Hitscan heroes countered by auto-aim heroes

>hitscan heroes countered by auto-aim heroes
>tanks straight up better than almost every damage hero in every way
>2 tanks / 2 healers minimum or loss
>heroes with the lowest skill cieling happen to be strongest
>continuously adding more shield heroes, even though nothing counters shields
>only 1 hero can reduce heal effects, and shes a healer
>gameplay = shoot damage sponges until ult is ready
>theres a hero where you literally shoot the floor to OHKO
>27 heros, yet 3/4 of them are utterly useless in rare special circumstances

why the FUCK do people play this unbalanced trash game again?

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utterly useless unless in rare special circumstances*

It's "cool" to play it, that's it.

>>hitscan heroes countered by auto-aim heroes
git gud
>>tanks straight up better than almost every damage hero in every way
tanks / 2 healers minimum or loss
git gud
>>heroes with the lowest skill cieling happen to be strongest
didn't know widowmaker was low skill
>>continuously adding more shield heroes, even though nothing counters shields
junkrat/bastion say hello
>>only 1 hero can reduce heal effects, and shes a healer
git gud
>>gameplay = shoot damage sponges until ult is ready
um how else would you get ultimate charge?
>>theres a hero where you literally shoot the floor to OHKO
being fixed next
heros, yet 3/4 of them are utterly useless in rare special circumstances
git gud

there OP btfo

>git gud

Woah you sure showed him

i dont know why but twitch faggots like timthetatman and xqc get the attention of all the little kid's

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>git gud the post

i honestly saw this reply a mile away, and "git gud" is not a counter argument to anything i said

also junkrat/bastion are garbage in higher elos, and widow is only good against shit teams who dont abuse shield mechanics

Having healers in action games is retarded. The entire function of a healer is to prevent things rom dying yet the flow of action games depends preciously on people dying.

The only exception is when healing is a supplementary part of what a character can do rather than a defining trait. For example having a single non-spammable attack which has minor life leech.

>nothing counters shields
Keep your bronze rambling to yourself, every babby knows you can destroy shields quickly by simply switching to junkrat, Pharah, bastion (bastion is pretty shit but he deals high damage) but knowing plebs who talk lowly of this game have 1 never played this game or 2 are very low in skill rating

>gameplay = shoot damage sponges until ult is ready
>eft first place to win
>go from a to b to win
>get most kills to win
>click to shoot
People who over-simplify game mechanics should be shot. Not dead but like in the knees.

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you haven't played the game have you?

All I know is that I dropped this game after 50-ish hours and happily went back to TF2.

this. Anything sounds stupid if you over simplify

>junkrat is garbage in higher elos
That's wrong. He's kind of situational, but not garbage.

>widow is only good against shit teams who dont abuse shield mechanics
That's insanely wrong. Maybe watch some high level games or some pro matches (Pro Overwatch LOL).

It helps no one to be reductive!

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he simply said junkrat and bastion just because
OP implied there is no counter to shields when you can simply switch to more high damage characters like junk,bastion or pharah. Even Roadhog/reaper could delet a shield if he keeps shooting

>nothing counters shields
>what is Moira and Symmetra

>meme meta is to pick a bunch of high mobility characters, pick off the supports in the back, and then run over everyone else.
>meta has been there for months now because Blizzard is shit at balance
>shitter has trouble with shields because theres no counter
It's hard to even argue when you fundamentally don't know how to play.

>What is winston even

not op but here you go you retard

The gameplay of overwatch, sadly, boils down to repeatedly shooting enemies to build up your ultimate skill to have any kind of impact against teams with two tanks with shields (aka the meta) holding a choke/point, with two healers healing them. In almost every situation, more than two-thirds of the cast of playable characters are useless.

As with most competitive games, you're not playing with people who aim to git gud with a few characters, but people who watch pro streams and think "woah i can do that too!!!!" and pick people they watch their favourite streamer play to pull off the same sick moves. The problem is the streamer is more often than not, actually skilled as the character and knows what to expect in certain situations.

So ultimately, it boils down to shooting targets and waiting for your team to create or utilize an opening, or waiting for all your ults to co-ordinate an attack to get enemies off the choke/point. Sadly, this doesn't feel satisfying because this is pretty much how every game will play out for the average player and I would not recommend spending any money on this shitty game, you would have more fun mowing your lawn by cutting each individual piece of grass with chopsticks.

>hitscan heroes countered by auto-aim heroes
>tanks straight up better than almost every damage hero in every way
>heroes with the lowest skill cieling happen to be strongest
Maybe if you are bronze.

theres a reason why junk/bastion/pharah are among the least picked in all brackets higher than gold. they are very situational and garbage if theres 1 hitscan on the enemy team

Trying to Git gud people on OW. I bet youre one of those that thinks rating means anything i'm this trash game where you can't get anywhere without a team unless youre solo queuing as tracer.

t. SEETHING pinhead

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thanks, i really didnt feel like explaining this to these thick headed numbskulls

>I bet youre one of those that thinks rating means anything i'm this trash game where you can't get anywhere without a team unless youre solo queuing as tracer.
You strike me as a dps main so i'll just say this, this game is not made for you. Just having good aim isn't enough, you need teamwork/synchronization to accomplish anything in this game dude. You have to work with other people to gain a higher rank that is befitting for a good team player. Even a good tracer needs healing or back-up to really shine because she is more of a disruptor, someone who sneaks behind enemies and harasses them.

>hitscan heroes countered by auto-aim heroes

Auto Aim -> Winston, Moira, Symmetra

Two are literally supports and should not lose 1v1 to any hitscan DPS. Other is a tank that loses to tracer, mccree, reaper, and possibly soldier and widow under perfect circumstances

>tanks straight up better than almost every damage hero in every way

Except burst damage and mobility in a lot of situations.

>2 tanks / 2 healers minimum or loss

"What is quad tank?"

>heroes with the lowest skill cieling happen to be strongest

Tracer, Genji, D.VA, Winston, Zen, and Moira are strongest atm. Tracer and Genji are among the higher skill heroes in the game. Winston and Moira are comparably easy but still require good decision making especially at pro level.

>continuously adding more shield heroes, even though nothing counters shields

Sombra, Junk, Bastion, (and to a lesser extent) Doomfist

>only 1 hero can reduce heal effects, and shes a healer

Killing healers reduces healing effects lol

>gameplay = shoot damage sponges until ult is ready

gameplay = click on things until they disappear

>theres a hero where you literally shoot the floor to OHKO

and everyone hates it, so it's being removed

>27 heros, yet 3/4 of them are utterly useless in rare special circumstances

which is the entire point of the game, countering heroes with other heroes

tl;dr git gud or play something else

>People who over-simplify game mechanics should be shot. Not dead but like in the knees.
That's exactly what Blizzard did. It wouldn't be an issue if they didn't try so hard to force an e-sports scene though.

>even though nothing counters shields
Symmetra does, though.

Name literally one game where "all you need" is good aim to succeed. Don't act like game sense, positioning, and knowledge of the game are things exclusive to Overwatch, just because it happens to overemphasize on Coordination so shitters can contribute or throw the game down the drain.

I think this the most retarded opinion so far and I'm gonna need you to clarify how you came to that conclusion

Her orbs can pass through shields.

>sym orbs

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