a while.

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So you are the one who post my rig everytime

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