What's Sup Forums gonna be like on launch day?

What's Sup Forums gonna be like on launch day?

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Far Cry Primal:

Primal has to be the lowest point in Ubishits history of boring turds...

>24 hours to get 100%, but not more then 2-3 hours worth of story related missions.
>get forced into reading subtitles for the slowest speaking language you could possibly come up with
>no artificial Lightning (because of time period) makes the day/night circle and especially the cave exploring the most frustrating and unfun mechanic imaginable.
>you spend the whole game pressing the button for your much needed 15 seconds of batman vision (without it it's impossible to navigate the copy + paste scenery)
>you get the exact same enemies from 3,4 with new textures
>every inch of progress is behind a massive amount grinding for resources
>not only do you get nothing for hunting down all the collectibles...they even have the audacity to cap the XP gain at around 90%.
>this game eclipses the sheer amount of animal slaughtering from all the other games. Always pushing for unnecessary violence while keeping the auto generated loot stashes as unprofitable as possible. And then the very last cutscene shows us a child becoming friends with an animal....how sincere of you ubishit.
>all the weapons are flimsy trash and even the best upgraded bow is more shitty then the starting bow of the other games.
>the map is overcrowded as fuck with nonsensically spawning enemies that will annoy the shit out of you, and an unbearable amount of utterly useless side-content that gives you no sense of accomplishment.
>the more skills you unlock the more the map becomes filled with irritating crap that never goes away.
>while the map is massive you get no memorable locations at all out of it.
>they have Borderlands 2 like raid bosses in the game that have so much fucking health that you have to fight them for ages.
>the problem of not respawning outposts is still a thing, but this time they're also entirely boring to do (since no real strongholds are to be found in that time period)

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when you post dumb pasta like this at least wait 10 min after the first post to make it seem like you actually took time to write it

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I feign ignorance to your post in the light of this being my very own pasta and I will dumb it on every FC3 shill thread that emerges.

I didn't play it yet, but it sounds perfect for history buffs.

And you look into a FPS for your history fix? That aside you can't interact with anything and whenever you stand still to "appreciate" those copy+paste landscapes you get a pack of wolves spawned in your vicinity.

I wouldn't know, since ever Far Cry game is shit and I'll be ignoring everything about this game. I expect it will do well though since normal fags eat up whatever the Triple A western market shits out.

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I don't mind the mix. I like the way Ubisoft shuffle settings in AC or Far Cry, I agree that they copy paste most of side content, but it's a shooter, not an RPG. There's no reason to 100% it if it bores you.

list 3 of your most recent played games

Not a Sup Forumstard but I’m genuinely keen to be slaughtering white enemy NPCs for once

I have ignored most Far Cry's but this one interests me.
I cannot be fucked to look at gameplay. Is it looty at all? Is it like other open world games? What defines a 'far cry' game?

Who could be behind this post

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No threads until it goes on 80% sale because only marketers pretend they care about Ubishit here

Towers outposts and a villain better then the hero
Plus this one is in Montana

since FC3 at least: sandbox gameplay(you can choose your loadouts, play style, theres tons of side missions), charismatic villain, wackiness around every corner, drug trips
There is loot but it's not a loot shooter, for example since FC3 you basically have to go hunting specific animals to craft equipment like bigger backpack to hold more of your shit.

>Ubisoft still won't fucking make Blood Dragon 2

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FC5 wont have towers surprisingly

Reddit is too small an audience.

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>What's Sup Forums gonna be like on launch day?

>something something denuvo

I somehow skipped 4 even though I really liked 3, and didn't give 2 shits about Primal so I'm actually excited for this.

Sup Forums invasion.

The first game had you fight whites in addition to blacks. Diversity, if you will.

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3-5 work like this
You are some American dude who gets thrown into a remote area that has an evil faction controlling 95% of the map and a rebel faction you join
You complete mission, overtake outposts and climb and reconfigure towers, although 5 is scrapping the towers, to gain more control of the map and do side activities for money to buy guns
Since the enemies rely on hitscanning and the environments are wide open, you end up relying on stealth, and you can use animals to kill enemies to make taking over outposts easier
The funny thing about 3-5 is that 3 ended up laying down the foundation of the standard 8th gen open world game so hard that it seems really generic now

okay thank you. I have to ask one more question

Is it "immersive"?

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>3 ended up laying down the foundation of the standard 8th gen open world game so hard that it seems really generic now

Now hold on there for a moment, pardner, you sure you don't mean Todd Howard's Skyrim? Far Cry 3 was described as "Skyrim with Guns", did you forget?

