Why we see more Japanese "rockstar" developers compared to others

Source : web.archive.org/web/sitemap/https://www.polygon.com/2018/3/16/17123366/concept-teams-mizuguchi-ueda-sakaguchi

>Say a new game designer enters the industry, fresh out of school. They take a job at one of Japan’s established game companies like Capcom or Sony, get a couple lucky breaks and become a producer on one of the company’s smaller games.

>The company, like many in Japan, is big on promoting a face behind each of its games. So it starts to set up photo shoots for them, crafting their hairstyle and outfits to make them stand out. It places them in interviews with magazines like Weekly Famitsu. It sets up public skits and silly promotional videos, making them into an entertainer as much as a game developer.

>This helps the company, many say, since it gives players someone to identify with when they’re thinking of which games to buy. It also helps the designer, since it builds up their public profile and gives them a bit of fame to negotiate with.

>So they use that fame, and after working on a sequel or two, they move over to a bigger franchise or build something from scratch. It takes off. People start to call them a visionary. They travel around the world, becoming known as not only a developer, but an ambassador for their employer.

>While all this is happening, they start to gain more influence internally. Their days become less collaborative and more top-down, with those around them constantly looking for direction and feedback.

>A few years pass, and they move into a management role at the company, as is a common career path. People still talk about them, despite their work being less hands-on, and they get a credit on every game the company ships. They appear on stage during formal award presentations. In the public eye, they become game industry royalty.

Attached: FighterZ.jpg (4000x2250, 548K)

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Shame Itagaki's career is basically dead now.

>Oatmeal cookie-san

>One will protect, the other will try to rapw your ass?
Well, Sup Forums?

He was up until he left Tecmo. Since then his career's fallen into outright JUST territory.

>not a Hideo and Kojima tag team


All his interviews take place in some sort of VIP section in a club with girls and alcohol around him

I think the US problem would be with "Giving them a bit of fame to negotiate with".

The most successful US game companies are Activision and EA. They churn out the same game repeatedly with minor upgrades like a factory.

As a matter of cold, hard, efficiency, they don't want their employee pawns to ever start thinking they're players.

JP game makers act more like the movie industry, churning out plebeian tier "art" and promoting select game-makers as "artists", while US companies behave as if they are manufacturing widgets.

This is possibly the only intelligent post on Sup Forums today.

Yeah, so now western indie devs are going out and replicating the same process.
Indie scene has it's own share of "rockstars"

I hope you're ready to swallow the black pill. People like Kojima or Inafune aren't actually game designers, they're just the most charismatic, usually attractive people in a game's development team. Oatmeal man didn't shape Dead or Alive, Team Ninja did. Kamiya didn't shape DMC, Itsuno did. Kojima didn't shape MGS, Fukushima did. Inafune didn't shape Mega Man, Kitamuta did. That's why their "solo" careers have proven to be lackluster, with the exception of Kamiya.

Conversely, western game developers behave as a unit, each member is crucial to the team. Break up the team and the games suffer, see Romero's Daikatana and Carmack's RAGE. Western game developers need to have chemistry between key members to make things work, Japanese game developers lord their celebrity status over their subordinates and then go on twitter and larp that they actually do work on games and not just bark orders at programmers, kind of what happened to them when assembly language was the only viable language to make games with.

Attached: file.png (200x331, 67K)

This is probably due to Sony being a movie company and Microsoft being in the consumer electronics business.

And they're all hacks.

So basically, Kojima is the Thomas Edison of vidya?

Here's the actual link


Eh... I think its just standard practice by country.

After all, Sony is primarily an electronics-maker, aren't they? And their efforts to make movies kinda suck.

Regardless of actual contribution to the creative process, the most charismatic people make the best leaders, and any kind of creative project benefits from having a primary authority providing a guiding vision.

Thomas Edison was an actual genius who understood the long term ramifications that post-industrial law would have on society long before anyone else did and exploited it to make himself rich.

Kojima is a guy who posts photos of burgers in twitter.

No one wants to give them clicks shit for brains

he makes his own studio in italy

>the most charismatic people make the best leaders

Jobs and Gates were both notorious asshole who treated their employees like shit.

Anyone who's in the military has seen that charismatic people don't get shit done.

No, Kojima is the Steve Jobs of vidya.

so this is the power of nu/v/

>the most charismatic people make the best leaders
Agreed. Just look at Steve Jobs. The guy had little electronics knowledge and was a total asshole.
But his conferences and self-importance aura carried him and Apple a long way

Attached: wcFoSVz.jpg (640x543, 56K)

eat shit

>any kind of creative project benefits from having a primary authority providing a guiding vision

Not true. Splatoon was pitched by newbies at Nintendo, Miyamoto nor any of the old guard had anything to do with it. It turned out to be a great new IP and a surprise success. Games like these terrify celebrity designers, who only have their name propping their games up. Would anyone give a shit about Death Stranding if Kojima didn't make it?

Get that weak shit out of here

Charismatic =/= "nice"

Also, the military is a terrible example.
When you're dealing with a body of people who are psychologically conditioned to obey orders, of course the charisma of a leader doesn't matter, cuz "Orders are orders".

Charisma grants the ability to earn loyalty from people who have no obligation to give you any.

>Miyamoto nor any of the old guard had anything to do with it
Why do you assume that "leadership" means the old men in the company?
I never said anything even a little similar to that.

Even if it was newbies, they very likely had a leader.

I prefer dudes like Mikami who keep it low key.

Attached: shinji-mikami-profile-530px.jpg (530x294, 26K)

This man has built his own persona as the face of Splatoon.

Attached: hisashi nogami.jpg (1280x720, 151K)

Also check the article too.
These guys become too famous for themselves, so when they quit, they can never enter another company because a) They can ask for a lot of control and money b) "Rockstars" of the other company will never have their fame from them in that company.

So they are forced to go indie.

See : Kojima, Udea, Sakaguchi, SWERY65, Taro.

His S is backwards

it's actually 2 :^)

That's because Nintendo realized adding a "face" to their games helps them sell more.
See how much they push Reggie, Aonuma and recently Koizumi in their marketing.

Attached: Koizumi.jpg (480x360, 11K)

Conversely, if it's not the director, it's usually the main artist who carries the games. i.e. Tsunako for Neptunia, Takeuchi for Type-Moon and Mel Kishida to a certain degree for Atelier.

Japs, or perhaps Asians in general, do love face-of-the-band material people.

Nah, for as much flak as Edison gets he was still a genius and made a ton of things that were previously completely out of reach for the common man and extremely unprofitable to mass-produce absolute mainstays that everyone uses even nowadays.

Mate, Kojima actually is a director. He actually puts some work in his games, and you can see that, for better or worse. Don't put him in the same bubble as Inafune where he's literally a producer. he's not even active in the dev team, calling the shots.

Apple's marketing department was 100% responsible for their success and you damn well know it.

military is the ULTIMATE test of leadership skills

you're an idiot

image needs taro

"Issuing a group competent commands" =! "Leadership"

>ULTIMATE test of leadership
This meme is pleb-tier.
However, military people do have an advantage in leading civilians because strength is charismatic, but that has nothing to do with gaining compliance from soldiers who will be jailed if they disobey.

Difference is japanese games are art and rightfully attributed to their artists, whereas american games are products, attributed to their manufacturing plants.

you are literally fucking retarded

You literally have no argument and are spouting insults and (pathetically) slogans.

you are literally a homosexual

You use the word "literally" like a redditor.

Pretty sure that alone makes you a faggot and a half.

Also, you're super mad.

you're literally gay

I just want to get back on Swery's ruse cruise