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No, it's a Arnold power fantasy

I don't think I'll even torrent it

Dang it I think I'll just pull an ol' "watch streams of it and never get around to playing it myself" on this one

You know all jokes aside, I am kind of shocked that Skryim didn't get a shitload of clones after it sold 30M copies

You can only clone easy ideas.

far cry is bad even by military babysitter standards

you get a gameover if you don't follow the mission scripts precisely, such as leaving the general area

think that over for a second, far cry is designed for less intelligent people than fallout or borderlands

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That quote was a joke out of context


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Ubishit keep making the same games to the exact basic game template. It would be alright if that template waan't collectathon borefest shit

See pic.

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>Im so confused its a person who has a different political opinion then me that isn't portrayed as a villain
A real quote from gamespot
But what if i like that shity template?

>list 3 of your most recent played games
SCP: Secret Laboratory
Slay the Spire

Probably a ton of shit indie games

You don't need to be intelligent to play vidya
Plebonians can simply put on easy modu


Sup Forums will whine and cry about it non-stop, because they're special snowflakes who can't handle any depiction of America, rednecks, or the right-wing as less than perfect
They're never going to play it and I guarantee you every thread about it post-launch won't be about the gameplay or actual faults of the game, but complaining about how the game personally attacks and persecutes them and their fragile feelings

Only slay the spire looks interesting.
The rest look like old garbage

>says all this while using reddit spacing

Now it's your turn, name your last 5.

>but I’m genuinely keen to be slaughtering white enemy NPCs for once
you mean like every far cry game before this one?

It's funny since the game shows black cult members and seems to show the blue-collar people of the county as broadly sympathetic.

far cry 1
far cry 2
far cry 3
far cry 4
far cry primal


Based Ubibro

Too scared to put yourself out there eh bud?

>Sup Forums will whine and cry about it non-stop, because they're special snowflakes who can't handle any depiction of America, rednecks, or the right-wing as less than perfect

there will be more false flaggers than anything on launch day. They will flood the board desu.

>What are some games that (pol bait)
>(Sales figures) Take that Sup Forums
>Now that the dust is settled, can we agree that this is an accurate depiction of the white problem?

So on and so forth. I'm leaving for the week it comes out, the board will be in a fully unusable state.

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Good that game was for meme spouting faggots. This time we are getting some gook blastin Nam dlc

>Sup Forums will whine and cry about it non-stop
No, just retarded people like yourself who buy into marketed manufactured controversy and REEEEEEE at Sup Forums for the failure of the game despite it being yet another design by committee, paint by numbers, uninspired, open world slogfest testament to mediocrity just like mafia 3 will be here crying about it.

>hurk for state senate
i can't even imagine the campaign for that psuedo redneck hippy

Full blown Sup Forums Invasion where a bunch of autists come here to"redpill' us but actually embarrass themselves and eventually after about a week they go back to their shitty reddit infested circlejerk board

Is there finally an explanation of how the us goverment / national guard / etc. are not involving into it?

>planned DLC

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farcry is paint by numbers shit now

no one will care.

the media and leftists were a mistake

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>t. soy boy California liberal

There doesn't exist a real person on this fucking board who cares about this SJW, retard, AAA, microtransaction filled lootbox open world trash ubishit garbage.


Yet EVERY day threads pop up with people pretending like it's good. No. Fuck off. This is like the burger king of food.

Nobody wants a fucking burger king on Sup Forums when they could have any choice of classy restaurants with world famous food.

Stop your shilling and fuck off.

You are fucking shills.


>how to spot upset libtard

>shilling a huge corporation who only cares about money and will pander to any demographic it sees fit just to maximize its profits

A game where you kill a retarded cult triggers Sup Forums. hmm really makes you think

Can't wait to pull the trigger on every poltard and post screenshots

Dose these many ">>>>>>>>>>>>......" represent your gape?

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dude, this just makes you look mad as fuck

u wot
Primal is literally the only good Ubishit game. Still the story is awful and every good guy is black.

Shill. Try harder, ubishit. Shill faggot.

>hurrr an ubishit game is too hard for me
honestly kill yourself

>literally just shilling
i dont play your faggot games, fag shill

Hurk's father is running for senate.


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no shit, the only game you play is probably giving you a groin rash at this point
compared to asscreed and the other far cry games and it's a master piece

>Unnecessary violence

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Won't know I'll be playing the game.


are you ok, user?

no, you advertising fuck. you faggots are invading Sup Forums to astroturf your shitty game.

>now if you have too many white people in your game, white people get mad


that actually looks promising

imagine thinking that ubisoft actually has employees posting on Sup Forums lol

I don't think most people care. Most people will be busy playing the game over talking shit over fake political/religious commentary.

So what you mean is that it'll be just like every other day on Sup Forums?

Most people, yes
Most people who frequent this board, no. It's more important to reinforce your opinions and beliefs instead of playing games